绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > Sightseeing From The Bubble To Colonia

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# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875
#2 HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) -644.1875 / -472 / 2299.3125 879.81 Ly
#3 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 1,955.12 Ly
#4 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 252.68 Ly
#5 Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 (Bleia Dryiae Glowing Green Giant) -836.40625 / -112.5625 / 4826.15625 522.05 Ly
#6 Traikoa FL-P e5-4 (Black Treasure) -1504.375 / -18.53125 / 5040.96875 707.93 Ly
#7 PW2010 210 (The PW2010 Supercluster) -1337.9375 / -48.34375 / 5305.6875 314.11 Ly
#8 Omega Sector PD-S b4-0 (Omega Nebula) -1432.0625 / -75.46875 / 5308.125 97.99 Ly
#9 CD-23 14350 (NGC 6629) -1041.15625 / -568.9375 / 6289.0625 1,165.57 Ly
#10 NGC 6629 Sector SU-O b6-3 -1089.34375 / -552.03125 / 6328.15625 64.31 Ly
#11 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) -2054.09375 / 85.71875 / 6710.875 1,218.17 Ly
#12 Nyeajeau XF-T c5-9 (Al-Qūhī Oasis) -2090.21875 / -472.40625 / 6868.4375 581.06 Ly
#13 Nyeajaae WQ-C d13-19 (Helium View) -3386.78125 / -693.03125 / 7778.1875 1,599.19 Ly
#14 Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 (Quantum World) -3423.8125 / -1029.8125 / 8254.9375 584.88 Ly
#15 Eaembie RT-Q d5-0 (Roche's Waltz) -3278.21875 / -1962.40625 / 8425.4375 959.17 Ly
#16 Pru Aescs YV-E d11-170 (Doomed Waters) -3677.5625 / 53.75 / 8886.78125 2,106.47 Ly
#17 Skaude AL-X e1-28 (Rusty Net) -4708.625 / -381.3125 / 9571.75 1,312.08 Ly
#18 Ellaisms QX-U e2-43 (Ellaisms Remnant) -5469.9375 / 260.09375 / 9673.84375 1,000.71 Ly
#19 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 937.76 Ly
#20 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 467.88 Ly
#21 Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula) -5869.21875 / 351.4375 / 11132.15625 1,228.48 Ly
#22 Clooku WO-Z e3682 (Llyn Tegid Nebula) -5476.4375 / -60.875 / 11929.96875 980.20 Ly
#23 Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula) -4990.84375 / -935.71875 / 13387.15625 1,767.64 Ly
#24 Gru Hypue AA-A g4 (Jo Ella's Flares) -5179.875 / -933.46875 / 13505.5625 223.06 Ly
#25 Nuekuae AA-A h52 (The Crux) -6189.0625 / -682.5625 / 13809.84375 1,083.51 Ly
#26 Gandharvi (Caravanserai) -6703.5 / -157.84375 / 14108.03125 793.03 Ly
#27 Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230 (Death Spiral) -5377.90625 / -1291.40625 / 15398 2,169.37 Ly
#28 Boewnst AA-A h33 (Michell's Legacy) -5548.90625 / -734.40625 / 15604.5 618.17 Ly
#29 Greae Phreia XO-A f190 (A Dance of Spirals) -5452.84375 / -1337.9375 / 15652.8125 613.04 Ly
#30 Byoi Ain WE-R e4-913 (Jade Ghost Stellar Remnant) -6029.1875 / -10.90625 / 16424.65625 1,639.79 Ly
#31 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 213.98 Ly
#32 Gru Phrua EW-W f1-251 (Gravitas) -7729 / -1812.4375 / 16342.03125 2,272.05 Ly
#33 Kashyapa (Kashyapa - Vihara Gate) -8392.03125 / -701.03125 / 17555.125 1,773.82 Ly
#34 Eoch Flyuae PY-R e4-684 (Clockwork Nebula) -8417.53125 / -635.0625 / 17741.75 199.58 Ly
#35 Eoch Flyuae UU-O e6-2971 (The Dragonfly Nebula) -8333.78125 / -266.78125 / 18122.625 536.39 Ly
#36 Dryuae Aoscs IR-W e1-3926 (Hole In The Sky) -8639.65625 / 229.1875 / 18484.59375 685.98 Ly
#37 Dryooe Flyou XE-Q e5-2992 (Sugar Stick) -9071.40625 / -521.875 / 19249.875 1,155.92 Ly
#38 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 820.53 Ly
#39 Eol Prou AA-A h162 (Tartarus) -9623.625 / -917.1875 / 19792.96875 94.60 Ly
#40 Eol Prou RH-V d2-2311 (Graveyard's Gate) -9362.15625 / -989.34375 / 19730.09375 278.43 Ly