CMDR Ice_X 资料 > 航行日志

(Type-9 Heavy)
Beagle Point

The [DW2] Party Bus has delivered on her promise to take me as far from Sol as she could. The trusty type-9 and I reached Beagle Point this afternoon around 3pm.

The journey was mostly enjoyable with very little trouble. I learned a lot along the way, particularly about EDSM and EDDiscovery. Excellent tools that really give this activity the depth it deserves. The trip itself can be broken down into a few stages:

Stage 1: The start of DW2. We traveled out to DW2 Waypoint 3 with the expedition as a whole. I brought a mining Keelback initially to help with the CG at the Asteroid Base.

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Stage 2: A long unexpected hiatus. Upon return, I shipped up in the Party Bus and headed out with the intent of filling the Codex.

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Stage 3: Change of plans. A few days in, I realized there was a separate Codex for every sector of the galaxy! This undertaking was far too large for the scope of the Type-9. I would instead continue the Distant World's 2 expedition to it's completion.

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Stage 4: Reaching Sag A. I took a lot of time to FSS and map every system and every ELW, Ammonia, WW, and terraformable. This earned me Elite when I reached WP7. Shortly after we reached the super-massive singularity at the center of the galaxy.

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Stage 5: Neutron superhighway. Realizing the daunting distance still to go, I relied heavily on the Neutron stars along the way to extend the jump range on this lumbering space cow. She handled it in stride, as I knew she would.

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Stage 6: Crossing the Abyss. I came upon a deadend once we reached the permit locked systems just south of the Abyss. I continued east until an opening appeared, and we began our tepid path through distant stars.

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Stage 7: Reaching Beagle Point. After media logs were captured, it was time to relax. I landed on Beagle Point 2 and embarked on a surface jaunt that concluded with some additional jumponium materials for my next quest. While I have decided that this adventure will end at Beagle, I am already making preparations for my next chapter.

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The Party Bus has been an excellent friend, and I will miss her. She will be scuttled shortly into retirement.

The views here are truly incredible.

I think I'll sit here for a just a little while longer.

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End log.

Distant Worlds 2 Expedition Catch-Up

After repairing the FSD and stocking up on AFMU resupplies while at Armstrong's Landing, I departed for Sag A. Commander Maxter joined me in telepresence as we jumped into system. It was a magnificent sight indeed. This would be my second time seeing the super-massive black hole, but it had been a few years and I had forgotten how breathtaking it really is.

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Once media logging had been completed, we jumped into the virtual CQC Arena for some good ol' fashioned blasting stuff.

After dinner and tidying up the ship, I set course for Goliath's Rest (waypoint 8). A short time later I departed the galactic core.

At 2,000 lightyears away, I discovered a rather beautiful ringed water world to setup orbit for a few nights. I will spend some time resting and relaxing here before I continue the journey, which will likely be in 3 to 4 days.

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I've also been studying my technique for escaping the inevitable drop into a neutron star exclusion zone.

I am currently following these steps:

  1. AFMU online, canopy module preselected.
  2. Approach tail at 10MM/s
  3. While approaching, cycle through all nearby stars until finding one near center of the compass. (my escape star, if needed)

If dropped into EZ:

  1. Repair canopy immediately
  2. High-wake to escape star

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Hopefully I won't need to use these steps, but I feel much more prepared than I did previously.

End log.

First Entry

I've only just discovered EDSM functionality along with EDDiscovery. This will be my first log entry:

Currently following the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition waypoints.

Spirits are high.

Reached Armstrong's Landing this evening at WP 7.

Plan for tomorrow is to repair the ship and all modules, followed by photos/video at Sag A, and then truck on towards WP 8.

Having reached Explorer Elite at WP 7, I am no longer concerned about earning credits. As such, I have begun using neutron highways for a faster commute. While damage to the ship has been minimal, I must start planning for AFMU refills as needed.

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I am unsure if I will reach WP 8 tomorrow - if not, possibly by the end of the week. Looking at the route, it appears the waypoints are further and further apart. I have been considering a jumpaconda for my next expedition; although the views from the Type-9 are sublime.

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End log.