CMDR Zagmeister 资料 > 航行日志

Starlifter [ZAG-IC]
(Imperial Cutter)
1,679,976,337 Cr
Reached Jaques'

I've arrived, it feels nice to complete such a long journey. Colonia really is a bustling system for being so far away from the Bubble and what struck me the most is the mind-boggling number of fleet carriers present!

Visited the three tourist beacons near Jacques Station, got to know about the history for this part of the Milky way. I have to say, bartending sure must've been a well paying job in 33rd century. :)

Just as I'm finishing this logbook entry, 'The Skiff' is sitting in dock at Jacques', repairs are done, my neutron route back to Ki is plotted and I'll undock soon.

One POI done, and new trips await, but with a different ship, hence my decision to head back to my base.


Past the halfway point

Thus far the journey towards Colonia is going well, with one small mishap at the very onset when I did a noobish thing - doing repairs on FSD while still in supercruise. :)

Other than that, it's been a good trip, saw some really nice sights, collected data for the Universal Cartographics, plus a few discoveries for the Codex.

First few uses of the Neutron stars have been a bit rusty, since it was a good while ago since I last used the Neutron highway, but as time progressed, I've gotten into a good routine and I'm genuinely enjoing the 'Neutron surf'

Haven't planned where my travel will take me after I reach Colonia, I may go visit SagA* or I'll return back to Ki.


Embarking on a journey...

...towards Colonia.

So, I came back to my base in Ki after a long absence. Last I remember, I got over saturated with activities in the Bubble - NPC hunting in RES, occasional mining, passenger shuttling. I did earn some solid credits, not complaining about that. Eventually the repetitiveness got me and I last logged out sometime in December of 2019.

Well, it's yet another scorching August day in 2021, and I'm back in Binet Port hangar. Reason I came back is the itch to travel some longer distances in Milky Way, after all there's lots of places out of the Bubble other Commanders have discovered that merit a visit and many more undiscovered ones.

So with expedition goal in mind, I activated the ship which is used by the majority of long-distance travellers - the Conda. Opened the 'go far' setup I saved on EDSY that I got in 2019 from a veteran expeditioner and started with the refitting of the big reptile.

I did have to visit The Dweller, Lei, Didi and Felicity to make additional tweaks on some of the modules to get the target jump range.

That's it, as I'm typing this, last checks are being made, neutron highway route has been calculated, ship's fuel tank is filled, it has a new coat of paint and I'm checking my material inventory if I have enough of them for synthesis.

Leaving the dock in The Skiff


PS Since I'm still an active member of the Mischief, I also packed the fuel limpet controller onboard, just in case I come across a stranded voyager out there.