CMDR Wrongway Mulligan 资料 > 航行日志

battle ox [WM-001]
(Federal Corvette)
Cigar Maker

Tried the automatic cigar maker tonight. What it produced neither looked nor smelled like any cigar I've ever seen. Just as well as I don't smoke anyway.

Pizza Delivery

Delivering hot pizza from Splieck to Spliem. Every crust is delicately baked in the super-heated atmosphere of a Class G star and lovingly coated with a flaming hot red sauce from a specially selected rich-metal planet. Garnished with a generous serving of arsenic from a nearby high-metal content planet and dusted with a tasty layer of polonium and niobium for that added extra sizzle. We're known far and galaxy-wide for our product. Call and reserve yours today! Never have a sandwich party when you can have a Wrongway Pizza Party!

Distant Shores

And I thought Colonia was a long way from The Bubble. It's nothing compared to this little stellar sojourn. Ah well, as long as I can still find a decent route, fuel-able stars and jumponium when I need it I'll soldier forward.

Back towards 3 Genimorum - turning point to Distant Angosk

After two long crossings through stellar voids (hey, if I did things the right way would I call myself Wrongway?) I have hit a turn point to Distant Angosk. One thing I have learned about stellar deserts, though. Have no fear. As long as you can find Jumponium materials you can eventually cross them. The Deep Black holds less worry for me at this point.

3 Geminorum

MADE IT! Took heavy damage when I entered the Groeg UV-L c21-0 system and slid in between the two stars (not supposed to happen anymore). Guess Frontier's new algorithm isn't as fool-proof as they thought, as this fool was able to prove.

Finding 3 Geminorum - 1

Thanks to helpful CMDRs on the forum I have navigated away from the depths of the Vacuus area and have locked onto Vitamin Arrr's flight path. Still heading south.