CMDR Weylandt profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Finity's End [WEY-01]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
30 900
Systems discovered first:
19 864
Back in the saddle

October 27th, 3303, 20:24, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Planet Spliek RP-A c1 B 1:

After a few days of rest, I've continued my leisurely voyage towards WP3, still about 17k ly away. I listen to the comms chatter of my fellow CMDRs who are preparing for their meeting tomorrow at 3 Geminorum. It's a pity I won't be able to join them, some company would do me good... I feel the cabin fever creeping up on me. Nevertheless, I think it was the right decision to get going early.

At the moment, I do not try to make swift progress, but plot more of a meandering course, looking for Earth-Like or Ammonia worlds, but also at interesting stars. I still have to claim an O-class star or a black hole for myself, after all.

I made a stop at this system, Spliek RP-A c1 and landed on the only planet of the second star. I landed mostly to enjoy the view of two suns in the sky, but it turns out landing here was an inspired choice. I was quickly able to collect additional materials for 4 premium FSD boosts, bringing me up to 34 charges. All that in the space of 10 minutes. Yay me!

Weylandt out.

Heading out again

October 21st, 3303, 17:42, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Aidohs ZQ-C d13-0:

I dediced not to wait for the meeting on the 28th, but instead to head out again and move forward to Waypoint 3. I came across a ringed Class Y Brown Dwarf star which I wanted to investigate. Unfortunately, I entered the rings too fast and took some damage. Hull is down to 98 %, other systems have taken damage as well. I will repair what I can. I really need to be more careful.

Weylandt out.

October 21st, 3303, 20:24, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine:

I've made good progress to WP 3 once I hit the galactic plane again. I did have to use some FSD jumps, but have been able to replenish my resources since. I had to jettison some materials for additional space, but I guess I won't be visiting the engineers anytime soon. I'm still thinking about how and if to visit either Station X or Colonia during the expedition. I have the materials to carry out repairs out here and I'm sure that one of my fellow CMDRs would be willing to help me repair my hull if it becomes critical... but the power plant worries me. It is at 97 % for the moment but I know me and my moments of stupidity. Well, I do have some time left to decide... there are several options to go from WP3 to Station X, for example... and I want to visit Colonia anyway. I just have to be more careful. Peregrine is parked on a little planet under a nice B-Type sun for the next few days.

Weylandt signing off.

Base Camp 1

October 20th, 3303, 19:42, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Base Camp 1 in 3 Geminorum:

I arrived at Base Camp 1 today, and already met up with a few other CMDRs here. In the end, I had to use some FSD boosting to get here, but I didn't have to dip too much into my stores. Now, what to do till the official meeting on October 28th? Well, I still have some time to decide, and this field of geysers that the scouts have discovered sure is breathtaking.

Weylandt out.

Plodding forward

October 18th, 3303, 19:42, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in the Outer Arm Vacuus:

I've made good progress since my last entry. Once I left the Daedalus Crossing behind me, stars are still sparse compared to the core-ward regions but reasonably well-placed to proceed rapidly. Have found some fascinating sites, but alas, hardly any Earth-like worlds and only one Ammonia world. Plenty of water worlds though, many of them terraformable. I'm closing in on Basecamp 1 in 3 Geminorum. I haven't used any jumponium so far, nor neutron star boosts, and I was actually able to collect some more Niobium and Polonium for FSD injections. I now have 28 J3 charges... that should keep me going for a while. I'm about 600 ly away from the next meeting point. Let's see how far I can go before I need to boost. I'm happy to report that Peregrine has not been damaged any more so far, despite some close calls.

Weylandt out.

October 18th, 3303, 20:25, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in the Outer Arm Vacuus:

Found an ELW after all... literally in the boonies, about 400k ls away from the main star of the system. I am about 500 ly away from 3 Geminorum, but I'm afraid I will have to backtrack tomorrow.. this system looks to be a dead end... probably the first of many on this voyage. We really should have given this expedition a different name.

Weylandt out.

The day of stupidity

October 16th, 3303, 16:35, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in the Daedalus Crossing:

Took the first damage today... utter stupidity on my part. Note to self: never, EVER, look at star maps or such whilst heading straight into a star. Fortunately, the damage is minor: I lost 1% hull, most systems are at 98-99%. The cargo hatch was hit worst, but is still at 94%. Also spent a heat sink to get away from the star. I'll have to think whether to initiate repairs here and now or just go on for the moment. I do have an AFMU, but no way to repair hull. Maybe one of my fellow CMDRs can help me out when/if I arrive at 3 Geminorum. Finally decided to carry out some repairs on-site... and made my next mistake. I do need to remember to drop out of FSD BEFORE switching off the thrusters...stupid mistake. Doesn't seem to be my day. I repaired thrusters, life support and the shield generator back to 100%. The power plant is down to 97% and cannot be repaired, the AFMU is at 96%. I really need to be more careful, I'm not even 10k ly away from Sol! 3k ly away from Station X as well, but no point in turning back right now. It seems that the region that I'm currently traversing has already been well-explored. Most systems have already been claimed by previous CMDRs, some of them well-known, such as Star Falcon. Is there any place in the galaxy where this guy hasn't been? I'm still having trouble plotting a long distance course. Most courses at the moment are generated manually, 200-500 ly hops. This makes progress slow tedious.

Weylandt out.

October 16th, 3303, 18:25, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in the Daedalus Crossing:

It seems as if the worst is behind me, I've been able to plot a course over 3k ly and 90 jumps. Looks as if I won't be able to avoid boosted FSD jumps all together, but let's see how far I can get before using them.. or neutron stars. On the bright side, I seem to have moved out of the well-traveled regions, plenty of undiscovered stars. Still weird though that there are so few stars in the sky around here... definitely different from the coreward sectors. Also, quite a lot of solitary stars here. On the other hand, there are hardly non-scoopable stars here, and not even M-class stars. Many K, F and G class stars. Made good progress today, all in all.

Weylandt out.

The great void

October 15th, 3303, 14:00, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en-route to the Daedalus Crossing:

I've set out again into the void. Although the next waypoint is only about 7k ly away, a direct plotting seems to be impossible, probably due to some large chasms between the stars. I originally tried to move out from Station X in an anti-clockwise direction to find some kind of ford. I was later contacted by one of my fellow expeditioneers, CMDR LoneJohnSilver. He suggested trying the "Daedalus Crossing" instead. It is said to be a "streak" of stars crossing the void between galactic arms. Star density seems to be much higher there. I therefore reversed course and am currently heading in that direction. There are also some nebulae in the region (NGC 1893) which might be worth a look.

Weylandt out.

October 15th, 3303, 20:00, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en-route to the Daedalus Crossing:

Plotting a course out here becomes increasingly difficult. I've heard of a system close to Basecamp 1 where materials for FSD injections can be gathered. But I still can't plot a direct course there, even though it is easily within plotting range. For the moment, I manually plot shorter jump sequences which head into the right general direction. I see a few other CMDRs following a similar approach, others seem to have already arrived at 3 Geminorum. Maybe they decided to use some of the FSD boosting to get there quickly. I discovered a few more water worlds and even another Earth-like world. I set down on a twin planet close to an A-class star for the night. Two metal worlds in very close proximity and very close to a large star make for a very impressive night sky. I'll probably take the SRV for a spin tomorrow, although the surface seems to be rather flat.

Weylandt out.

Arrived at Waypoint 1

October 15th, 3303, 07:14, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Station X:

Just arrived at Waypoint 1, Station X. Smooth first leg of the journey so far, except for the last part in-system. A pirate Clipper attacked me, seems he was after the survey data caches I had recovered on the way here. Took my hull down to 84% before I was able to pull off some evasive action. I love Peregrine, but she sure ain't built for combat. Interesting idea to build an asteroid station this close to a star, it makes for some interesting vistas. Gotta take a few more pictures before I leave. I sold the survey caches that I recovered and the exploration data I collected on the way. About 18M Cr for a day's work, not bad. I also now have 2 Earth-like worlds, 1 ammonia world and several terraformable water world credited to my name. Not bad, if I may say so myself. Maybe one day, there will be a shining jewel of an inhabited world in this region of space, proudly bearing the name "Weylandt's World"... maybe with a nice statue of yours truly at a central location? Note to self: no more celebratory alcohol whatsoever this early in the morning! I'm going to have Peregrine repaired and stock up on food and entertainment for the journey ahead. This is the last bastion of civilization... relatively speaking.

I guess this was the easy part. The next leg is going to be more challenging, particularly because the stars are becoming more and more sparse. Plotting is gonna be... interesting. I wonder how my fellow explorers of the DECE are faring. Some of the should have arrived here by now... I'll check the bars, if there is a place sure to draw these rascals, it's the local watering hole.

Weylandt out.

Launch Day

October 14th, 3303, 12:30 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, HIP 23759 1:

It is time. Already the first other CMDRs of the expedition have arrived. Mostly Ancondas, but also another Asp, a Dolphin, a Cutter and a Beluga. Excitement and anticipation building up nicely. Had contact requests from a number of fellow CMDRs... guess we will get to know each other quite well over the next weeks and months.


More and more CMDRs arrive... I've heard that the Spinograph Nebula is supposed to be very beautiful. It's about 250 ly from here, but in the wrong direction. I plan to take a look regardless, since it will be a long time till I'll be in this region again.


The fleet has been assembling in orbit for the last hour or so. An impressive sight: so many Anacondas, Belugas, Asps and DBXs in bright colors, about 50 ships in total. Formations were so tight that some ships actually collided. No significant damages though.All of a sudden, a bounty hunter dropped in to collect a bounty from one of the commanders. Hectic maneuvring, since most of the ships here are not equipped for combat, but in the end, some CMDRs were able to drive this guy off. The launch was delayed, but shortly after 16:00, the mass jump was initiated. An impressive sight. Got many more CMDRs on my contact list now, it will be interesting to see their progress in the coming months.


I made a brief stopover at the Spirograph Nebula, quite an interesting sight, almost hauntingly beautiful. From there I returned to HIP 23759 and now onwards to the Crab Nebula.

18:20, System Flyooe Eohn JE-F d12-3:

Discovered a destroyed ship in this system, a FdL by the looks of it. Found a Large Survey Data Cache in the wreckage. I picked it up... least I can do is to drop off this data at Station X.Who takes a short-legged combat ship like a FdL this far out?

19:52, System Pyult MZ-E d12-13:

Found another ship wreck, looks like a DBX this time. I just hope it is not a fellow explorer of DECE. I picked up another large survey data cache.

21:04, System Qiedeau ZO-A c29-5:

Another ship wreck... I'm starting to get worried. The route to the Crab Pulsar is relatively well-travelled, but 3 ship wrecks in about 3 hours is a bit much. Picked up a small data cache.

22:10, System Qiedeau RH-D b57-0:

Found a gas giant orbiting another gas giant... interesting. I'm about 2k ly out of the Crab Nebula. Gonna call it a night, I made good progress today.

Weylandt out.

Rough night and impressive vistas

October 12th, 3303, 17:30

My back hurts... scratch that, my whole body hurts. Serves me right to park Peregrine on a 3g world for the night, 17 v Eridani A 1 to be precise. What was I thinking?! I so need to get back into a zero-g environment to recuperate.

Weylandt out.

October 12th, 3303, 20:30:

Still have some time left, so I decided to check out a few neutron stars and black holes in the vicinity. Continued on to Barnard's Loop. I just love this region of space, the vistas are awe-inspiring. I'll miss this place, so I decided to land for the night on Messier 78 Sector RD-T c3-3 B 1... great view of the Loop, and a comfy 0.4g... just what my back needs.

Weylandt out.

Checking out the INRA Outpost in Hermitage

Oct. 11th, 3303, 16:27 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine:

I still have a few days to kill before the we take off for our expedition, so I decided to head over to Hermitage to check out the abandoned INRA site I read about in GalNet. It's 19 jumps from HIP 23759 to Hermitage... nothing to the distances we will cover in the coming months.

Weylandt out.

Oct. 11th, 3303, 18:27 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine:

Mycohazard... never seen that word before, but the meaning is pretty clear. I've arrived at Hermitage 4A, after a short detour to Fech to drop off some not quite legal items I found along the way. The ruins of the INRA base are scary... huge tanks, many with corrosion damage. And then this word... Mycohazard. Suddenly I'm very happy that this moon does not have an atmosphere. Nevertheless, a thorough cleaning of the SRV is the order of the day. Gonna leave now... I've seen what I came to see... this place gives me the creeps.

Weylandt out.