CMDR K1ngFloyd 资料 > 航行日志

(Diamondback Explorer)
10,780,413,091 Cr
Fleet Carriers Ahoy! X

After 4-5 jumps Gemini Dream arrived at HD 111319 and managed to get First Discovered and First Mapped by me.

Changed ship to one of my Anacondas, "EYE IN THE SKY" 81ly range! Went Premium Jumponium and jumped 142ly even higher to HIP 63425 and scored another First Discovered and First Mapped.

Couldn't find more systems in the immediate vicinity above/around HIP 63425, guess is the highest system around here.

I declared Gemini Dream first mission a total success!

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! IX

Made my second Jump with Gemini Dream and went straight up Sirius to my target system...

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! VIII

Arrived at Luyten's Star, started the transfer process of designated ships from Sirius.

Got one of my Imperial Cutters, the mighty "Crimean Queen" with 728 tones of cargo capacity and started the long process of purchasing 3K tones of Tritium and load it into Gemini Dream.

Got 1K limpets too.

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! VII

Got a crash when exiting super cruise arriving at the Carrier and after several in.

Finished liveries, activating services, changing crew and made my first jump!

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! VI

Login problems, server connection issues...ARX spending...and finally got my Fleet Carrier and named it GEMINI DREAM

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! V

Maintenance and patch delayed! Not a surprise at all. After all the delays and some technical issues the patch was applied and Servers are OK

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! IV

Not gonna lie, I skipped work today

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! III

Took my Imperial Courier to Kruger 60 at Kepler Gateway so I can purchase the Fleet Carrier

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! II

Made sure all my fleet was parked at Sirius my home system

Fleet Carriers Ahoy! I

20 Billions cash and 25 Billions in assets