Profil dowódcy duck0 > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Chizra [DUC-15]
(Cobra Mk III)
Członek od:
25 kwi 2022
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
4 594
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
Space eggs

Last week, the morning after I set down on that rock for the night (somehow just floating in space at night just doesn't seem right) I decided to have some fried eggs instead of the usual nutrient mix for breakfast. I'd picked some up at Obsidian Orbital to keep for just a time like this with the simulated sunrise of the ships smart lighting cresting the equally simulated horizon.

Big mistake.

I don't know what kind of a chicken those eggs came out of (was it even a chicken) but I got quite heartily sick from them. Kept me in bed for the rest of the week sipping water and I only managed to get some actual properly synthetic food in me late last night.

Which reminds me I need to scrub the head too, fun.

Anyway. Set off again core-ward, and some forty jumps later I am now beginning to find systems that are not completely scanned and some that are even completely and utterly virgin. Sweet.

Still only a single Ammonia and one Water world found, with a fair bit of high metal content worlds.

One had some cyanobacteria and another also had some odd spongy thing that the genetic sampler declared to be life, so who am I to argue. Should be worth something to the eggheads (ugh, wrong deroganym, let's call them white coats) at Vista Genomics.

The last few systems before I set down for the night again (and the damn scrubbing of the head) I went to economical route plotting and changed to only FGK systems, I heard someone talking about them being more likely to have earth-like worlds, and since the systems now being less visited it's worth taking shorter jumps.

I'd like to find myself a fresh earth-like, that'd be nice after last week.

Anyway, signing off for now.

Turning away

When I woke up this morning (ship time, it was bright sunlight outside) I found the contacts panel beeping at me, having found five distress beacons in the very system I had gone to bed in. And here I thought I'd gone out in the black, but apparently people have been lithobraking all over the place. I keept glancing at the comms panel expecting a tourist ship proclaiming its 1-percent-ness at any moment.

I went to check out the nearest beacon and found two intact escape pods. Picked up the lucky bastards, congratulations, you'll get a ride back to civilization, at some point.

Can't help the others, I have no cargo space.

Since this apparently is a really well-traveled spot (I guess going galactic south from Maia is pretty popular) I decided to turn towards the core and set my sights on 0,0,-700something. This meant going past the bubble and sure enough there wasn't anything undiscovered around.

Set down on a rock next to a damn crash site in (looks at panel) Synuefe KZ-F d11-9.

I feel someone should be fined for littering or something.

Out of Maia

Set out from Maia today, heading towards a random system in galactic south.

Before I left, I went to see some of the crashed Thargoid ships that litter the planet that Obsidian Orbital orbits. There were some strange alien devices littered around the crash site and some strange sounds started playing from the sound synthesis modules of my ship. Creepy. I left pretty quickly.

Started warming up my exploring muscles on the way south. I am very rusty. Also ended up firing off a couple of heat sinks accidentally. Put some sticky tape on the button to make it harder to shoot one off accidentally, but now I only have one left. Oh well.

Power plant still runs hot, but haven't pegged 80% while scooping yet so not a big issue.

Landed on some barren rock, the Milky Way still looking pretty in the sky. Tired. Gonna hit the bunk now.

Beginning another expedition

Having gotten thoroughly sick of doing the Federation's dirty work, I decided to go out into the black. The last drop being that they had me murdering civilians, federation researchers that just happened to belong to the wrong faction.

No, I'm going, no more murder. I will seek the stars.

This time (my fourth true expedition I think?) I forwent the old Asp Explorer and took my so far untried Krait Phantom. I'd previously tuned the modules for (modestly) long range travel and just fitted an AFMU, a heatsink and grabbed some more D-class modules and set off for Maia in the Pleiades.

The Depths of Rajigar performed admirably, with 33 LY to the jump taking only 14 jumps to reach Maia. Very slick. I can see how people like the Kraits, they are very comfortable and capable.

There's a slight overheating issue with the overcharged (but under-rated) power plant but I'm not going to turn back to the bubble now. I'll just have to deal with it. Just gotta watch that temp gauge when scooping.

While on station at Obsidian Orbital I found some guy selling a D class scanner module, this installed got my estimated jump range up to 35LY. That should make getting to unexplored space a little quicker.

For now I'm going to park here and enjoy the civilized life a little and then head out into the black. Perhaps see if I can find one of the DSSA carriers. Who knows.

CMDR duck0 signing off.