CMDR Fi0x profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
Feb 20, 2017
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Systems discovered first:
6,535,914,949 Cr
#90 Beagle Point
  • 3304 24.OCT
  • 17:09
  • Reaching the 7th waypoint took me a while, but I got there a while ago. The system had no interesting features, so I left it to jump towards the 8th waypoint, which is right now only 2300Ly away from me.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#89 Beagle Point
  • 3304 22.OCT
  • 19:07
  • The 5th expedition waypoint was in a red and grey-green nebula and the main body was a neutron star. After enjoying the view from my cocpit, I jumped to the 6th waypoint, which was only 5 jumps away. The system contained a very tiny black hole, that wasn't even visible to the naked eye, even when I nearly crashed into it!
  • The next waypoint is 6k Ly away, which will take me 50-60 jumps in my anaconda.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#88 Beagle Point
  • 3304 22.OCT
  • 10:38
  • I've reached the 4th waypoint of the expedition, which is very close to Sagittarius A*. From this system you can already see the black hole!
  • I'll now start jumping towards the next waypoint, after I visited Sagittarius A*.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#87 Beagle Point
  • 3304 21.OCT
  • 15:25
  • I passed the second and the third waypoint, which was a system inside of a small nebula.
  • Now I'm on my way to the 4th waypoint-system.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#86 Beagle Point
  • 3304 21.OCT
  • 12:43
  • The first waypoint to pass was only 1 jump from Colonia. After leaving that system, I went towards the second waypoint and I still didn't reach it.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#85 Colonia
  • 3304 18.OCT
  • 19:57
  • After leaving the system with the black hole, I went to Colonia, where I met some friends from my last visit. At the same time some mechanics fixed some scratches in the hull of my ship and repainted some very bad looking parts.
  • When my ship looked like a new one, I left Jaques Station and now I'm heading towards Beagle Point.
  • The expedition I wanted to join, has already finished, but I decided to take the same route as they did.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#84 Colonia
  • 3304 18.OCT
  • 17:13
  • After visiting the system with the white dwarf, I passed some black holes until I landed on a planet with some geysers, or maybe small volcanos, because they didn't only emit water or gas, but they also spit out small burning particles.
  • The next system I'll visit contains a black hole and is just 600Ly away from the geysers.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#83 Colonia
  • 3304 18.OCT
  • 13:06
  • I reached the tourist installation and was surprised by a black hole. The system doesn't have any other astronomical objects, but it's in an green nebula, which is propably why the station is here.
  • My plan to buy some things here didn't work, since they only give docking permissions to passenger ships. This means that I won't have a shiny paintjob when I'll arrive in Colonia.
  • But before I reach Colonia, I'll visit a few more interesting systems on my way there. The next one I'm going to jump to is a system with a black hole, a neutron star and a white dwarf! I've already been there once, but it's worth a second visit.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#82 Colonia
  • 3304 17.OCT
  • 20:22
  • I arrived at the system with the black holes. Last time I was here, I only scanned 2 of them, but this time, I'll scan the ones further out.
  • When I've scanned them, I'll sleep for a while and then jump to a system where there should be a tourist installation. Maybe they can sell me some stuff for my ship to repair some cracks in the hull and maybe repaint everything, so I'll have a beautiful ship when I arrive in Colonia.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#81 Colonia
  • 3304 17.OCT
  • 19:08
  • The brain tree forest is not comparable in size with the forests on atmospheric planets, but the trees themselves aren't comparable to anything I've ever seen.
  • After I studied the trees, I left and now I'm heading towards a system with 4 black holes in it, that's 4000 Ly away.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x