CMDR Fi0x profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
Feb 20, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
6,535,914,949 Cr
#140 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 15.DEC
  • 18:13
  • After leaving the 6th waypoint behind me, I jumped about 20 to 30 times and then got to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I only had about 20 jumps left to the 7th waypoint of the expedition.
  • Right now I'm in the system of that waypoint, which is 4700Ly away from Centralis, the last waypoint of the expedition. This system has an outpost like the previous ones and like the last one I won't land here to reach Centralis faster. There is as well a storm near the outpost, so I would have to wait until I could land there.
  • I should be abled to reach the destination of the expedition today, because it's only 40-50 jumps away with my ship.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#139 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 14.DEC
  • 16:15
  • Reaching the 6th waypoint took me less than 2h. I only needed to jump about 40 times with my anaconda.
  • This system has an outpost like the previous waypoints, but this time I won't land there since my ship doesn't need repairs and I want to reach Colonia in the next few days.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#138 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 14.DEC
  • 14:33
  • Reaching the 3rd waypoint didn't took me very long and to the 4th it took me about the same time. In each of these 2 systems were outposts where I was abled to rest for a while.
  • Right now I'm at the 5th waypoint inside an outpost where I slept over the night. I'm just waiting for my launch permission and as soon as I get it I'll leave and start heading towards Colonia again.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#137 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 12.DEC
  • 13:34
  • When I woke up in the outpost, I headed straight to my ship to continue my journey as soon as possible. Sadly there was a software update for my ship that came out while I was sleeping.
  • It took my ship a whole day to download and install the update, because it was very big and the outpost out here doesn't have a very good connection to the bubble and therefor the publisher of the ship's software.
  • After a second night in the station I had to find out, that the update has changed the controls of the core systems, so I had to reassign nearly every command, which took me another day.
  • After that I had to wait pretty long for a liftoff permission, because there was a storm on the planet.
  • When I finally started and jumped to the first system on my route to the second waypoint, I tried out the new scanner software that had been installed. It's definitely faster and easier to control than the previous version!
  • Right now I'm in an outpost at the second waypoint. This time I'll only stay as long as the usual repairs will take, before I'm stuck here like on the previous planet.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#136 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 08.DEC
  • 22:04
  • I reached the first Waypoint of the expedition. I've been in this system multiple times before, so I already know where to find the outpost that's on a planet in this system.
  • The outpost hasn't changed much. They still have the same facilities and there are only a few more landing pads for ships.
  • Reaching this system before I'm too tired to jump is pretty lucky, because now I can sleep in a more comfortable bed than I have on my ship.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#135 Christmas Carriers Convoy
  • 3304 08.DEC
  • 20:35
  • I couldn't stay still for long. After waking up today, I met some friends and had fun, but I already missed it to be exploring.
  • There is an expedition running that goes to Colonia, once more. Even though I've done such expeditions a lot, I jumped to the first system on the waypoint list. The next system is 2200Ly away and will take me about 35 jumps.
  • Dangerous double Elite Cmdr. Fi0x
#134 Route from Colonia to Sol
  • 3304 07.DEC
  • 21:57
  • I reached Sol!
  • My ship has taken some damage from the journey that needs to be repaired. When this is done, I might stay a while before I leave the bubble again to explore.
  • For now, I'll take a break from flying for a few days and meet some friends here at Daedalus.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#133 Route from Colonia to Sol
  • 3304 07.DEC
  • 19:53
  • On my way back to the bubble, I stopped by at a station near the Seagull nebula.
  • From here it'll probably take me only 60 more jumps to Sol.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#132 Route from Colonia to Sol
  • 3304 06.DEC
  • 20:52
  • The 12th waypoint I set for myself is a Pulsar inside a beautiful nebula. I'm only one more jump away from it now and after the jump I'll take a break before I start jumping towards the bubble.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#131 Route from Colonia to Sol
  • 3304 05.DEC
  • 14:43
  • I reached the station at the 11th waypoint. Even though there is nobody here who could repair my robot, they were abled to repair nearly everything else on my ship, so that I'm willing to visit the 12th waypoint before I return back to the bubble.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x