CMDR pioto 资料 > 航行日志


Picked up some very... picky VIPs in Diaguandri, on my way to Voqooe JC-K d9-95.

Got scanned... once, just running some quick errands on my way out, and now they're Mr. & Mrs. grumpypants.

Well, hopefully if I get them there in one piece, and on schedule, they won't complain too much more...


Got caught too close to a white dwarf, Traikeou SG-J d10-4, and all hell broke loose.

My thrusters pretty quickly failed, and I was left tumbling around, still in the jet cone. By the time my FSD cooled down, I couldn't get lined up with the escape vector.

Then my canopy blew. Over 4,700 Ly from the nearest station.

I kept trying, but I basically resigned myself to my fate.

Over 40 million credits of exploration data, down the tubes.

Let this be a lesson to 'ya: there's a reason your ship warns you about jetcones...

Colonia or Bust

Took a Keelback out on a bit of a shakedown cruise, up about 1kLy from the bubble, then back down to the first outpost, and then back towards Quince. It wasn't bad, but having a SLF to play with wasn't worth the loss of shields & jump range.

Sold that off, and picked up my trusty Asp Ex.

Now I'm working my way back towards Colonia, a bit more aggressively than past attempts, about 1 kLy above the plane, and along the Orion-Cygnus Arm. Finding a good number of undiscovered systems up here, so hopefully this will be a profitable run.

Once I reach Colonia, I'll make a run towards Sag A* and the Great Anniliator. Then, I may head towards Beagle Point, or just back towards the Bubble...


Finally getting back to the edge of civilization.

I just touched down at Mic Turner base near the California Nebula for some much needed repairs and to offload some data...

Over 35 MILLION credits from this run, with much of that coming from the intel I gathered on those lost settlements.

Overall, though, still a good haul. I still have a few more stops to hit on my way home. Gonna check out those reports of strange sightings in the Pleiades...

Heading Home

Day 54 of my journey to the Formidine Rift.

On my way out, I was focusing on hitting some of the nebula and other interesting phenomena out in this part of the galaxy -- seems most folks are focusing on the galactic core, especially since Colonia.

But then I started getting transmissions about settlements out in the Formidine Rift, and I turned back to look into it more.

The Children of Raxxla gave good directions, but I'm not sure what to make of what I found just yet.

I'm finding lots of undiscovered high value planets on my way home, though, so hopefully this trip pays off...