CMDR The Richardson 资料 > 航行日志

(Diamondback Explorer)
Remember History

So as it turns out when you reinstall an OS, your connection to a database can get real screwy. Forgot to reconnect to the star map, so that's probably a fair bit I've lost on my log. Oh well, nothing special, didn't go anywhere interesting until today.

I still intend to hold off my distant travels until the expedition later this year, but some things are near enough to be worth the travel.

Whatever happens with the upcoming Thargoid threat, we must remember that we may be paying the price for sins long gone. In this thought, I visited the grave of perhaps the most important ship to grace hyperspace.

o7 CMDR Jameson

Returning Home and Distant Worlds

So Distant World 2 signups opened. Already signed up, I'm ship 2434. But it got me to thinking. I don't want to accidentally burn myself on exploring. Beagle Point is a significant time sink, and doing it twice in a single year is a little meh to me. I'm not a hardcore explorer. I find the views astounding, but I also like to do other things.

So I've decided I'm going to head home. I've already got a decent amount of stuff on my little trip here. It won't push me to Elite, but what's the point of a rank if I don't earn it?

Checkpoint 3: Bleeeeeeee

I frequently wonder who came up with the names of the sectors of the galaxy. What is a Bleae? Eh well. Finished checkpoint 3, found an Earth-like along the route. Always a nice bonus.

I've always preferred the cooler colors of the universe, but red is nice too.

Checkpoint 2: NGC

Not sure if NGC is the sector or the nebula, but ehhhh.

I'm actually feeling pretty meh right now, but I forced myself to at least finish a checkpoint. Helping somewhat is this trip was way shorter, with only 50 odd jumps instead of yesterday's 130. I'm pretty happy I did it though. I'm always fascinated by landable ringed planets, plus that nebula provides quite a sky.

Checkpoint 1: Cat's Paw

After a horrendous false start last night, I hit my first checkpoint this morning. The RV Magehand is now safely parked planetside in system Cat's Paw Sector OS-T b3-11. Tomorrow I continue towards Beagle Point, but for now I'm enjoying the view.

Rule 1 of Exploration: Check the G rating of a planet


Beginning my Second Exploration

I've actually already done my first major exploration, with a visit to Sag A* some months back. It was a pretty fun experience. That trip paid for a nice new Python that I'm now leaving behind.

I never even intended to make this trip. I originally just went to visit the Witch Head Nebula, but then I started looking for other nebulas. Started heading out for Cat's Paw and realized I was actually going out far again, so might as well go all the way. So I'm going to finally make my trip to Beagle Point.

I've read it a good idea to plan ahead the basic checkpoints of your route, so I'm going to put that down here and now.

Starting from Witch Head, I'm headed to Cat's Paw Nebula.

Checkpoint 1: Cat's Paw Nebula Checkpoint 2: NGC Checkpoint 3: Bleae Aewsy Checkpoint 4: Boepp Checkpoint 5: Old Saggy Checkpoint 6: No notable landmarks, soooo throws dart Dryau Briae SD-E C26-2332 Checkpoint 7: Hypuae Briae Checkpoint 8: Let's just skip that boring section in the middle and go straight for the beginning of Route 33 Checkpoint 9: By this point I should be safely across the Abyss, so Beagle Point is my target. Checkpoint 10: Return back through Route 33 Checkpoint 11: Head for Colonia Checkpoint 12: Head home

Maybe I'll finish it, maybe I won't, I don't know. But the only way to finish is to start.

Just gotta remember to call Iridium Wing when I get back.