Profil dowódcy Chaon Sarat > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
The Abyssinal Flame [JEF-01]
(Asp Explorer)
Członek od:
18 cze 2017
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
34 518
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
26 602
Stan konta:
13 314 876 334 Cr
BLUE FLYUAE FA-I C12-1 (The Ascendance) - "Where's the Wolf?"

I veered off across the border from the Bleak Lands. I wasn't trying to go into this region as I've done it in the past, but it's along my way so guess I'm here and that's about it. A couple of Wolf Rayet Stars are around, but already discovered so not worth my time to check them out. Need to find one for myself to get the badge, but that seems harder than hell to accomplish. The core doesn't look that much brighter anymore which is strange...

CHRAITEE QZ-D (The Bleak Lands) - "My Intestines Hurt"

Just crossed the border on my qay to nail every territory out here. Only a few more left, but going back to Colonia to get my Bubble to Colonia transit Anaconda and I'll use that for the final territories. Still no signs of any nebula's, black holes, or really much of anything out here, but the core has finally started to look brighter, so I'm progressing at least. Why aren't there any aliens out here? And yes my sole goal of these journals is to get to 25 to unlock the last badge and then I can stop boring myself to death writing them...

GRIE PRAO GD-Z D1-5 (Hipparcos Basin) - "Beer, Beer, Oh Lovely Beer"

Crossed into another new region I haven't been before. At least I think this is the name of it, hard to read on EDDiscovery and EDSM seems to show it as the Hipparcos Basin. I found a new way to go to the areas I want to go. I'm slow, but if I put my route to an already discovered system, I can use that as the base for where I'm going and then change it to a star near there that hasn't been discovered. Better than using the old system of county the stupid grids. Beer is almost done, need to walk to my space fridge and get more.

This is the turning point of my expedition as I now head back towards Colonia via Sag A*...

Flyai Bluae BI-Q d6-0 (Viatori Patiut) - "Pear Brandy and Puke"

I just discovered that drinking Pear Brandy at the Czech bar is worse than just drinking straight lighter fluid. I had 3 or 4 of them for some stupid reason. It was 45% alcohol and not like the Plum Brandy I got in Bulgaria that was only about 17% alcohol and didn't taste like lighter fluid.

So today I found a number of water worlds an Earth Like world and a ringed Ammonia world in the Tyros Ridge. The Earth like one had 2 water worlds with it as well making me happy and rich. I also just found an ELW in this system I'm currently in as well.

You know what would be cool? Is if they showed you on your cockpit HUD what region you were in and when you cross the borders, kind of like country borders in Europe in the EU when you drive across them.

Ok time to heat up chicken patties and drink beer...

Auphab VR-K b41-0 (The Tyros Ridge) - "Rum and The Great Nothing"

You know what's missing? Black Holes, I haven't seen one this entire expedition. I mean I'm not purposely going to find them, but I have non-sequence starts active in my routing star filter and I have got Neutrons from time to time for my extra FSD increase, but no Black Holes. Now it's not like I'm missing out having been to so many in the past and they really aren't that interesting and pose zero threat, unlike stars that you can over heat with or laudable planets you can crash into.

You know what's not missing? My rum and eggnog with nutmeg I made. It's about 40% rum and 60% eggnog, so a good mix. Though it's my second and that means I usually end up having to put more rum in as I drink it. Hey it's the holiday season out here in nowheresville...

ESSAK HR-L C24-1 - "Stupid Geysers"

Tried using a number of methods to find some stupid geysers on planets and it just sucks. I am somewhere in Silentium which would have been really cool if you could get badges for entering into a new zone for the first time. Ooops just checked, I'm back in the Abyss again now. I've been travelling along the border between the two since the start pretty much without intending to. Goal is to hit Tyros Ridge, Viatori Patuit, Hipparcos Basin, The Bleak Lands and finally Styx as my new zones I haven't been through yet before making my way slowly back to Colonia and out of this beat up AspX.

I wish there were pubs out here, I like reviewing pubs around England. There are no pubs out here though and that just sucks...

Nyautheou PI-C b19-0 - "Christmas Time in Oblivion (All I want is a Nebula for X-Mas)"

I can't even remember the last time I saw a stinking nebula at all. It's been a long time and wondering if I'm just getting space daze and not looking because I'm too busy doing a plethora of other things while I'm jumping or if there just isn't anything here. I think I'm too focused on hitting all the regions of the galaxy over pre-discovered nebula's...

"Crap It"

Oh and out of 20,000+ systems I've been through, I just now accidentally deployed a heat sink for no reason. Not like I use them that often or really at all unless I fall asleep jumping, but that was pretty stupid and pointless. Go me...

CHEIA EORK HV-Y C3-0 - "The Quest To Find No One"

Warning, do not heat oil in a pot and then dump in freshly cut white onions, the water from the onions and the hot oil do NOT mix very well. Let's just say my stove pot violently threw up onion and garlic all over the stove, me, the floor. Good thing it missed my face, but holy crap. You know when you run your SRV into a Silicate geyser for fun, kind of like that.

Anyways I'm in some crappy corridor that people use to go from interesting point to interesting point from Sag A to Beagle Point along a scenic route which kind of isn't a straight line between the two. That means I'm surrounded by more discovered things which sucks big nuts. Even if I haven't yet run into anyone on Mobius yet exploring, there sure are signs of people everywhere I seem to go from time to time. I miss the days before Colonia, before logs were automatically turned on and exploring and seeing just no one and no signs of people from even a trip like from the bubble to Sag A. It was wonderful and I really felt out there all alone. Instead now I feel like it's a few days until Christmas and I'm stuck in Harrods getting last minute Christmas shopping done out here...

"Crap Ass System in the Abyss"


This area is kind of devoid of much of anything other than K-Class stars with crappy planets around them. Very few water worlds or ammonia worlds and haven't even found a volcanic landable planet so I can hunt for geysers. This area pretty much sucks. Avoid at all costs. I wish I could find a molten fumarole to jump into for fun. At this point anything to make this area more enjoyable. Oh and I'm still finding systems that have been discovered already. This sucks...