CMDR Merlin St.Wahgwaan 资料 > 航行日志

The Shadow [NX666]
1,616,537,059 Cr
The Found, The Lost and The Looking

Well, its been a few months now, the solitude may be getting to me, but I think its more likely the lack of direct converstion, so I'm going too give this Log writing thing a chance....

Finally finished establishing myself as an Independant Elite Trader, and an Independant Rear Admiral for the Federation, was a long gruling road, but well worth it so have my own personal, even if small, fleet of ships that have each come to show their worth time and time again. Did get to meet alot of interesting faction representatives, always good to have friends in high places, right?

Currently, I am on my way out to the Foromide Rift, in The Shadow of course, all cleaned up from Jameson Memorials exceptional services. My previous trip was mostly to make a base line map of the rift for future explorers, a possible route for others to use... but... it left me with some curious and inviting questions and they've been haunting my dreams both day and night....

Why did the mega ship survive if it was sabotaged and meant to not be found? If the professor or doctor or whom ever she was found the ship, how many others have and haven't returned? Where could they be, they surely they all couldn't have perished on their travels home to tell of this find? For that matter, why was the ship sent to find an evacuation route at all? Or were they sent too find somthing else and were simply prevented from doing so?

What do they think was... or is... going too happen to our small bubble of human space? Is it simply the Thargoids? It must be somthing that They think we might not be able too survive, somthing that could or will make our space, our homes, unlivable, unreachable.... Maybe there is somthing in the Rift that could help us tip the scales, a technology, a weapon, maybe the creators of the Guardian AI, or even a set of planatary systems that can provide safe harbour should the worst happen?

With each question my mind simply wont stop asking more questions and my ability to keep sane is beging to faulter...

I sure hope making these logs help... If not me, whom ever reads them.

I have to find out more, I have to see whats hiding in the unkown of the Foromide Rift, I have to know if there is somthing that can save humanity or at very least, my sanity. Who knows... maybe I'll be the one who finds the Place that inst a Place, the Jewel on the brow of Cassiopia, out here. Anything is possible after the things I've heard.