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1st discoveries part 2 (Lyra's Song)

Logbook - entry 00079

Stardate 08.07.3307

Biological signals (Crystalline shards - Tellurium) found in a tri-star (G, M, K) system - Synookuia WP-P d5-0 - on the surface of a rocky body C 1 A, orbiting a class II gas giant.

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Stardate 23.11.3307

After a long four and half cryo-sleep break, I have put myself back in the cockpit and pilot seat of my Krait MK II - it is about time to continue my galactic route on my way back to my home base New Belgrade in Rudjer Boskovic system in the Bubble. Still a long way to reach home - 34'163ly away.

Currently in the middle of Lyra's Song region, in a class B star system composed of 39 astral bodies where I have made another biological first discovery - Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones - 7 signals scattered on the surface of AB4 HCMW.

Stardate 23.11.3307

3 Star system (K, M, M) - HYPHAUFT KZ-R C4-2 - with one ELW (AB3) and one WW (AB4)

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Stardate 04.12.3307

Class F star system - TRAILAU ZU-G D10-7 - with one ELW (6th planet 1'339.71ls from the star) and one HCMW terraformable.

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Stardate 04.12.3307

Class F star system - TRAILAU PT-I D9-17 - with one ELW (4th planet of the system at 1'281.25ls distance from the stasr).

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1st discoveries (Tenebrae)

Logbook - entry 00078

Stardate 21.06.3307

1st ELW spotted in a binary star system (G, K) - Byue Phlue TY-Z d13-5 - containing 26 astral bodies, 6 that deserved to be mapped (1 ELW, 1 WW, 2 terraformable HCMW and 2 terraformable Rocky Bodies).

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Stardate 22.06.3307

2 NSPs discovered in the class A star system Ausairg RX-U e2-0.

  1. Located in the black 3'419ls from the star, containing a proto-Lagrange cloud, ice crystals and rhizome pods.

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  1. located in the black 3'422ls from the star, containing a proto-Lagrange cloud, silicate and ice crystals, and rhizome pods.

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Stardate 27.06.3307

NSP discovered far inside the region, in a class A star system - Byai Airgh WO-I d9-0, containing a proto-Lagrange cloud, ice crystals and rhizome pods.

Stardate 27.06.3307

Discovered 1x ELW, 3x terraformable HCMW and 2x NSPs in a bi-star (A, F) system - Ooc Fleau BE-T d3-4.

both NSPs were containing ice crystals and rizome pods.

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Stardate 29.06.3307

Bi-star system (A, M) - OOC FLEAU ZX-U D2-1 - which was visited by a certain Spinnelein, but not scanned, neither mapped. The system contains only one planet, a terraformable WW, and 2 NSPs, located 250ls of the planet. 1 NSP is containing ice crystals and rizome pods and the 2nd one additionally some Flavum silicate crystals.

Stardate 03.07.3307

1x NSP, 1x ELW and 4x terraformable HCMW discovered in this bi-star (A, K) system - Ausain DE-T d3-1.

The NSP is located in the black 2'504ls fromthe primary star, and contains a proto-lagrange cloud, two types of silicate crystals and rizome pods.

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Stardate 04.07.3307

2x NSPs, 1x WW and 2x terraformable HCMW discovered a class A star system - Nuelou IR-C d4.

1st NSP located in the black 2'741ls from the star containing a proto-lagrange cloud, ice and silicate crystals and rizome pods.

2nd NSP located also in the blac 2'745ls form the star, containing a proto-lagrange cloud, ice crystals and rizome pods.

1st discoveries (Lyra's Song)

Logbook - entry 00077

Stardate 01.06.3307

Stardate 01.06.3307

Four-Star system (F, K, M, L) - Pleia Aed GA-Z d3 - with 63 astral bodies and biological signals present on 3:

  1. 11 biological signals (Crystalline shards - Yttrium) present on BCD4 C (Icy body) orbiting in between two set of rings of a class I gas giant, 95'694.16ls from the primary class F star.

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  1. 2 biological signals (Crystalline shards - Yttrium) present on BCD1 A orbiting a class III gas giant.

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  1. 5 biological signals (Crystalline shards - Polonium) present on BCD1 E

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Stardate 01.06.3307

1st ELW discovered in Lyra's Song region - class G system Plooe Aec GK-R c4-0, with two terraformable HCMWs.

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Stardate 07.06.3307

2nd ELW found in a binary system (F, K) - Qeakua IC-M d7-1.

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Stardate 07.06.3307

Discovered two rocky ice worlds moons orbiting a blue class III gas giant in four star system (K, M, T, M) - Qeakua BR-U c16-1. Both with incredible canyons and mountains, especially the ABC 2 B, and both silicate vapour geysers type of volcanism.

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Stardate 01.06.3307

Biological signals (Crystalline shard - Tellurium) found in the bi-star system (K, M) - Qeakua EH-B c27-0, on the icy moon B2 B, that contains also nitrogen volcanism.

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Stardate 10.06.3307

Biological signals (Crystalline shards - Antimony) found in the tri-star (K, M, L) system - Praei Aed NH-C c13-1, on the rocky moon C2 A - 224'583.22ls from the primary star.

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Stardate 11.06.3307

3rd ELW discovered in a binary star system (F, M) - Hyphauft GY-Z d13-10, orbiting the secondary class M star.

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Stardate 12.06.3307

Found this only archipelago of islands on a water world in the tri-star system (A, G, K) - SLEHIAE RC-V D2-7 - in Lyra's Song. Wish I could land on that heart shaped island down there.

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Stardate 12.06.3307

4th ELW found in a tri-star system (A, M, K) - Slehiae CP-R d4-6.

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Stardate 12.06.3307

Class K star system - Blaei Phlue UG-Y c3 - containing 2 NSPs.

  1. located in the black, 1'410ls from the star, containing ice crystals and quadripartite pods.

  2. located in the black, 1'411ls from the star, containing ice crystals and quadripartite pods.

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Stardate 17.06.3307

2 NSPs found in a bi-star system (A, M) - Blaei Phlue IL-P d5-7:

  1. Located in the black, 2'139ls from the primary star, containing metallic crystals and quadripartite pods.

  2. Located in the black, 2'140ls from the primary star, containing metallic crystals and quadripartite pods.
95 Astral Bodies (Hawking's Gap)

Logbook - entry 00076

Stardate 24.05.3307

This is the system with most astral bodies - 95 - I have discovered so far (previously was 84).

Bi-star system (B, A) - Pra Phio QZ-O e6-6. Was hoping to find some biologicals, but no luck. However went having a closer look on two class IV gas giant orbiting close to each other at 300ls from the primary class B star - beautiful sight.

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1st discoveries (Hawking's Gap)

Logbook - entry 00075

Stardate 21.05.3307

More than 60 jumps inside the region and finally I have made a 1st notable discovery, an ELW in a bi-star system - SYNOOKAU NX-A C27-2. One ELW in close orbit (0.7ls) of a terraformable HCMW, 204ls from the primary K class star.

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Stardate 24.05.3307

Second ELW of the region discovered in class F star system BLIA AEC RG-Y D70, as the 4th planet located 712.39ls from the star.

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Stardate 21.05.3307

3rd ELW discovered in class G system Prie Aec SX-U d2-0, with another terraformable HCMW.

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Rocky Ice World with huge peaks and deep canyons (Hawking's Gap)

Logbook - entry 00074

Stardate 19.05.3307

Today is the lucky day for those on PC as it is the release day of Odyssey extension, and my consolation prize is the arrival of my XBox Series X - Finally! :).

In the system SWOAPP UY-R C4-O - A Bi-star system (K, M) - I have noticed that the two closest moons (Rocky ice worlds) orbiting a beautiful class I gas giant with rings, are having a particular relief with zones of very high mountains and very deep canyons across the entire planet. As the sights were really amazing a took my time to explore, validate some codex entries (silicate and iron magma signals), and make some photos.

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WW with rings orbiting a Y dwarf with rings + biological signals on a pink HCMW in a O star system

Logbook - entry 00073

Stardate 07.05.3307

Class O star system - Dryeae Aod EG-Y g8 - already discovered. Nevertheless, as there were biological signals (Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones) reported on metal rich moon of a Class V gas giant, I have decided to have a closer look. The moon has a pinkish color due to the O class star, and this combined with the proximity of the Class V gas giant is providing some really nice sights.

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Stardate 07.05.3307

Class A star system - Dryeae Aod CD-A d14-17 - 1st discovery - with a WW with rings orbiting a Y brown dwarf with rings - amazing sight!

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1st discoveries - part3 (Dryman's Point)

Logbook - entry 00072

Stardate 06.05.3307

K class star system - Eock Prau SY-H c10-1 - with 2x NSPs.

  1. located in orbit of the 1st planet, a class III gas giant, containing Peduncle Trees and Pods.

  2. located inside the rings of the 2nd planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing Peduncle Trees and pods.

Stardate 06.05.3307

G class star system - Eock Prau LN-I c10-2 - with 3x NSPs.

  1. located 31ls from the star and containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. located in orbit of the 2nd planet, a class III gas giant with rings, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  3. located in the black 4'465ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 06.05.3307

Class K star system - Eock Prau FD-G c12-3 - with 1xWW and 3xNSPs:

  1. Located 6.54ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. located 6.80ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  3. located in orbit of the 3rd planet, a class I gas giant, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 08.05.3307

Class F star system - Eowyg Auwsy NO-I d9-150 - with 3xNSP:

  1. located in the black 349ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. located inside the rings of the 6th planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing Peduncle Pods.

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  1. located in orbit of the 6th planet, just 1.5ls from the other NSP, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 08.05.3307

Class B star system - Eocs Auwsy ZJ-R e4-13 - with biological singals (Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones) present on the 2nd planet (HCMW).

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Stardate 08.05.3307

Four star system (Neutron, M, M, M) - Eowyg Auwsy OT-R d4-30 - with 2x WW, 2x HCMW and 1x NSP all orbiting around the 2nd M class star some 16k ls from the primary Neutron star. The NSP contains a Proto-Lagrange cloud and some Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 09.05.3307

Class F star system - Dryeae Aod DS-B d13-14 - with 1x WW and 2x NSPs.

  1. Located very close to the rings of the 3rd planet, a blue class III gas giant, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located also very close the rings of the same planet and containging also some Peduncle Trees and pods.

Stardate 09.05.3307

Bi-star system (G, M) - Dryeae Aod AQ-G d10-48 - with 3x NSPs.

  1. Located in the black 242ls from the primary G class star and containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud and some Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located inside the rings of the B7 planet, a blue class I gas giant, containing some Peduncle trees and pods.

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  1. Located in close orbit of the B7 planet, a blue class I gas giant, containing some Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 10.05.3307

Bi-star system (F, K) - Dryeia Ploe PU-M d8-28 - with 1x NSP located in the black 135'069ls from the primary star and containing Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle Trees and pods.

Stardate 10.05.3307

Bi-star system (F, K) - Dryeia Ploe FX-R d5-47 - with 2x ww, 2x HCMW and 3x NSPs:

  1. Located in orbit of the 6th planet, a HCMW, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in the black 2'173ls from the primary star, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  3. located in the black 2'805ls from the second star, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 11.05.3307

4 star system (F, M, K, M) - Dryeia Ploe UY-Y d1-14 - with 2x NSPs:

  1. Located 331'556 ls from the primary star, in orbit of the D5 planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located inside the rings of the D3 planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

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Stardate 12.05.3307

Class G star system - Dryeia Ploe RN-W c4-7 - with 2x NSPs:

  1. Located close to the rings of the 1st planet, a white class II gas giant, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in orbite of the 6th planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Class M star system - Dryeae Aod SF-K b8-0 - with x NSPs:

  1. Located close to the rings of a lava HCMW orbiting very close to the star (11.5ls), containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

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  1. Located in orbit of the 3rd astral body, a Y dwarf with rings, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located inside the rings of the 4th planet, a water-based life gas giant, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Bi-star system (K, K) - Chaneae YN-T c6-6 - with 1x ww, 3x HCMW, and 3x NSPs. System with 22 astral bodies, only the WW was scanned (King Brisingr), not even the stars, strange...

  1. NSP Located in the black 391ls from the primary star, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in orbit of A3 HCMW, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  3. Located in the black 2'273ls from the primary star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud, Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Class F star system - Yaimeia YF-L d9-27 - with 1x WW and in its orbit 1x NSP with a Proto-Lagrange cloud full of Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Class G star system - Yaimeia IY-B c16-0 - with 1x NSP orbiting the 5th planet, a blue class III gas giant, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud full of Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Class F star system - Yaimeia NI-Q d6-16 - with 1x ww, 1x HCMW and 2x NSPs.

  1. located in the black 84.2ls from the star, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

  2. located in the black 276ls from the star, containing Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 13.05.3307

Tri-star system (G, M, M) - Yaimeia SE-K c11-7 - with 3x WW, 6x HCMW and 1x NSP.

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The NSP is located in the black 44.9ls from the third M star and contains a Proto-Lagrange cloud full of Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 14.05.3307

Tri-star system (F, A, G) with 1x Ammonia world, 2x HCMW and 2x NSPS.

  1. Located inside the rings of C8, a class III gas giant, containing peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in orbit of C7, a class III gas giant, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud full of Peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 14.05.3307

Bi-star system (B, A) - Droett IR-N e6-33 - with 84 astral bodies (personal record at this date), and biological signals present on 4 planets.

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  1. A3 Metal-rich body with rings with 1.32g orbiting at 2.02ls distance another metal-rich body also with rings(A2), containing 4 biological signals. I landed on the signal no. 2, which contained Rubeum Bioluminescent anemones.

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  1. A2 Metal-rich body with rings with 2.93g, containing 7 biological signals. I have landed on signal no. 5 containing Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones.

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  1. A4 HCMW with rings with 3.02g containing 3 biological signals. I have landed on signal no. 3 containing Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones.

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  1. B1 HCMW with rings with 2.79g containing 4 biological signals. I have checked the signal no. 1 which contains also Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones.

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Stardate 15.05.3307

Class K star system - Droett HL-W c15-0 - with 1x WW and 3x NSPs.

  1. Located in the black 405ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in the black 557ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

  3. Located in the black 2'107ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 15.05.3307

Class F star system - Droett MR-N d6-31 - with 1x NSP, located inside the rings of the 2nd astral body, a class Y dwarf, containing peduncle trees and pods.

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Stardate 15.05.3307

Tri-star system (F, M, M) - Droett GQ-P d5-13 - with 1x WW and 2x NSPs.

  1. Located in the black 3'872ls from the primary star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in the black 3'914ls from the primary star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

Stardate 15.05.3307

Class K star system - Droett FJ-T c3-6 - with 1x WW and 3x NSPs:

  1. located in the black 709ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

  2. Located in orbit of the 6th planet (icy body), containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.

  3. ocated in the black 1'982ls from the star, containing a Proto-Lagrange cloud filled with peduncle trees and pods.
Eock Prau Nebula & DSSA Dryman's Hope (Dryman's Point)

Logbook - entry 00071

Stardate 06.05.3307

After a very fruitful exploration through the region, with 87 notable stellar phenomena discovered first and 2 biological signals (bioluminescent anemones), I have arrived in the Eock Prau Nebula where the DSSA Dryman's Hope fleet career is stationed, in close orbit of a DC white dwarf star and a class M star - system EOCK PRAU WD-T D3-1. Around the nebula 5-6 systems with codex referenced Lagrange Clouds with NSPs. Nice, but all already discovered and mostly mapped. Around the nebula there is also a great number of white dwarf and neutron star system, mostly discovered - just few were pristine. The journey through Dryman's Point so far has been very pleasant, with many discoveries and fantastic sights.

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1st discoveries - part2 (Dryman's Point)

Logbook - entry 00070

Stardate 02.05.3307

First jump after having left the DSSA Nostromo fleet carrier, and already a system with notable stellar phenomena. Bi-star system (A, G) - Mycapp NS-B d1 - 2x NSPs:

  1. Located in close orbit of the 6th planet, a class III blue gas giant with rings, containing:
    • Caeruleum Peduncle Trees
    • Rubellum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods

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  1. Second NSP is located in close orbit of the 9th planet, a class II gas giant with rings, containing:
    • Viride Peduncle Trees
    • Rubellum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods

Stardate 02.05.3307

Class K star system - Mycapp WU-D c11 - with 3x NSPs.

  1. First one is located in orbit of the 2nd planet, a class II gas giant, containing:

    • Rubellum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods
  2. located inside the rings of the 6th planet, an icy body, containing:
    • Viride Peduncle Trees
    • Rubellum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods enter image description here

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  1. Last NSP of the system is located inside the rings of the 7th planet, an icy body, containing a cluster of Candidum Peduncle Pods.

Stardate 02.05.3307

Class K star system - Phrae Flyao OI-B c29-11 - with 3x NSPs:

  1. located 11.8ls from the star, containing:

    • Proto-Lagrange Clouds
    • Peduncle Trees & Pods
  2. Located in close orbit of the 4th planet, a class II gas giant with rings, containing:

    • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
    • Peduncle Trees & Pods
  3. Located inside the rings of the 5th planet, a gas giant with ammonia-based life, containing:
    • Peduncle Trees & Pods

Stardate 02.05.3307

Bi-star (A, K) system - Phrae Flyao RQ-B d14-10 - with 3xWW, 2x HCMW and 1x NSP located in orbit of the 5th planet, a class II gas giant with rings, and containing:

  • Proto-Lagrange cloud
  • Peduncle Trees & Pods

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Stardate 03.05.3307

Tri-star (B, A, F) system - Phrae Flyao GC-U e3-16 - with 2xWW and 1x NSP. The NSP is located in the black 1'031ls from the 3rd class F star, and contains:

  • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
  • Peduncle Trees & Pods

Stardate 03.05.3307

B class giant system - Phrae Flyao AB-W e2-27 - with Biological signals (2) present on the 1st planet, a metal-rich body with a gravity of 2.71g, distant 385.51ls from the star. The biological signals are Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones.

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Stardate 03.05.3307

B class star system - Hypau Aoc AL-P e5-9 - with 2xHCMW, 1xWW and Biological signals (2) - Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemones present on the first planet, a HCMW with 1.05g.

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Stardate 03.05.3307

Bi-star systam (K, K) - Hypau Aoc FL-P c5-1 - containing 1xWW and 2x NSPs.

  1. Located just 3.46ls from the primary star, containing:
    • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
    • Purpureum Mettalic Crystals
    • Ostrinum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods

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  1. Located in the black at 1'657ls from the secondary star, containing:
    • Proto-Lagrange cloud
    • Rubellum Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods

Stardate 04.05.3307

Class K star system - Phrauph NZ-E c28-6 - with 1x NSP in orbit of the first planet, a gas giant with water-based life, containing:

  • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
  • Peduncle Trees & Pods

Stardate 04.05.3307

Bi-star system (F, K) - Phrauph DD-Q d6-48 - with 2xWW, 3xHCMW and 2x NSPs.

  1. NPS located in the black 2'049ls from the primary F class star, containing:

    • Peduncle Trees & Pods
  2. Second NPS located in the black 1'127ls from the second K class star, 486'034ls from the primary star, containing:
    • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
    • Viride Peduncle Trees
    • Candidum Peduncle Pods

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Stardate 05.05.3307

Class K star system - Phrausky VG-D c0 - with 1xHCMW, 1xWW, 1xAmmonia and 1x NSP. The NSP is located in the black 1'571ls from the star and contains:

  • Proto-Lagrange Cloud
  • Viride Peduncle Trees
  • Caeruleum Peduncle Trees
  • Candidum Peduncle Pods

Stardate 05.05.3307

Bi-star system (K, M) - Eock Prau AV-V c16-2 - with 1xHCMW, 1xWW and 2xNSPs.

  1. First NSP is located inside the rings of B1 planet, an indigo class I gas giant, containing:

    • Peduncle Trees and candidum pods
  2. The second NSP is located in orbit of the B2 planet, a class I gas giant, and contains:
    • Peduncle trees and candidum pods

Stardate 06.05.3307

Bi-star system (F, G) - Eock Prau JR-M d7-15 - with 1x NSP located in the black 36'926ls from the primary star, containing:

  • Peduncle Trees and Candidum Pods