CMDR neoblu09 profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Tropidonophis mairii [nb-22]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
8 472
Systems discovered first:
1 381
100 002 774 Cr
Galaxy core survey

13 Feb 2018 (3304)

So its been a few days, I seem to have figured out how to operate EDSM and got my hands on some software to help keep it up to date. I am using EdDiscovery, its seems pretty cool. I'll keep using it for a bit and see if it fits my exploring style. It does have lots of interesting tools, including 2d and 3d maps which show your path traveled.

I am still exploring the stars closest to the Core, from the list in the nav panel, there are only about two or three left on the list. After that I will have to start selecting systems from the Galaxy Map. So far almost every system I have visited has been discovered by Cmdr Andargor, good on you Cmdr, you have been very thorough so far. I'm wondering if when I get to the last systems in the nav panel, if I'll start finding undiscovered systems. I am however thinking this part of space is most likely well traveled by now.

That's all for now. Back to the black.

Cmdr Neoblu09.


11 Feb 2018 (3304)

Greetings from the super massive black hole that is at the center of our Galaxy, holding every thing together. I'm Cmdr Neoblu09, this is my first EDSM log entry. Figured I'd try out this logging business and see how it goes.

I started this journey to the center of our galaxy quite some time ago, I'm not in any hurry, just enjoying being out here in the black, exploring here there and every where. At the moment I am visiting every star closest to the center in order of closest distance. So far not found anything to exiting, plus most systems here have been previously found by other explorers. But I have a rather long jump range, so thinking that I'll start finding unexplored places soon. Now that I am part of EDSM I can share them with the rest of the galaxy, that's the idea anyway.

Ok, back to searching, I guess I'll update here every now and then to keep track of cool things.

Cmdr Neoblu09