CMDR Fi0x profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
Feb 20, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
6,535,914,949 Cr
Status Update

Information I got from the Hawking's Gap Delta Site:


    Expedition Log: 30/08/3270

    "This is a bigger operation than I thought it was. A massive
    fleet of Anacondas all prepped for long endurance travel
    out to the edge of beyond. No ships have markings, no
    emblems, no political affiliation. Somebody with deep
    pockets must be paying for this, but who ?"


    Expedition Log: 12/09/3270

    "Judging by the way the fleet deployed I would say there
    were three main destinations, all a long way outside of the
    core worlds. We got our orders today, we're making for a
    zone called "Hawkin's Gap". It's a seriously long way, not
    even the explorers have been out this way before. Strange


    Expedition Log: 18/09/3270

    "Our little armada split up today, so we're on our own now.
    Just us and the void. Still a lot of speculations as to what
    we're doing. Cargo hold is full, that I don't know. My guess is
    some kind of deep space survey, but I can't figure out why
    we'd need to be so far out ..."


    Expedition Log: 01/10/3270

    "Cargo is being deployed. A series of artefacts of some
    kind. The handling bods aren't part of the ship's crew, so
    we don't know what they're doing. Captain has told us to
    turn a blind eye and wait for them to be done."
#73 Hawking's Gap
  • 3304 14.OCT
  • 12:44
  • After a few hours of sleep I left the planet and headed towards the settlements in the Hawking's Gap. With my Anaconda it took me just a few jumps for the 2000Ly.
  • Right now I'm at the delta settlement and have already scanned the communication beacons. I'll try to find the other 3 settlements that should be around somewhere in this region. When I visited all of them I'll either travel back to SOL or try to reach Colonia.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#72 Hawking's Gap
  • 3304 13.OCT
  • 22:58
  • I reached the geysers in the GRU DRYOU HC-B D14-21 System. I'll stay here for some hours to sleep and let my rapair limpets do their job on the ship.
  • My next stop will be one of the settlements in the Hawking gap.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#71 Hawking's Gap
  • 3304 13.OCT
  • 17:07
  • I'm still alive! The reason for not writing any logbook entries for such a long time is, that I was attacked when I got back to the bubble.
  • The pirates didn't destroy my ship, but boarded it, so I had to use the escape pod to get away alive.
  • After many days of drifting around in the void, a friendly commander found me and brought me to SOL, where I have stored my ships. After paying the commander some credits for his efforts he left and I started searching for the pirates that took my ship.
  • To make sure they didn't know I was comming for them, I couldn't publish any logs.
  • After months of searching and fighting, I finally found the pirate group that stole my ship and with the help of some friends I got it back. It had some scratches and other kinds of minor damage, but nothing a good mechanic could not repair.
  • But after all of that, I still didn't published any more logs. That's because I actually forgot to write them. Just today I realized that, because I had nothing to do and thought of what I was doing all the other times when I was travelling through deep space.
  • Right now I'm on a new journey outside of the bubble. My destination are some settlements I heard about in the hawking's gap. On the way there I'll visit a planet that should have some geysers.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
Status Update

Information I got from the Conflux Delta Site:


    Expedition Log 30/08/3270

    "I'm just the engineer on this particular jaunt. I was
    advised to prep the ship for a seriously long haul into
    the void, so I'm loaded up with as many hyperdrive spares
    as I can cram in. When I asked why, the captain just
    responded with 'Don't ask'."


    Expedition Log 12/09/3270

    "It's putting a strain on the ship, that I can tell you. I've
    asked for some downtime so I can run some
    maintenance, but the captain says we have to hit a
    schedule. What can be quite so important a thousand
    light years from the nearest inhabited planet I can't say,
    but we're in a mighty rush."


    Expedition Log 18/09/3270

    "I warned 'em. We blew the hyperdrive initiator coil jumping
    in today. Caused a right mess down here. Lots of collateral
    damage. Scanners are offline and the main generator is
    running hot. Can't figure out why, looks like we're in
    empty space, but the heat is fierce!"


    Expedition Log 01/10/3270

    "We figured it out. Gravity. We've dropped out near a
    neutron star. Can't see it, but we can feel it. The ship is
    cooking around us. No way we can jump out before it gets
    us. We're being pulled in. Odds are even as to whether the
    heat, gravity or magnetism kills us first. We're jettisoning
    the logs, if anyone ever finds this... save yourselves!
    Beware the neutron star."
Status Update

Information I got from the Conflux Alpha Site:


    Expedition Log: 21/08/3270

    "So we've hauled right out into unexplored territory.
    Heading corewards, doubt anyone has been this far
    before. Star density is rising fast, the galaxy looks pretty
    amazing from this vantage point."


    Expedition Log: 30/08/3270

    "We've been tasked with dropping off these beacons. New
    tech it would seem. Looks like long range comms stuff to
    me, but I'm no expert. Can't see why anyone would want a
    beacon this far out."


    Expedition Log: 17/09/3270

    "Reckon I have it figured. We're dropping these beacons
    around Earth-like worlds. Can't be a coincidence. I guess
    it's some kind of long term planning by someone. Not
    sure who's paying for this gig. Best not to ask too many
    questions. They're paying a proper wedge."


    Expedition Log: 14/10/3270

    "Well, we're done. Dropped off the last beacon today. It's
    going to be a long old trip back to the core worlds. We're
    thousands of light years out. Kind of wish we could keep
    going all the way to the core. Guess someone else will
    have that little bit of glory."
#70 Saud Kruger Buoy Tour
  • 3304 03.MAR
  • 11:33
  • I just reached the conflux alpha settlement. The information I got from the log files show me, that the missions to the conflux are very similar to the ones in the formidine rift. The people were sent here to set out beacons and they should never return.
  • I have been at the beta settlement too, but since I was there the last time I flew from colonia to sol, I didn't take a closer look or scanned the com-links.
  • My next stop will be the last of the 4 settlements in the conflux.
  • Cmdr. Expert double Elite Fi0x
Status Update

Information I got from the Conflux Gamma Site:


    Expedition Log: 30/08/3270

    "I'm just the navigator ouboard this ship. Never flown an
    Anaconda before, but it's quite a beast. This one is
    stripped right down, just cargo space and jump capability.
    Nothing else. We had an escort to the edge of inhabited
    space, but our destination is right out there..."


    Expedition Log: 12/09/3270

    "Thousands of light years! Fortunately the ship has
    behaved itself. We've passed countless systems, but we're
    not stopping to survey anything. I've just been asked to
    plot on as fast as we can go. We're aiming for a zone
    known as the Conflux. It's sure a long way out. Can't help
    wondering why we're doing this."


    Expedition Log: 18/09/3270

    "So, we're here now. Took as five months to reach this part
    of the galaxy. A team of hired spacers are out there now,
    dropping off some kind of cargo. Looks like beacons from
    what I can see, but some guy in uniform came and
    switched off the scanner. Best not ask too many
    questions. Might not be wise to be logging this to be


    Expedition Log: 10/10/3270

    "On our way back home again. Just dropped off whatever
    it was, turned about and started back. Five months out...
    probably five months back again. Managed a quick scan
    of the site when no one was looking. Definitely beacons.
    Why would anyone want a beacon right out here in the
    void is beyond me. Not my problem though!"
#69 Saud Kruger Buoy Tour
  • 3304 02.MAR
  • 20:02
  • I'm on my way back to sol now. But before I get there, I wanted to visit the Conflux again, to see the settlements I missed on my last visit.
  • It didn't take me long with some neutron star boosted jumps to get here. Now I'm at the Gamma Site and I already scanned the com-links.
  • My next stop will be one of the other systems around here, where a settlement should be.
  • Cmdr. Expert double Elite Fi0x
#68 Saud Kruger Buoy Tour
  • 3304 02.MAR
  • 12:46
  • I finished the expedition! I was the first one at the final checkpoint!
  • Betwen my current location and sol are still 11000ly, but if I use just neutron stars to boost my jumps, I could make my way back to the bubble in just 80 jumps!
  • Unfortunately I need to refuel my ship every 3 or 4 jumps, so I need at least 100 jumps until I'm back.
  • Cmdr. Expert double Elite Fi0x