CMDR CDMRJAX7 资料 > 航行日志

Grave Metallum [SF-28C]
(Imperial Cutter)
Home again!

CMDR's LOG 33080219 - As of yesterday, we made it back to the Bubble! The experience being gone for so long with little resources was staggering! This time we will take our time, rebuild our resources, and ensure we have more than enough to survive in the Black for an extended period. Time for us to start making credits, buy needed ships, and get that carrier fuel.

Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation)

CMDR's LOG 33080218 - Well, we are almost home! A little over 5.5k LY left before getting back, but first a small stop for a major fuel purchase and a decision to sell off another ship for credits.

Once we settle back into the Bubble earning credits will be easy and I can get back all I lost in Colonia. I was a straight bum in Colonia...I had no money, little carrier fuel, and no hope.

Glad I decided to make the long journey back to the Bubble!

Skaudai CH-B d14-34

CMDR's LOG 33080216 - We are now half way back home to the Bubble...10K LY plus outside of Colonia space. Damn! It feels so good to be free out here in the black and I feel we may not stay in the Bubble that long before heading out again.

Fuel has been tricky, but with the star ports along the Colonia Bridge we have been able to re-supply as we go along. Money now becomes the biggest issue, however, that can be made back pretty quickly in the Bubble.

For now, I'm happy we are making some head way.

Eoch Flyuae ZU-Y b17-16

CMDR's LOG 33080216 - Decided to vacate Colonia and head back home. We are approximately 3K LY outside of Colonia space travel the Colonia Bridge network. Pleasant trip so far and made a few Tritium purchases on the cheap along the way.

The crew has been given some time off while I stay over night at CB The Green Star. I will hang around for at least a day to see what the Tritium looks like and we will continue our trip tomorrow.

We are keeping records on how much Tritium we are using, and by our calculations we should make it Helgrind Gateway to purchase the remainder of the fuel need for home. I am so glad to be out of Colonia back in the black. Can't wait to make it back to the Bubble to start making some real credits.

Wondering mind...

CMDR's LOG 33080214 - Can I really stay in Colonia another 4 weeks? I know my crew will endure it, but I am going crazy being away from the Bubble for nearly two years now! I am wondering after this Colonia project this week if I should leave...

No! I don't have the carrier fuel to get me back to the Bubble, however, I have a Exploration ship that can get me there in a few days time. Wondering if I should order the crew to jump the carrier as far it can go, but leaving enough fuel to make it back to Colonia, and then I make the trip back to the Bubble in the Exploration vessel?.?!

It's doable, plus it would give me the opportunity to make credits, and enough credits to buy the carrier fuel in Colonia from those dusty ass Carrier Commanders. I truly can't blame them for the price they set for the fuel, but damn it's high.

I have a few more days to wonder about this's doable, however, leaves me without resources from the carrier. I can purchase what's needed in the Bubble, and even another large ship once the credits are stacked again.

Back again

CMDR LOG 33080213 - We are back deep in Colonia space again. On the way back to the Bubble, GALNET came across subspace about phase 4 of the Colonia Bridge project and needed supplies in Colonia.

So, with that I ordered the Fleet Carrier back to Colonia to assist with that project. We will stay for the four weeks and afterward make our way back home again. I was looking forward to being back in the Bubble, however, this will give us a chance to make some credits and fund our Fleet Carrier fuel supply.

Funny how things work out...

The black

Log 33080209 - My crew and I have been out here in Colonia for a long time with no luck with purchasing large carrier fuel. Other Fleet Carriers were selling fuel at a high price and we did purchase what we could afford.

News reached us about the new Colonia Bridge project put on by the Brewer Co., and with that we have started to make our way back to the Bubble. We still don't have the Fleet Carrier fuel to make it all the way back; however, with help from other Commanders and following Colonia Bridge route we found System: Dryio Flyuae KV-P b8-112 with a terrific Double Tritium Hotspot.

We have been in the system for a few days 1600 plus ly from Colonia. It has been slow going, but we are making progress in restoring our fuel. We will hang out here for another week. I calculate we need 1859 more tons of fuel to make it all the way back to the Bubble. Can't wait to make it home for a while....

Deep Space Exploration

CMDR's LOG 33070421 - It has been a while since I placed an log entry. For nine months my crew and I have been out here in the black exploring deep space. We made it to the Center of the Galaxy, and became afraid we would not be able to have enough fuel to make it back to Colonia. The Engineers worked day and night, and came up with a fix to help with the Carrier fuel consumption issue. We barely made it back to Colonia space three weeks ago. Since that time we have been rebuilding our Carrier fuel, mining, and catching up on current events back in the Bubble.

Now, we are back in the were a big issue in Colonia, and Carrier fuel the biggest. We were able to purchase what we needed to make it 1500 light years outside of Colonia space to do some exploration. I have traveled 5,000 light years from the Carrier and now I sit here in an unknown system looking at the stars.

My mood has become depressed being out here in frontier space for almost a year. News from the Bubble states big changes will be happening later this year. I personally hope it is worth the wait. I have enough Carrier funds for another year, but the way things are going I might hang up my hat and sell the bitch!

I will stay out here a full week to map unknown space to sell the data. My goal is to head back to Colonia and go to work for one of the local stations for a while. Hopefully, I will earn enough credits to by more Carrier fuel to head back out in the northern reaches of the galaxy, and maybe to Beagle Point.

Until next time - OUT!

Long Range Survey Mission - Planets

CMDR's LOG - Continuing with exploring the region around the carrier base of operations system, today I have found three Water Worlds and four High Metal Content Worlds. This information will net a decent amount of credits, but I truly long to continue mining for carrier fuel.

The carrier Bridge Officer contacted me stating he has received a number of reports around Colonia and the Bubble experiencing mining issues. It's like the hand of God appeared and snatched away all the valuable resources.

As planned, I will stay out here for an additional six days scanning systems. Once that is done we will head back to the mining spot and hopefully we will net the fuel we need to continue forward.

Tomorrow's a brand new day!

Exploration Mission Begins

CMDR's LOG - Maximum Effort! Since, mining has dried up at our current location I have decided to move the carrier 1,000 light years away to begin our exploration mission.

The Mission: Discovering Earth Like worlds and unusual spacial phenomenons in the Core.

Since arriving in the core a week ago we have discovered one Earth Like World so far, one Ammonia World, and eight Water Worlds. I will now be taking into account certain High Metal Content Worlds to categorize for now on too.

We will stay based around one of the Water Worlds I discovered today, and map out a search pattern at a 500 light year radius around this base of operations. I hope to gather as much data to share with my fellow Commanders to make it worth the time in the black.

Tomorrow's a brand new day!