CMDR 3dog profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Freedom [3d-e21]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
8 919
Systems discovered first:
1 867
28 Nov 3305

I made it!: Happy Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it still.

I returned from my exploration trip late last night, much to everyone's surprise. The little ship that could just wouldn't give up and brought me home safely.

I turned in the exploration data to the IX Purple Comms Corp. last night. They are gearing up for expansion so my timing was perfect. The total received for all that data was just a touch over 200 million credits and I was awarded Elite Exploration as well as maintaining my Rear Admiral rank with the Federation.

Today I purchased a Diamondback Explorer (3D-E28, Independence) and I've started outfitting it for an expedition to Magellan's Star (Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0) just to make the trip and see what's out there at the edge of nowhere.

I've also decided what I'm going to do with Sovengarde (a Federal Corvette, 3D-H24). I'm going to try it out as a high value transport for Federation officers. It may be a fools errand, but I'm willing to buy a couple of passenger cabins and see how it goes.


22 Nov 3305

When you're in a hurry:

Normally for an explorer hearing there are 40 objects in a system to scan is a boon to confidence of the mission, and that you are actually accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. However, when you have a deadline and want to reach a desired location it's a minor annoyance. When you find out that all 40 systems are rocky ice worlds or other useless blocks of ice it can be ruthlessly frustrating. Bah!

On the other side of that particular coin, is that I have been able to find several water worlds and a vast number of terraformable worlds. Along with the gas giants with water-based and ammonia-based life, all is not hopeless. These finds have a comfortable profit-margin. I have yet to find an earth-like world on this venture into the void, but I've still got over 160 jumps left to IX.

More rants and observations to come so stay tuned. By the way, the Ships Cat seems content that we are headed for home. I don't know how she knows, but her anxiety level has reduced measurably and she's much less annoying.

21 Nov 3305

Eafots BA-A g0: Black Hole

I had this system set as a goal for my venture this trip and made it here only to discover that the system has already been mapped. I searched within a 600ly radius for anything else that could be worthy of a trip to The Rift, but I didn't find anything worth looking into.

I set a course for home today and started back. I'm certain I will find unmapped systems on my way back and I'll leave the trip to the Outer Arm for my next trip. I'm tired and need to take a break and spend some time with family a friends. The Orion AI is starting to grate on my nerves and the Ships Cat is starting to annoy me. Besides, I told my daughter I would be home before Thanksgiving and I don't want to disappoint her. There were so many uncharted systems I found out here that it just took longer than I expected. The silver lining of course, is that should also result in a very nice payday when I get back.

After Thanksgiving I may venture out this way again, through the Heart Nebula this time. This depends on being able to buy and outfit and Diamondback Explorer that is up to the task. The new Guardian Frameshift module I equipped on Liberty (a Diamondback Scout) has proven the viability of that module and a larger ship should be able to pack a bigger, albeit more expensive, version of the module.

Only 181 jumps to go...

19 Nov 3305

Near the Formidine Rift: I spent some time in Soul Nebula today, but was mostly disappointed. I had found in my previous expeditions that there were several species of biological entities on both the planets and in the vacuum of space in the other nebulae I have explored. I looked forward to finding something new in the Soul Nebula, but after examining a dozen or more star systems in the nebula I didn't find anything worth reporting.

I've headed out the other side of the nebula and into the EAFOTS Sector. I have a specific destination in mind, but I'll reveal that once I arrive. Currently I'm over 7000ly from Sol and I really considered putting Liberty down on an geologically active moon I found that was supposed to be rich in Tellurium, but I figured it would just be a distraction so I just set the little ship to keeping station on the outskirts of the Eafots XD-Z c14-1 system.

My goal is to reach the out arm of the galaxy, but I don't know if I can make it through the rift with only a 45ly jump range. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

18 Nov 3305

The Wayfarer's Graveyard: Having successfully traversed the Orio-Persean Gap, I've made it to the Perseus Arm. The little Diamondback Scout is faring well, the only minor annoyance is the small 16 ton fuel cell. I've become accustomed to the 32 ton fuel cell of Freedom (My Asp Explorer) and being able to pick up exploration cargo. I had to pass up a cargo container full of exploration data from a failed mission by some intrepid explorers that succumbed to the elements. It would have been a bonus to bring back the information they managed to gather and bring some closure to whomever their relations were.

Mundane obstacles of the explorer include needing to take a break from exploring to fix the coffee maker. Glad I brought a soldering iron. It would also be nice if the ship's cat could actually do something useful on this trip. Without a cargo hold, the cat doesn't have a real job and is starting to take her boredom out on me.

I'm not sure how after spending the last 2 months exploring the Lagoon, Trifid and Omega nebula that I could forget what reconstituted meals are like. The aforementioned coffee is the only thing fresh I get as long as I don't think too much about where the water comes from.

Hopefully my next report will be from the Soul nebula.

17 Nov 3305

Elysian Shore: Exploring out with the intent of reaching the Formidine Rift and passing through the Soul Nebula and returning through the Heart Nebula. It would seem that many explorers follow the same instincts to head toward the galactic center. I'm finding many new unexplored systems out toward that galactic edge than I ever would heading toward the center. This is going to be my best exploration venture yet. I only hope I can come home unscathed. This new ship, Liberty, is untested and I'm betting my life that she will bring me back home safely. On reflection of the loadout, I might have been better off with the Diamondback Explorer instead of the Diamondback Scout, but it seems like a fine ship for exploring so far.

The Guardians follow up and Modular Terminals

Those Modular Terminals are kind of a pain in the arse. The Wild Card doesn't really have enough cargo space to do these missions and The Cerberus (MkIV Anaconda) is too large for most of the locations. With the payout from Ram Tah, Cerberus and I went back into the bubble from Sothis to IX and the Scully-Power Station to pick up a Python. I was able to kit her out almost fully at a discounted cost of nearly 200 Million credits. Even with a Grade 5A Frame Shift Drive, the jump range is pitiful though. I know a guy (a lady actually) who can do some magic on the drive and get it up to something reasonable. 12 light years per jump fully loaded makes for a really long trip. I left Cerberus at IX and headed back to Sothis with The Harsh Mistress. 39 jumps later and over a million credits worth of scan data that I flew right past in the Cerberus and we are back at Sothis. I took a couple of missions and decided to spend the night at Newholm station. i have 24 hours to complete my assigned missions, hopefully I can pick up a couple more before heading out.

The Guardians

I recently came back from a trip to the Guardian's homeworlds. Ram Tah asked me to collect some decoded scan data. There are 101 different data packages he was looking for and would offer a nice bonus if i found all of them. Thanks to the work of the Canonn Team and their compiled data, I was able to optimise the route. Unfortunately, I didn't receive this information until I was nearly halfway complete with the data packages. I was able to reduce the trip to 15 stops but it could have been done in about 13 and a day sooner if I had received the information sooner. I also collected 4 of each of the ancient relics to sell once I had returned. Those were somewhat of a problem, every pirate I ran across decided that I looked like an easy target. Maybe it was the Ranger Explorer insignia plastered across my ship, The Wild Card. I purchased The Wild Card, and Asp Explorer just for this mission and she did well. That one time we came out of Supercruise Glide and bounced off the dirt was my fault. She suffered some damage to her hull but held together for the rest of the trip. I got her all patched up at New Growth in the Pencil Sector (EL-Y D5) between Guardian world stops.

I may have to go back, we found plenty of uncharted systems out that way and she's a good little explorer ship. I do need to go see Marco Qwent first though. That power plant could use a little tweek. If i could just squeeze one more mega watt out of it, we'll be good. First I need to find those blasted Modular Terminals for the bastard. I wish I had known, I've thrown so many away to make room for cargo runs.

Phase 2 Lave Rares

Completed the second route of rares for the Lave Community Goal (The Collection). What a brutal route. Many of the locations only had 3 or 4 tons of material which was frustrating and worse, Jotun required a permit I didn't have and there was no useable information on how to obtain one. I knew Onion Head is illegal in most systems so I didn't even try to buy that, but I found out the hard way that Tarach Spice and Kamorin Historic Weapons are illegal in most systems as well. Silly me for thinking Tarach Spice was actually a "spice" and not drugs. The historic weapons, I guess I can see.

The good news is that I'm back in the top 10% of commanders participating in the goal. If I could get top 10, that would be real special, but I think I would need to go out of my established route to achieve that.

One to Route #1...