CMDR Gungho Gunston 资料 > 航行日志

Providence [GG-32P]
(Python Mk II)
807,493,533 Cr
More permits

As of today, i have managed to gain another permit. This time, compliments of the Crom Silver boys faction. Using my Python to do a few package deliveries, i was able to gain access to the Crom System. Once again, an empty system with hardly anything in it. This is the last one i will be doing and i will be putting the finishing touches to starting my universal voyage.


Recognition at last for my hard slog. Promoted today to the dizzy heights of Post Commander. I don't really know what this rank really means in the grand scheme of things but i did also get a permit slip for the Hors system, not even sure where that is, i might even check it out later and get back to you Promotion supplemental: Well sadly, Hors System wasn't anything to write home about. A federation run system with a class G scoopable star. I found a planetary outpost to land at for fuel and an overnight stay at Candy Cavern but that was it. A standard rocky body system with an earth-like and a couple of high metal content worlds that had been scanned and mapped 100 times over. So I've made my way back to my local area and i'm currently attempting to obtain another permit, Pi Mensae system this time. I feel like i'm delaying my exped. departure and i suppose i am but i want to make sure i get everything together before i go so i don't have to return for a third time.

Return to point of Origin

After many months in deep space, floundering around after being struck by lightning in a Lagrange cloud, i have been given no alternate but to turn back. The strike has completely erased all my research data along with my nav data that i had acquired along the way. I have had to revert to back up data that will be enough to get me back to Shinrarta Dezhra. Nearly three years of data....GONE It also means that i will have to restock materials so that i will be able to restart my voyage will enough jumponium, heatsink and AFM refils for another trip into the black. I will write a supplemental report on my return to the bubble.

Return to Point of Origin Supplemental: My return home was pretty uneventful and now i have managed to restock much of my materials, so i'll be able to restart my deep space voyage soon. I've been given an opportunity to get a promotion with the Federal Navy, if i am willing to put in a few missions for it so i'm going to delay the restart of my voyage for a few more weeks to accomplish this.

Vulcan Gate Take 2

So, we have just left the Errant Marches and we are now in Vulcan Gate again. This time we are looking for 4 systems of interest, lets just hope that the anomalies we are looking for are a little more appealing. 1st Port of Call is Ovomly DA-Q D5-16, some 80 odd jumps ahead. Arriving at Ovomly DA-Q D5-16, we are greeted by a DCV Class White Dwarf star. A class of star that is not all that common anywhere in the entire universe. We also encountered 3 stellar phenomena. Within these was, Proto-Lagrange Cloud, Rubeum Metallic Crystals, Luteolum Calcite Plates, Lindigoticum Calcite Plates and Rubellum Torus Mollusc. The crystals vaguely resemble the crystals we have seen in the past with the exception of varieties in colour. The molluscs were a little difficult to scan as they were continually moving. It seems to be a sort of defense strategy, causing us to have to continually rotate the ship to keep it centered in the scanners field of view. Another annoying thing was the area we are in. So dark and with not a lot of light around, we were having to use the night vision imaging system to actually see these objects. A sad fact, i would have liked to have used the exernally mounted cameras a little more to get some better pictures.

Second system is Ovomly HG-O d6-0. Entrants into this system are greeted by a DAV White Dwarf. You can charged your FSD from this up to 150% which really helps in this neck of the woods. We collected the data that was requested from the company, Water Ice Geyser from planet 2a, Luteolum Calcite Plates, Viride Calcite Plates, Rutulum Calcite Plates, Blatteum Torus Mollusc, Lindigoticum Calcite Plates. Pretty much the same as we have encountered in the past. The noises coming from the mollusc kind of reminds us of the noises whales make, quite daunting really.

Next on the list was, Ovomly AA-H d10-13 and then Ovomly SS-K d8-8. Boththese systems had similar white dwarf stars on arrival, the first, a DB White Dwarf, the second, a DC White Dwarf. Also with similar organic features to be found.

Before we leave this quadrant, I've heard stories of a black hole, so i will be looking to check it out before continuing.

Errant Marches 2

Having used copious amounts of boost materials and many lightyears of manual plot jumping, i have finally managed to get to Byoo Thoi MI-B D13-0. I focused my time being around the Stella Phenomena areas. I was quite disappointed considering all the effort the crew and i have put into getting out here, only to find K07-Type Anomaly. floating around a ringed planet body, 3A to be exact. To be honest, i was quite glad when the crew decided that it was time to leave.

Errant Marches 1

At long last...... At 1700, on the 14th May 3307, i reached Cyuefoo LC-D D12-0. With a few stops along the way to top up on materials to aid my progress in the FSD boost department. Having arrived at body D1 and finding it landable but with nothing of any interest to the voyage, i decided that seeing that it is nearly 2G, it wasn't worth risking a landing. I have just visited the first Stella Phenomena, being a very beautiful Lindigoticum Silicate Crystal. At the second, within the centre of the Proto-Lagrange Cloud, we found L09-Type Anomaly. Once again, we tried to submit the pictures that we took but found problems downloading them onto the system. This is still work in progress, i'm sure we will find a solution to this soon.

Miraculous Find

My manual plotting of routes was becoming very tiresome, right up until the ships computer suggested using some of our collected materials to synthesize boost upgrades for the FSD. I got rather concerned that this boosting of the FSD would cause damage to it similar to using Neutron Stars to supercharge it. Computer advised me that the Frame Shift System was capable of receiving up to 100% boost of it's maximum range without receiving any damage. Anyway, after attempting a 25% boost jump successfully, there has now presented a requirement to gather more materials that will aid us on our journey. It'll probably take a few days travelling off our original journey but this information will prove valuable later on. No doubt we will need to top up from time to time but it will be worth it in the long run. We are currently en-route to Cyuefa LW-D d11-0 which we believe to be a reasonable source of Arsenic and Vanadium.

The long Super Cruise

And so it starts. I have decided to go for it. The long journey at supercruise which, if my calculations are correct, should take me 153 hours to reach the point where i can initiate a jump to my target system, that system being, Ploi Euhn BC-D D12-0. This is my first way-point to reaching the next location on my route plan which is Cyuefoo LC-D D12-0. At 15.55 today, 07 May 3307, i hit 2,001c. Start the clock...... OK, so things aren't going as bad as i had first envisaged. I have been able to plot my way closer to my goal by manual plotting. It has proved a lot better than simply attempting long haul supercruise runs which could have proved very costly in fuel and time. I just hope that my luck of finding these waywood stars, that just happen to be scoopable, holds out while i am in this sector.


Today, i exceeded my previous destination by several light years but seem to have run into the same issue i had before. My next systems is some 95 light years from me and i only have 64 lightyears of jump range. I am toying with the idea of supercruising the 30 odd Ly's before attempting a jump. I believe i have the fuel, but am not sure of the location as the ship's computer will not even fix the system location. The supercruise journey alone will take many hours to do so i dont want to travelling in the wrong direction when we start. OK, so i have been able to pinpoint the exact location of the system i am hoping to travel to. I need to travel 30Ly in order to achieve the correct jump range of Fair Wind. The final question i need to ask myself i have the fuel? Computer tells me that i have the ability to travel little over 1,377 Ly. but do i take that risk? I doubt the fuel rats will take kindly to attempting to rescue me out here. This will take some soul searching to say the least.

Return to the Wilderness

It has been some months since i returned home. In that time i have made inroads into outfitting a more desirable ship to continue with the expedition i started in September last year. The Anaconda would not have been my first choice of craft, but it is definitely the most capable. I made a trip out to Colonia to take advantage of the skills of some of the Engineers out there and was able to lightweight just about everything on board, save the FSD. To that end, i now have a ship capable of over 65 Ly with the provision to use neutron stars if the need presents itself. I have some 300 odd jumps left until i arrive at my previous arrival point to which i had to turn round and come back. Hopefully, i will be able to resume my journey from there with my newly acquired investment.