CMDR Aletheion 资料 > 航行日志

(Krait Phantom)
4,953,168,651 Cr
Beagle Point

When i left Colonia on the 28 of may 3306, I wasnt sure how long it would take. But after two years of travel i finally reached it. Beagle point.

it was..uneventful.

yet i am amused at how nervous those megaships made me. Two years without human internaction leave their marks on you.. I learned that the hard way.

Now I am on the long way home. Finding mre beauty.. i hope that the bubble is still standing when I return

Repairs, 10kly from any human

Well, Even the best ship breaks down from time to time.. When I entered the Ship after mapping a planetoid, I found that an entry slot for data transfer wasn't working. Clinking in did nothing unless I ram it into the slot and move it around.. Great

I'm lucky this has happened outside of civilised space.. The device needs to be loaded, else its hack prevention isn't working and I really don't need pirates to clink into the database.

Luckily swapping it out was that hard, I was able to have my repair unit s print a new exit and was able to connect it. We are so lucky the ships are modular so these repairs can happen quickly, and that repair units are loaded with the necessary specs to replace damaged modules,

... the routing seems fried again

.. because the drive folded me through a fucking B star again and spat me out INSIDE the scooping range of TWO MORE.

I need to change this remlock suit and ffs who thought it useful to program the cooling to waste one of every single of my 4 heat exchangers instead of, idk, choosing two to drop if one needs to vent heat faster than the reload is possible..

luckily I was fast enough but despite venting twice in 3 seconds, heat climbed up to 90% ffs I can't visually check every jump for this shit in this thick area..the ship computer is begging for help every time I open the galaxy map already..

maybe I need to switch out cooling paste, after this landing ot could be fried..

I need a shower..

over and out

I reached the core

After a month of travels I reached the core. Sagittarius A*

Celebration with real coffee, not the cheap shit the printer spits out. I rationed my coffe & real green tea and brewed one once docked at Explorers Anchorage

Always nice to have a drink in a mug, not these heatstable bags, but.. like I really don't want to repeat the last time coffe fled into the fucking cable vents because closings them off nicely is something only Saud Kruger & Gutamaya manage.. Why is beyond me, I paid millions of credits to delacey, if they didn't have enough for some nice looking casing that would avoid any coffe splash - damage like with the last incident...

Well, I will stay for a few day, got an appointment with the stations med team to have a check up, looking that my nutrition is okay and checking muscle mass etc. I feel a bit wobbly, maybe we need to reprogram the suits stim cells, not losing muscle mass in 0 g is hard enough already and I let the regiment slide a bit.

maybe I should attempt to land on planets with around 1g at least to sleep, but beggars can't be choosers & I won't fly if I'm tired as heck.

over and out

They sing

I stumbled upon an alien life form, they quite reminded me of an old literature I got gifted by my parents.. It was about parallel worlds and one had some big mammals who used wheel like seeds to move around.. My parents told me they were designed after a long extinct species from Earth, Sol, called Ellifant or Ollifant, said to be almost high as a sidewinder, but less wide. They lived in families and had long memories.. When the climate wars started, there was no room for any animal not ultimately useful to humans, so they died out in zoos, their genetic material is saved, I hope...

where was I?

Oh yes, the wheel molluscs, they sing. I almost cried, it felt so eerie, like they were waiting, singing to themselves in these nebulae.. I wonder where they make these sounds, or whether its data and the wheels are just tools, like our ships, and the singing something they saved and replay, like an audiolog. Nobody (human) would look for any sing organ in any ship with C.O.V.U.S. I flew as close as I could, they seem to turn towards the light, some emitted something reminding me of sporulation, like fern do. When I touched it and stopped it from turning away it almost sounded like in pain. I left them without shooting at it. Remembering the Ollifants means remembering what we humans do best.. overtaking anything..

I hope humanity finding them has a better ending

Closer to the core

21.01.3306 This planet is a liar. Or maybe it is my instruments? Its in eternal darkness, its main star gone nova long enough for any dust to dissipate. This layer is full of sleeping giants, slowly growing until they experience the last, glorious beauty, shining bright so that maybe in a million years a soul will notice that it existed..

So this fekking rock I'm on hurls around a brown dwarf with impressive ring but pretty sad luster.. Waiting for the kitchen unit to boil some chai, hope the Karawanserei has one in a month, I need to ration my portions and alternate so it can hold as possible.. Expensive too, but whaddaya expect from hydroponics handgrown and whispered to..

Where was I? Oh yeah, the scanners said something about silicate magma, so I hoped for some open Magma or something silicate Geysers but 3 of the 4 sites I visited are foul eggs.. literally, effing Sulphur dioxide Fumaroles AND gas vents. I dipped a bit and with bad luck my loading bay will stink of this utterly foul stuff, rotten eggs for weeks. Maybe I should go check out the walls for any cracks in the isolation and just open the chute and let the void freeze the last few stinky rotten molecules.

Chai is done. with luck the last point is a silicate magma spout...

with luck

Well we'll see

Eden over and out

Dipping down at Gagarin Gate

On my way towards the core, I decided to dip down at Gagarin gate, there I met a young spacer from Wala, stranded at Port, he said he was on a vacation, visiting parts of his family who spread pretty fast, cousins lived in Colonia but he said he bailed after the Pilot he booked almost crashed the Dolphin, so now he was stuck in this small Pit stop, hoping he could be lucky and catch another pilot (without death wish) that would take him to Colonia or, if he's outta luck, then the Bi-weekly professional Luxury Liners, which would be far more expensive.

I apologized, as I don't plan to go directly to Colonia or in the nearest future, so I couldn't ferry him over. I'm missing passenger cabins so he would've needed to get into cryogenic sleep and we know that's neither healthy nor entertaining.

He was pretty receptive when I asked whether he ever thought about trying to get his own pilot license, his English was well enough but I didn't ask about his flying abilities, but I read somewhere that the Pilots Association overhauled their Education to incorporate new knowledge and recommendations.

Well, then, back to work.

Eden over and out


I actually found two.. ironically enough both in a neutron star system, so unless I wear a lead armor, vacationing on those blue pearls would be a a bad, bad idea. I stumbled upon some ruins left by the guardians, I hadn't imagined that they would have settled so far up towards SagA*

I heard that some organizations had established some new ports on the colonia neutron highway, I hope they have some nice fresh vegetables, not even 2 weeks up and that printed cartridgre-"food" bores me..

Eden over and out

Back to the void

So... Year 3306. I never was a big friend of big parties, loud sounds. So rather than celebrating in Reorte or near Sol, I started my travels towards the core.

Sag A*, nebula jumping, finally, I missed it.

Eden, Over and out

Getting the Rust off

So I bought some Ships.. I got reasonably well off by mapping habitable worlds before I was notified that EDSM now also runs on Bordcomputers of the P.S.04 generation, as it can only log up to a month before acquisition the rputes I used don't appear here.

So I chose after a few years to finally participate in two community goals for the traditional end of year festival.. But I was never the most religious type, so the Yahwenian Winter festival isn't for me, lacking a full family of party anyways..

So I guess I'll stay around the bubble until 18.12.3305, then I'll make my way towards the core, possibly reaching Colonia to toast a new year, hopefully a bit better than the last, having Thargs around without communication isn't reassuring..

Well, I'm gonna splode a few criminal twerps for the fun, then travel a bit around to take in the sights nearby.

Eden over and out