Profil dowódcy Darth Tasty > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
RSV Hammer of the Gods [RSG-2]
(Krait Mk II)
Członek od:
30 kwi 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
12 644
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
6 055
Stan konta:
854 609 736 Cr
It's been awhile

Stardate 05.06.3304 - It has been awhile since I have updated this. I have so far found an expedition and have begun that, Strange Worlds 2. Whilst conducting said expedition I had decided to check out several Nebula out in the void. Whilst exploring the Eagle Nebula, It seemed that I was hit by lighting. The Lewis and Clark ended up taking some hull and module damage, At that point, I turned around. When I returned to Tago the station mechanics said they needed to check out the computer.

Apparently Anubis has vanished and 4 other AI have been integrated. It looks like a new adventure begins with Doris, Eli, Eden, Astra and a cat.

Mission redirect

Stardate 18.5.3304 - I just received messages from 3 individuals who all said they were engineers and had some services to offer. I re-plotted my course back to the bubble. it will only be 275 jumps back. Sagittarius A can wait

The first stop

Stardate 17.5.3304 - I have completed 200 jumps today, I have 400 jumps left to go till I hit my 1st re-plot spot. EDI has been giving me great data and suggested this was a great place to stop for the night. I heed her sage advice and get my bunk ready for the night....

The plane has changed

Log Entry 1 - Stardate: 16.5.3304 - I have outfitted my newest ship, the Lewis & Clark (Aspx) for long range scouting. I plan on plotting a route out to Sagittarius A and then on to The Great Annihilator and back home to Tago, I really want to put this bird through its paces and see if she is ready for the Distant Worlds 2 expedition coming up in 8 months time .

Log Entry 2 - I was able to plot a route 19,999 Ly out, which is only 611 jumps out, this should be a fairly quick trip....

Log Entry 3 - Jumped 12 times from Home (Tago), going to stop here tonight @ Pipe (stem) Sector HR-W d1-40....

A plan has formed

Log Entry 1 - May 11 3304: I have now outfitted the Event Horizon (Viper MK4) as a mid range small fighter, I took her out to the Yu Shun system to meet up with a few of my fellow captains to do some bounty hunting, we dropped into a heavy conflict zone and laid waste, was at it for about an hour and headed back home, with dreams of making loads of money, I have many ships to purchase and outfit, plus whatever it is going to cost to get these A.I.'s checked out.

Log Entry 2 - got back home in about an hour, once there I headed over to check out the Prediction of Warfare (Python) and headed over to Na Chem. Once I got both my ships personalities to shut up long enough for me to dock, I was able to explain to them my current plans. I had Anubis bring up the station outfitter so I could start stripping all unnecessary modules out and do a couple of downgrades, The Head mechanic looked at me with that knowing look in his I and said "Road to riches, eh" I nodded and replied "guessing this happens a lot huh". He just smiled and chuckled a little and got his crew to work. I head back in and ask Anubis to set an alarm, I am off to bed, Estimated time for refit is going to be around 12 hours or so.

My god my ship is now arguing with itself......

Log Entry 1 - Both EDDI and ANUBIS have been pestering me about what I plan on spending my money on. In between pestering me they are arguing about what I should spend my cash on, ANUBIS says I should purchase a small fighter ship and crush our enemies, while EDDI thinks we should purchase a python so we can carry more passengers.

Log Entry 2 - After a few hours of being a taxi, I broke down and bought a Viper MKIV and a Python, just so both of my ships new personalities would shut the hell up. I just know if I only bought one, the other A.I. would become sullen. The Viper has been given the name Event Horizon and the designation HK-47, The Python is now The Prediction of Warfare with the designation AA-23

Log Entry 3 - I was hoping when I got into one of the new ships I would be alone, turns out both those pesky A.I. can hop through to any of my ships. I really need to research these things....

The search for more money....

Log entry 1 - Headed over to Rorschach Horizons in the Na Chem system after I dropped off the last of my previous missions. Outfitted the Stargazer with a new 10 person business class passenger cabin so I can double up on passenger missions, also picked up a bunch of transfer data to help supplement my income. I am slowly saving up for a new ship that I want to have outfitted for deep space exploration, The Anaconda. Well time to head on back out....

Log Entry 2 - I landed at my 1st destination to drop a passenger off, Gidzenko Dock in the Aditjargl system is experiencing some sort of outbreak, I buttoned up as fast as I could after dropping this guy off, not gonna waste any time hanging around here.

Log Entry 3 - Stopped at the next destination, Watson Enterprise, turns out the whole system is experiencing an outbreak, I really don't want to stay here over night, but I am gonna lock up the ship tight and hope for the best....

Time for a new home

I have decided to make my home system Tago, The Radio Sidewinder Crew out there seem like a good lot. Stopped off at Maclean Station and picked up a couple missions, the 1st one was a 2 person tourist route for around 2 million with 2 destinations, the taking some boom data and the last was an order for 12 tons of non-lethal weapons, I hope I don't have to worry about riots and dealing with repelling boarders out here. The only thing is I can't get a proper ships diagnostic run out here, so the search continues for someone that can tell me more about these 2 A.I. units that attached themselves to me...

It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere.... (leg 1 of Initial Exploratory Mission)

Log Entry 1 - I have been flying now for about two weeks and have finally gotten a hold of a decent ship, the Keelback, I have outfitted it to the max, best stuff I could get here in Scott Station in HIP 93685 Including a 6 person, 1st class passenger cabin. I was browsing the passenger board and came across a decent paying job, 13.5 million credits to take this guy and his team of explorers into no mans land and study 2 earth like planets. needless to say I took the job.

Log Entry 2 - Ameerah and is team suggested I scan every system I jump into( He wanted to study my sensor scans, I found out later). We left the bubble over 8 hours ago and it is still 848 jumps to reach the destination, once done there its another 1000+ jumps back to civilized space. the journey continues ...

Log Entry 3 - ending for the night, all is well. so far I have have jumped through 158 systems, 102 of those have never been seen by a person. the prospect of making a ton a credits was my original motivation for taking these explorers out here, I just never new home much data I was gonna gather on the way. I talk with the leader on occasion, mainly during fuel scoop operations, He seems very excited about the prospects of terraforming the new planets. we have 694 more jumps to go...

Log Entry 4 - I started the day sore as hell and I could hardly fall asleep, the Explorer, Ameerah Ray and his expedition were up all night poring over my last batch of sensor data. I have been jumping for hours now, 90 jumps in fact, when the explorer contacted me and asked me to stop and scan the most recent system we had jumped into Traikoa IK-Q c5-12, I have decided to give Ameerah a bit more data than just my base scans (it should keep him busy for awhile so I can focus on getting us to Preae Ain LO-N C8-15, alive and in one piece.

Log Entry 5 - I have been jumping for the past 7 hours, (Approximately 150 jumps) and i am starting to tire, I swear some times when I scan these stars I can hear a faint scream, like from seeing some unfathomable horror. I shake off these thoughts and take a stimulant and continue to jump, only 559 more jumps to go....

Log Entry 6 - Just finished a total off 200 jumps in 8 1/2 hours, we are now officially at the half way point to the target system, the stimulant I took a few hours ago is not working as well as I had hoped( it help me get the last 50 jumps completed though). It is time to take a break and continue the journey in a few hours, I am way ahead of schedule.....

Log Entry 7 - It's a new day. I begin flight operations again at 9:00 Pm California time of old earth (i was brought up to believe I had descendants there) so I keep my ships time to that. at this time we had reached the halfway mark of 500 jumps to go. ran across a few interesting systems and scanned a few astronomical bodies for fun. I end flight operations for the day at 6:00 am(pst), It has taken 9 hours to get 200 jumps closer to my clients target system only 300 more jumps to go...

Log Entry 8 - Today started out strange. When I recalculated my jump route, the ships computer added another jump. It must have caught some damage when I got too close to my last star during refueling. I must remember to get her checked out when we get back to civilized space.

Log Entry 9 - Had a random system shutdown at 12am ships time, tried resetting and rebooting all systems to get my FSD back online. Oddly after exactly 40 minutes my FSD just came back to life on its own, really weird things happen out here in the black.

Log Entry 10 - The 1st leg of this journey is now complete. All astronomical bodies and especially the twin pair of planets (the main reason I am out here).

I'm all alone, more or less (leg 2 of the Initial Exploratory Mission)

Log Entry 1 - The 2nd leg of the journey begins after I get some solid rack time. I have pre-plotted the next jump route, Destination Rohini, this is the location on the only space stations between us and the bubble. We need to stop there and get much needed repairs and possibly a refit before we continue on our way back to HIP 93685..

Log Entry 2 - The 2nd leg of this trip is now complete, 10 hours of flight time to go 327 jumps to one of 2 systems with a place we could set down and at least repair. Had a few close calls on the way, The Stargazer is really beat up so if I take just a little more damage we would have been stranded in the black. Once I had jumped into Rohini system I targeted the nearest station and headed there ASAP. it felt nice to stretch my legs for while and sleep in a slightly larger room, along with being able to resupply the ships stores and install a recently purchased AMFU. I word of warning to all would be deep black explorers and tourist boat drivers, always have a fuel scoop and plan your routs accordingly and make sure you have at least 1 AMFU, optimally have 2 if possible. time to eat a real meal and get some rack time...