CMDR Weylandt profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Finity's End [WEY-01]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
30 900
Systems discovered first:
19 862

January 16th, 3304, 14:34, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in system Lyambeia PN-G b44-4:

I've been steadily traveling back to the rim for the last few days, mostly jumping and scanning, although I managed to find some Neutron Stars, Ammonia Worlds and even Earth-like planets along the way. I then heard from CMDR Aw.=w that he'd heard rumors that the supposed Thargoid homeworld was close to my position, only about 2k ly away. I decided to check out this lead and traveled to this system, Lyambeia PN-G b44-4. After about 40 jumps, I arrived some hours ago, and I have to say... if this system is the Thargoid home system, they must be even more different than we imagined. This is an unremarkable system with a M-class star as its primary, and 3 L-class stars and a bunch of lifeless rocks. Also, according to the Galactic Mapping Initiative, I am the very first CMDR to ever enter the system.

I have scanned most of the celestial bodies here, there is nothing worth mentioning. I think CMDR Aw.=w's so-called lead was just BS. I'm heading out again, towards the rim.

Weylandt out.

R & R

January 14th, 3304, 17:04, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Balakor's Research Post, Tenjin System:

I spent the the day in Colonia space, bought myself an Eagle (the Joyrider), did some recreational bounty hunting and also did a detour to a nearby system (about 600 ly) in which a landable planet is about 2.5 ls away from a White Dwarf. Also discovered a number of Neutron Stars in the region.

I've returned to Balakor's Research Post in Tenjin, as my final stop before heading back out into the void. I've plotted a course back out to the rim, to pick up my itinerary where I left it. The Joyrider will stay here.

Weylandt out.


January 13th, 3304, 21:05, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Robardin Rock, Carcosa System:

After a tour de force of about 500 consecutive jumps, I have finally arrived in Colonia space. I decided to head to Robardin Rock in Carcosa first, as this little asteroid base is only 8 ls away of the jump exit point, in orbit around the first planet, a lifeless rock. This minimized the possibility of being intercepted by pirates.

I repaired and restocked Peregrine, and also installed an additional heat sink launcher while removing the xeno scanner... don't think I will need it out there after all. I'm also considering switching the standard 32t fuel tank to a smaller tank with 16t, but haven't decided yet. On the purely cosmetic side, I ordered a paintjob for SRV1 and 2, yellow and red respectively.

I'm currently uploading the exploration data that I have collected since my last stop in Station X which should bring me a hefty sum. I then intend to head further to Jaques Station and the new Megaship there, the Dove Enigma... maybe pick up a few basic conductors so I can finally synthesize additional heat sinks in space. But first, I'm gonna head to the bar.

PS: The exploration data sold for about 641 million credits.

Weylandt out.

Back to Colonia

January 13th, 3304, 7:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to Colonia:

After yesterday's experience with the BBQ stars, I have decided to make a quick (relatively speaking) dash to Colonia to restock on heat sinks and also do some refitting. I'm not exactly sure what they have, but I hope I'll be able to replace my cargo rack with an addtional field repair unit, and maybe install some more heat sink launchers. Yesterday really gave me a scare. All the other mishaps during this voyage were basically my own fault, but exiting jump in the middle of two stars... that's something else. As I still have two thirds of the voyage ahead of me and this is the closest I'll get to Colonia on my planned itinerary (about 24k ly), now is the time.

I've already travelled about 3000 ly into the general direction of Colonia, jumping, scanning, scooping, re-aligning the ship, jumping again... no detailed surveys this time. The monotony of it is a danger in itself, but I think this is the safest course of action. I can also use my stay in Colonia to pick up the paintjobs that I ordered for my two SRVs.

Weylandt out.

Peregrine BBQ'd

January 12th, 3304, 15:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Loihea BG-R c7-4:

My glorious expedition almost came to an abrupt end today, but this time through no fault of my own. While still en route to WP 17, Peregrine came out of jump in the system Loihea BG-R c7-4, right in the middle between a G-class and a M-class star who are extremely close to one another. I actually had the impression of moving through the M star before completely materializing in normal space. Fortunately, I was able to quickly pop a heat sink and move out of the dangerous zone. This is the 3rd heat sink I had to spend, so I'm down 50 % of my total stock. Turns out I can't even synthesize additional heat sinks since I'm missing basic conductors, which, of course, are unobtainable out here.

I'm considering proposing this system as a PoI to the Galactic Mapping Institute... maybe call it "Peregrine's BBQ"?

One a more positive note: I've finished about 1/3 of the entire journey now, and I am still way ahead of the main group. I also found a nice place which, I believe, might be an excellent spot for a future basecamp on the first planet of system Dryoi Flyoae JI-Q d6-16, at planetary coordinates 43.1182° / -6.0872°. A very interesting geological formation inside a huge crater, which several circular valleys. I forwarded my find to DECE Command's scout division, let's see what they do with it. Next order of business: get out a travel warning for this system.

Weylandt out.

The longest leg

January 10th, 3304, 17:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en-route to WP 17:

I passed by WP 16 yesterday, and took the time to take some pictures of Banded Azane, an amazing ringed ammonia world at the outer edge of WP 16's system. A beautiful sight. I then continued on on what is apparently the single longest leg of the expedition, more than 19k ly to WP 17, or more than 400 jumps. Good news is that I was able to plot a direct course from WP 16 to 17, even with some filtering. Also, I'm good in terms of FSD boosts... the holds are full with materials, and given my current course I shouldn't have any problems in the foreseeable future. One other thing worth reporting: turns out that CMDR Eryn Liamson discovered a system between WP 15 and 16 which contains more than 100 bodies. It has been suggested by DECE Command that each CMDR passing the system will tag only one body for him or herself, sort of a monument to DECE. I was the 2nd CMDR to pass through the system (after CMDR Liamson, of course), so I took care to scan only the first planet of the system. I also found a number of neutron stars in the last few days, but they had all already been discovered except for one.

Weylandt out.

A bit of a dry spell

January 7th, 3304, 19:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Ploi Phlai NG-Y d6 A 1, about 2077 ly away from WP 15:

I've been jumping and honking all day on my way to WP 15, with pretty much nothing to show for it... a few water worlds, but no ammonia worlds or Earth-likes. I had to pop another heat sink though, pretty much the same situation as yesterday. I'm afraid that I'm getting a bit careless, due to the dangerous combination of routine and boredom. Need to keep an eye on that.

To end today's log entry on a positive note: I found another gas giant in close promixity to its parent star, Ploi Phlai NG-Y d6 A 1. This one is about 143 ls away from an A class star, and it has bright rings. Okay, the system's name may sound like some rather exotic Thai dish, but you can find truly breath-taking sights if you maneuver into the right position. I took a few pics to brag with to potential future grandchildren, and also moved into the rings, right where the shadow of the gas giant creates a cone of darkness with the bright light of the A star. This has to be one of my favorite images I've taken during this expedition so far. I'll have to talk to the scout team of the DECE expedition about this find. As far as I know, they are still looking for potential BC sites in this area of space... but who says a BC has to be planetside... what about rendezvousing in a ring system for a change?

Weylandt out.

On the road again

January 6th, 3304, 20:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Stralaae GQ-W c15-0:

I'm back in more densely populated space, and making good progress towards WP 15. Plenty of undiscovered star systems around here, though hardly anything of interest... no Earth-like worlds, no ammonia worlds, hardly any water worlds so far. One fascinating thing that I did find, however, was a gas giant in close orbit (about 4.5 ls!) to a M-class star, and an orbital period of 0.5 days! Truly a stunning sight in the system Stralaae GQ-W c15-0.

In other news, I had to pop my first heat sink since leaving Station X... the FSD drive overheated while trying to jump without being properly aligned.

Weylandt out.

WP 13 & 14

January 5th, 3304, 17:17, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0 (WP 14, aka Star One):

Finally arrived at Star One, after more than two days of arduous navigating. This is the star in our galaxy closest to the Andromeda galaxy... not that we will be going there anytime soon!

According to my stats, it took be about 30 boosts of various qualities to get here, but as I have been picking up materials en route, I am actually still quite well-stocked. For the most part, I followed a route provided by CMDR Eryn Liamson who passed through here a few days earlier.

Things are really dark out here, hardly any stars to be seen. I'll be happy to get back to regions with more stars. The next waypoint is more than 4k ly away, though the actual distance of course will be much larger. Anyway, I'll be happy once I have backtracked my course to Star One, without constantly worrying about jump ranges and FSD boosts.

Weylandt out.

Moving forward backwards

December 30th, 3303, 07:42, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Praea Eup OG-Y d0:

I spent most of yesterday following the my route to WP 12, but backwards to get back into more populated space... more populated by stars, that is... there is really no living soul out here. I'm currently in Praea Eup OG-Y d0, trying to stock up on FSD boost materials. As was to be expected, Polonium is quite difficult to find, but I have more than 30 boosts in all categories again which should suffice for now, though I expect to do a few more boosted FSD jumps before I get back into "normal" space. In total, this little detour from WP 11 to WP 12 has cost me about 40 boosts of various qualities, but fortunately, there are several stops on the way where I was able to stock up.

Also, I'm definitely gonna get me one of these fuel-dumping plasma accelerators for the next trip to the rim, they are just too handy not to have around, especially out here in the rim! I might get rid of the second SRV, though. Sure, having a backup is nice, but up to now, I have not yet come into a situation where my SRV was seriously threatened. Base jump range, on the other hand, is even more important than I imagined out here. Though I've heard on comms that the biggest obligatory jump is behind me now that I have passed WP 12.

Weylandt out.

December 30th, 3303, 14:22, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Praea Eup JF-R d4-1:

I'm finally back in more crowded space, and Stars, does it feel good... okay, long-range course plotting is still out of the question, but I don't have to finagle my fuel scooping to get a better base jump range, and also, I don't need to use FSD boosts any more... at least for now.

I actually managed to pick up some polonium in some Stars-forsaken M-class system a few jumps back, so I have 49 premium FSD jumps now, if necessary. Standard FSD boosts are another matter, it is surprisingly difficult to find decent amounts of cadmium around here. I'm at 29 standard FSD boosts at the moment. I landed on the fifth planet of this system to mine for some Cd, but no luck so far.

Weylandt out.