Mapowanie Galaktyki > Trasy > The Red River squadron's yearly outing

Loop from Katta to Sagittarius A* and back again. Bring plenty of canned foods...and can openers.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Katta 67.53125 / 25 / 24.625
#2 Statue of Liberty Sector LC-V c2-12 (Statue of Liberty Nebula) 5588.71875 / -70.71875 / 2183.75 5 929,12 Ly
#3 Plaa Aec IZ-N c20-1 (Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements - Alpha Site) 7890.46875 / 137.3125 / 7508.03125 5 804,25 Ly
#4 Plio Aip QM-W d1-48 4469.1875 / 21.25 / 9410.5 3 916,38 Ly
#5 Puelaa OD-V b8-0 (Devil's Hair Nebula) 5375.0625 / 1137.3125 / 13200.5625 4 053,49 Ly
#6 Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-3468 (Guardian ruins - Teal Nebula sites) 4948.46875 / 165.0625 / 20654.53125 7 529,20 Ly
#7 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 7 193,75 Ly
#8 Nyuena JS-B d342 (Altum Sagittarii) 29.09375 / 1976.53125 / 25859.5 1 996,72 Ly
#9 Pho Aoscs OS-U f2-26 (Black Fields) -3104.25 / 2835.21875 / 24422.65625 3 552,42 Ly
#10 Dryeau Aub AA-A h4 (Ascent) -5355.875 / 3354.3125 / 21698.96875 3 571,80 Ly
#11 Trieneou AA-A h2 (The Great Escape) -7958.65625 / -3393.3125 / 21491.0625 7 235,20 Ly
#12 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 6 243,55 Ly
#13 Preae Ain KD-Z d1-12 (Mariner's Reach) -4800.4375 / 1150.75 / 10652.75 6 112,36 Ly
#14 Pru Aescs HW-S b31-2 (Conflux Abandoned Settlements) -3192.90625 / 68.40625 / 8591.75 2 829,02 Ly
#15 Traikaae KT-P d6-10 (Cinnabar Moth Nebula) -969.375 / 900.8125 / 4637.34375 4 612,41 Ly
#16 Katta 67.53125 / 25 / 24.625 4 808,26 Ly