Profil dowódcy JaredCrue > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
*Delta Flyer* [PR-009]
Członek od:
5 sty 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
55 171
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
33 410
Stan konta:
10 000 000 Cr
Checked out repair limpets, and will be exploring around Colonia.

Tried to use the last slot for a repair limpet controller, but I couldn't find an open slot to store the limpets.
I'll have to ask for help if my hull gets damaged. ASPX ly range remains the same.

Some Maths to see how many jumponium jumps are needed on the 29ly route (Tailored to my ship).

enter image description here

ASPX outfitted again due to new intel, and some stats...

Ship jump range:

  • Min: 27.24ly
  • Max: 29.44ly

With Jumponium(Based from 27.24ly):

  • Basic(25%): 34.05ly | 52 Injections
  • Standard(50%): 40.86ly | 31 Injections
  • Premium(100%): 54.48ly | 9 Injections

    There is one Optional Internal Slot open, not sure what to do with it.

Current Ship Build:

Bought the conda, outfitted it for planetary mining.

I just need a few more bits of Niobium for the premium FSD Boost, then I'll tweak my ASPX... Remove mining laser, refinery.

Made it to Colonia, from SAG A*

I have enough money to buy an Andaconda! Should I get one, or upgrade my asp x?

Exploring, Traveling to SAG A*

Found many interesting worlds. I don't think I can upload Holo-Me until I get back to Colonia.