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ELW 1st discoveries (Acheron)

Logbook - entry 00059

Stardate 06.02.3307

I have crossed The Abyss region from south to north until Beagle Point/Salomé's Reach, and then from there headed south-east, crossed the whole region until I have arrived in the Acheron region - and for that entire big trip have not spotted a single ELW on the way (!). More than 80% of systems I have visited in the Abyss were already discovered, but rarely mapped.... most of people were just fast-travelling.

Anyway, few jumps after I have entered in Acheron, I made my first ELW discovery:

System OOCTARN LG-O D6-2, Planet E 10.

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The 2nd discovered ELW was spotted in the OOCTAT YU-P D5-1 system. 5th planet orbiting the primary G class star. bonus: terraformable HCMW and WW orbiting the same star + a WW orbiting the secondary - class M star.

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3rd ELW discovered in Ooctat GQ-P d5-3 system, orbiting a F class star at 920ls distance.

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4th ELW discovered in system PYRIE THAE YT-R D4-3, as the 6th planet orbiting the main A Class star at a distance of 1563 ls.

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5th ELW discovered in system PYRIE THAE DY-J C9-0, orbiting the primary K class star at 533ls

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6th ELW discovered in system OOCTARBS PT-R D4-5, orbiting an A class star at 1'865ls.

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7th ELW discovered in system OOCTARBS NT-H C10-1, as the 2nd planet orbiting a G class star at distance of 687ls, with a terraformable HCMW orbiting around at only 1.5ls distance.

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8th ELW discovered in system OOCTARBS KR-L C8-0, as the 4th planet of a G class star, orbiting at a distance of 437ls. Two terraformable HCMW + One WW in the system.

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9th ELW discovered in system CHAEA THAA WT-R D4-5, as the 4th planet orbiting a class A star at a distance of 1'809ls. Additionnaly, two more terraformable HCMW and one WW present in the system.

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10th ELW discovered in system Syrivu KT-Q c18-6, as the 7th planet orbiting a G class star at a distance of 490ls. A rocky moon is orbiting the ELW at a close distance of 0.72ls

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11th ELW spotted in system Praei Bre OM-W d1-15 AB 1, orbiting between two class F stars, at a distance of 2'766ly from the first one. It is a pretty cold ELW with an average temperature of just 264 Kelvin (-10 celsius).

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The Abyss - Beagle Point - Salomé's Reach

Logbook - entry 00058

Stardate 05.02.3307

Five months after my departure from the Bubble, I finally reached the other side of the Galaxy, The Abyss region, and travelled all the way up until the northern edge where the famous Beagle Point system is located. I must say that this part of the route was not so interesting as 95% of the system have been visited/discovered and mostly mapped... I could not miss to visit the system that is the most distant from Sol in our Galaxy - located some 500ly north-west from Beagle Point: OEAVASY SG-Y D0. I had to plan careful the route, as the systems density is low, and had to make use of jumponium on few occasions. Once there I travelled some 130K ls to reach the icy moon that is the most distant astral body that can be visited (65'647 ly from Sol) - also called Salomé's Reach.

Amazing and creepy feeling to be at the edge of the Galaxy, with no more visible stars ahead.

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1st biological discoveries - Crystalline shards (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00057

Stardate 28.01.3307

System Praea Bre ZY-E c25-19 - B 2 B (Icy body) - 17 biological signals (Crystalline shards - Yttrium) - was full already, but still nice to discover a new biological signal.

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Planetary Nebulas - central part of Formorian Frontier region

Logbook - entry 00056

Stardate 26.01.3307

Pru Bre PM-W e1-11 - Planetary nebula with a Neutron star and a ringed HCMW. Nice blue and velvet colors variation. Unfortunately no landable planets. A dozen of B star systems in the vincinity, but did not discovered any biological signals.

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The 2nd planetary nebula further up north is in the system Thuecheae MT-Q e5-8 and is also named The Seldowitch Nebula. It has only two astral bodies, non landable - A Neutron Star and a ringed HCMW. it is best viewed from the surounding system - nice pink and purple colors. enter image description here

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The third and last planetary nebula is located in the system Pyrivo HW-V e2-8, and is also called the Fly Trap nebula as it is located only 17.1 ly from the Praei2 permit zone. The only astral body is a black hole.

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1st biological discoveries - Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00055

Stardate 25.01.3307

B class star system Sutchoi JR-N e6-12, 4 biological signals (Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones) present on one astral body, a metal-rich planet with a 2.2 gravity, orbiting at 104ls of a A class star. I took the time to explore before some geological signals (iron magma) on the surface of a rocky world orbiting a Class IV gas giant.

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Found the same type of anemones in the nearby B star class system Sutchoi JR-N e6-11. Present on two metal-rich bodies: B1a , and B2a.

ELW 1st discoveries (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00054

Stardate 24.01.3307

System SWUEMEE JY-F D12-38, containing 4 terraformable HCMW and 1 ELW.

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2nd ELW discovered in the region - system Phyleadou TB-W c15-14. A beautiful one, different types of clouds, fogs, hills, mountains, snow - really nice and realistic texture.

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The third ELW discovered in the region is located in the vincinity of the planetary nebula Baade & Zwicky's Eye (Pru Bre PM-W e1-11). System - Pru Bre JF-R d4-137 - containing 1xELW, 3xWW and 4 terraformable HCMW.

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Fourth ELW discovered in the region was made few jumps north of the Fly Trap planetary nebula, in a B class star system - Pyrivo JH-U e3-3.

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1st biological discovery - Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00053

Stardate 23.01.3307

B class star System Sutchoi SY-S e3-0 with 4 terraformable HCMWs (one with rings) and biological signals (Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones) present on 3 planets: A1, A2 & B1.

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B class star with 3 class V GG (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00052

Stardate 22.01.3307

Following my route through the Formorian Frontier making the effort to spot as much as possible systems with Class B or O stars, as often they are very interesting (class V, IV gas giants, higher probability to spot biological signals or notable stellar phenomena).

This one, system Preae Chraei HG-Y f0 is containing 3x Class V gas giants, two of them orbiting very close (1ls) to each other with a HCMW few ls away at a distance of 600ls from the primary B class star - stunning views!

1st biological discoveries (Formorian Frontier)

Logbook - entry 00051

Stardate 22.01.3307

4 star System Preae Chraei RM-W d1-28, with an A Class as the primary one, K, M and G class orbiting around. The G class star is the only one with planets, 15 in total, 260K ls far from the primary star of the system. Biological signals are present on two rocky bodies, orbiting the 10th planet, a Class III gas giant.

10 b - 1 biological signal - Crystalline Shards (Ruthenium) had 120, took the opportunity gather 30 more until full storage.

10 d - 14 biological signals - Crystalline Shards (Polonium)

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First Class O discovered (Newton's Vault)

Logbook - entry 00050

Stardate 19.01.3307

Those must be really rare, as after having travelled more than 220K ly I just discovered my first Class O star. Beautiful blue light, but unfortunately nothing else in that system.

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