Profil dowódcy John Romano > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Członek od:
29 mar 2021
Zgłoszone odległości:
3 561
Odwiedzone układy:
15 407
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
11 979
Stan konta:
7 238 197 636 Cr
I'm Bad...

CMDRs log May 28 3307

Well I paid dearly in combat. I'm sticking to exploration. Help the community get coordinates and such. I'm leaving for an exploration using EDMC - closest system that needs to be scanned extension. See you there o7

I'm Home!

CMDRs log May 25 3307

Well I decided to end my journey in Ceos. Upon arriving I sold an additional 700,000cr worth of data just for honking. I noticed that my rank had gone up quiet a bit with the federation, I went from chief petty officer to Post Commander (74%)! It must have been from selling in Sag A* and Colonia.

I ran currior missions back and forth from Ceos to Sothis and made it to 95%, yes I know I'm close but it dawned on me, I can go to Jameson Memorial! So I went there and bought a Krait Phantom and upgraded it for combat, figure I give it a try and take a break from Exploration.

I grabbed a bounty mission and went off. The mission was easy because of the rank, but I enjoyed it. I think I'll do this for a while. CMDRs o7

Going Home; Leg #4

CMDRs log May 24 3307

Well I traveled a long way today. I stopped in Pand again at the Sarmiento de Gamboa Port. Sold about 15,000,000cr worth of data. Cant decide if I want to go to the federation or empire to grind out some rank. I'll figure it out when I head out. Cant wait to see people again in the bubble. Stay safe cmdrs. o7

Going Home; Leg #3

CMDRs log May 23 3307

After too many detours for my direct trip I finally arrived in Rohini at Eudaemon Anchorage station. I had multiple systems that I DSSed. I have nearly 28 million credits for my data. Time to refuel, repair, and rest, tomorrow I got another leg to go. o7 cmdrs

Going Home; Leg #2

CMDRs log May 22 3307

I didn't pass through too many systems that weren't seen before. Damn that "travel triangle"! Anyway I landed at Sacaqawea Space Port in Skaudai CH-B d14-34. I sold my exploration data, refueled, repaired, and mapped out the next leg of my trip. See you out there CMRDs o7

Going Home; Leg #1

CMDRs log May 18 3307

Well I feel I have stayed my welcome here in Colonia. For being my first time to Colonia I think it was nice to have another popular station out towards the middle of the galaxy. My trip from the bubble to Sagittarius A* was just about 28,000LYs. At least Colonia to the bubble is only roughly 22,000LYs.

I decided I will not to the sidewinder trick to get home or go anywhere for that matter. As an explorer I would be passing up 100s of systems I wouldn't discovery in my route. I don't want to miss out on that. So I am doing the old fashioned way, jumping system to system and FSS each system I go through. Another thing, I will not every be using the neutron highway for the same reason I said before.

My first leg of the trip I found the station Vihara Gate in Kashyapa. Nice place to sell my data so far to lock those systems in.

Until the next time. Fly safe cmdrs o7


CMRD's log May 17 3307

So I tried laser mining for a couple of hours and I have to say it was pretty boring. For me it doesn't fit my play style. Looks like I will stick with exploring for the time being...

Colonia Voyage #1; Leg #2

CMDR's log May 13, 3307

Well I made it to Colonia with at least 75 new systems discovered by me worth a good 55,000,000cr! I am going to stay here for a while and buy a ASP Explorer and give mining a shot. I'll probably go to some nearby systems and map each planet if not already done so. By the way I got my first Elite in Exploration; that pesky 1% needed.

Well that's it for now. I will see you out there...

Colonia Voyage #1; Leg #1

CMDR's log May 11, 3307

After some debate I decide I will not be going to Beagle Point, at least for the foreseeable future. With Odyssey right around the corner I don't want to be well out into the black. So I have decide to take a trip to Colonia.

There are some engineers out there that I want to unlock and upgrade my ship and probably buy a new one. So yeah... After a nice session I got just about half way to Colonia. Also I came across some interesting systems on my trip. I really should compile a list of systems I have been to that were interesting to me. That will be my next project.

Well CMDRs I will see you out there...

First Discoveries and First Mapped

CMDR's log May 8, 3307

So for the passed few days I have trying to figure out a way to get all my first discoveries and first mapped by without having to go in game and look. Another CMDR on reddit suggested using a filter here on EDSM. Later I come to find out that that info is flawed. You are the first to discover it but only looks for people that are registered with EDSM. I was in fact not the first on about 25 percent of my "discoveries".

Another CMDR referred me to EDDiscovery, which pulls data directly from the game servers. Thank you to the creator of EDDiscovery! I have been comparing what EDSM says against EDDiscovery to get the true discoveries and mapped bodies for me. I have been compiling a spreadsheet to keep track of all of it and will update it every time I make a new one. Unfortunately this is the only way to do this, at least that I know of. If there is a better way, please contact me!

I will see you out there CMDRs!