CMDR Weylandt profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Finity's End [WEY-01]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
30 900
Systems discovered first:
19 862
WP 12 - Manifest Destiny

December 28th, 3303, 10:09 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at WP 12 (Cyuefoo LC-D d12-0):

I've finally arrived at WP 12, after an exhausting trek of several days to cover a measly 3,000 ly. To be fair, one reason it took so long was that I decided to land on various planets and moons to re-stock on FSD boost materials... I definitely don't want to get stuck out here. So, I took my time. Also, as expected, CMDR Liamson's route was not entirely suitable for me, so I had to take a 3 jump detour. Actually, she should still be in-system, as my sensors have not detected her leaving this WP. I guess she has powered down her ship for her sleep cycle.

Anyway, I'm here at last, even though I had to burn to quite a but of FSD boosts to do so. Next question: how to proceed? WP 13 is only about 4k ly away in a straight line, but given the scarcity of stars around here, I believe the safest and fastest route would be to backtrack into the direction of WP 11, following the route I took to get here, and then turn towards WP 13 once the star density is more amenable to long range plotting. I noted a few resource-rich systems on my way here, so I'll probably take the time to pick up some more FSD boost materials. I'm still reasonably well-stocked, but from the look of it, the region around WP 13 and 14 might be difficult to navigate as well.

Note to self: maybe bringing a plasma accelerator next time to dump fuel might be a worthwhile idea after all. There was at least one occasion on this trip where it definitely would have helped. I need to look into this once I'm back in the Bubble.

Weylandt out.

A navigational challenge

December 26th, 3303, 8:09 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, System Praea Eup OG-Y d0 en route to WP 12:

This is getting ridiculous: it's taking me days just to cover a paltry 3k ly distance between WP 11 and WP 12. I'm still about 1,270 ly away from my destination, in system Praea Eup OG-Y d0. I had to start using FSD boosts, and my greatest concern for the moment is that I get stuck somewhere. This why I've rearranged the materials that I have onboard and begun to harvest for new materials, to keep the number of available FSD boosts as high as possible. At the same time, I stopped automatically scooping fuel at stars, in order to increase my base jump range. Peregrine's jump range with a full tank is about 52.3 ly, I'm trying to keep her at about 55 ly for now. I imagine this is what it was like for those people who broke off the main DECE group near WP3, to explore Arm's End. It seems that for the moment, Cadmium is what I need most. I've landed on planet A 5 which should have some 1.8%, according to the scanners. On a positive note, this system seems to have most materials that I need. I guess I'm gonna be here for a while before scouting ahead once more.

Weylandt out.

December 26th, 3303, 13:09 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to WP 12:

My sensors detected CMDR Eryn Liamson's Elysium nearby who is also on her way to Manifest Destiny. We chatted for a while and compared notes, then she moved on. A few hours later, she contacted me again to let me know that she's arrived at WP 12. Looks as if she is less careful (or timid, depending on perspective) when it comes to FSD boosting. She pushed right through, while I still try to keep FSD boosting to a minimum. I shouldn't nag though... she is there while I am not (yet), so obviously she has a point. I noted her route to WP 12 for future reference even if I will not be able to just follow her path... at least one jump in her route was about 119 ly, way beyond Peregrine's jump range. Nevertheless, maybe I can adapt her course somewhat to suit my purposes. In other news: I discovered my first twin ammonia worlds in REDACTED. Also, it seems as if I'm only 68 ly away from Hesperus where I should be able to re-stock on FSD injection materials.

Weylandt out.

A tough nut to crack...

December 23rd, 3303, 15:09 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, somewhere between WP 11 and WP 12:

This is more difficult than I thought. Although WP 12 is only about 3k ly away from WP 11, this is one of the regions were plotting becomes... annoying, due to a lack of stars. I managed to get to a distance of about 2k ly, then I got stuck. I have used 1 standard FSD boost to get to another chain of stars, but this doesn't seem to help much. What's worse, the plotting computer is kinda unreliable out here. It manages to plot a course, and when I next activate it, it has forgotten the course and is unable to re-plot it... even from the exact same starting position! From what I've seen, WP 13 isn't any better as well. At the moment, I have decided to scout the nearby systems for materials and try to get closer, one system at a time. I don't want to spend to much Jumponium out here, unless I'm sure I can make it back.

Weylandt out.

December 23rd, 3303, 22:00 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, somewhere between WP 11 and WP 12:

I'm still looking for a way towards WP 12, no real progress there. While scouting different systems, I've been following events on the other side of the galaxy, namely the rescue of one CMDR Persera, stuck without fuel at Semotus Beacon, by a group of Fuel Rats. The Rats mounted a rescue within days, and since she got stuck after supercruising away from Semotus Beacon for a long time (something to do with a record and Huttons Mugs, I believe), this took some planning. They caught up with her just now, refueled her and send her on her way... after finally jettisoning that damned mug. Certainly a rescue for the ages.

Weylandt out.

A new hope

December 22nd, 3303, 07:02 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, System Flyooe Dryai NC-B d1-1:

I've just been contacted by CMDR Eryn Liamson of the Elysium. She was about 8k ly away when she received my distress call and is currently en-route to my position, about 15 jumps out. Her Anaconda carries hull repair limpets and offers assistance... The stars have been kind to me. I'm holding my position for now and wait for her arrival. I've used the time to repair some of the modules that have taken damage during the trip. Nothing serious (except for the hull, of course), but since I have nothing better to do...

Weylandt out.

December 22nd, 3303, 07:30 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, System Flyooe Dryai NC-B d1-1:

The Elysium has just arrived and brought my poor Peregrine's hull back to optimum condition (well, except for the paint job, of course). I really appreciate CMDR Liamson's prompt reaction, this saves me from a perilous journey to Colonia... though I might be tempted to go there anyway. I have the time, the main part of the fleet is about 20k ly behind me. The important thing is, however, that Peregrine is in tip top shape again. Let's just hope it's gonna be a while till I do something stupid again.

CMDR Liamson... Beer is on me.

Weylandt out.

Disaster strikes

December 21st, 3303, 20:34 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, System Prie Thoe CA-A d2:

Still on my way to WP 11, when I had a closer look at an interesting twin planet in Prie Thoe CA-A d2. Took some pictures, and then decided to explore a canyon system on one of the planets. I did some canyon flying and enjoyed the view, until I came upon a (too) tight turn... and inertia carried my trusty Peregrine right into the canyon wall. Hull is down to 6 %, modules seem fine. My colleagues from DECE are too far away to help, at least those that I've been able to contact. My best option seems to be a trip to Colonia, about 29k ly away. With 6 % hull strength, I have to be careful.

Nevertheless, I've decided to head to WP 11 first, as I'm only about 3k ly away now. It's a calculated risk. Wish me luck.

Weylandt out.

December 21st, 3303, 21:34 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en-route to WP 11:

I detected fellow CMDR Rojo Habe relatively nearby, he is about 2k ly ahead of me. I contacted him for assistance, but unfortunately, his ship does not carry any hull repair limpets. I discussed the situation with him and he agreed... Colonia is my best bet. I'm about 35 jumps out of WP 11. I'll continue my course for now, and then head back coreward.

Weylandt out.

Been careless... again

December 20th, 3303, 15:15 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, enroute to WP 11:

It was basically smooth sailing form Waypoint 10 to 11, a long, eventless slog through a relatively boring region of space. I got so bored that I went for some sightseeing and got too close too fast near a small moon, about 5500 ly away from WP11. Stupidity on my side... again. Peregrine took 1 % hull damage which may not sound like much, but I still have most of the trip ahead of me.

The enormity of this endeavor is dawning on me. I've been out here in the boonies since mid-October, and still have most of the waypoints ahead of me. This is by far the longest trip I've ever undertaken. On the other hand, the news from the Bubble are not good... it seems the Thargoids are finally on the warpath, attacking AEGIS stations near the Pleiades.

Weylandt out.

Waypoints 8 & 9

December 8th, 3303, 20:45 CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, enroute to WP 10:

Again, smooth going from WP 7 to WP 8 and 9, so I didn't see the need to clutter the log with unnecessary details. I'm still making good progress, and the stars are relatively dense here, so plotting is not a problem. I reached WP 8 yesterday, and WP 9, a red supergiant, today. Not that great a feat, since they are only about 1500 ly apart. WP 10 seems to be a black hole in a small nebula, that should make for some interesting pictures. I found some interesting sights along the way and several Earth-like and Ammonia Worlds, and plenty of Water Worlds. I also visited a Neutron Star and even a Black Hole, but unfortunately, they had both already been discovered. My greatest find, however, was REDACTED.

Weylandt out.

Waypoint 7 - Decision Point

November 27th, 3303, 19:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at WP 7 (Aicods KD-K d8-3):

I may not have recorded much into the ship's log recently, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy... just that not much has happened out of the ordinary since leaving WP 6. For some reason, I wasn't able to plot a direct course from there to here, but manual plotting was not a problem, the star population was relatively dense here. I found some Earth-like Worlds and Ammonia World, but this part of space seems to be dominated by Water Worlds.. they are everywhere.

One thing of interest that I found was a potential basecamp, about 270 ly away from Waypoint 7, the double moons of the first gas giant in the Aicods ME-P c19-0 system. Nice canyons on one of the moons, a ringed gas giant in the sky, and one of the moons is not even beige. I suggested the site to the fleet commanders of DECE, let's see what happens.

The road ahead seems clear, the plotting computer decided on a course of 231 jumps to my next official destination... though I doubt that this the route that I'll take eventually... too much out there to see. I still have to figure out why this system is called Decision Point though.

Weylandt out.

Back in the saddle... or The Curse of the Peregrine

November 19th, 3303, 17:10, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Keerbs XO-X c28-0:

After carrying out repairs at Station X, particularly the power plant, I headed back out towards the Daedalus Crossing and onwards to Waypoint 6. The journey was rather uneventful and even boring, until an hour ago: I almost crashed into a planet that was in the way for some reason. Peregrine was ripped out of Supercruise. Hull is okay, but some of the modules took damage... and my power plant is back to 98 %... almost the same state it was before I headed back to the Crab Nebula... in other words... the last 12k ly to Station X and back were for nothing.

Weylandt out.

Crab Nebula again

November 15th, 3303, 20:10, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Station X:

I've just arrived back at Station X after passing through the Daedalus Crossing (again) for some repairs and a quick data dump. That quick dump took about 15-20 min, but now I am more than 240 million Cr richer for 4 weeks' worth of exploring and mapping.

Peregrine is back to optimum condition, I'm happy to say, and it was good to see human beings again in the flesh and not via comms. I'll treat myself to some decent food and drink (not that there is much to offer here, to be honest). Tomorrow I plan to head out again towards the Daedalus Crossing (again... sigh) and onward to Waypoint 6.

Weylandt out.