Profil dowódcy Aldarion 3TwoAlpha > Dziennik Okrętowy

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Aktualny statek:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Członek od:
30 paź 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
46 105
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
21 401
Stan konta:
27 157 189 051 Cr
Community Goal DWE 3305 (Mining for Sag-A station construction)

23.01.3305 – Collection of Communitiy Goal Rewards at Omega Mining Inc

19:09 hrs

During the last three days I mined the Metallic Ring, where Omega Mining Inc is placed in its hollow asteroid. I used the Mining Lasers, Abrasion Blasters and Seismic Mines to gather the needed commodities from the asteroid field. I did collect Indite and Gallite; as well I cracked some of the asteroids with fissures to collect higher valued commodities: To transfer the Mining Python, named Der Pott, to this outpost not only took 15 hours but cost me more than 54 million cr. When finishing the CG before the scheduled dead line, I was rewarded with 35 million cr, which rebalanced my account as well.

Anyway, I wished to take part in the erection of a space port close to Saggitarius A, the super massive Black Hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

DWE 3305 Rescue-Mission - System BLAE DRYE FR-D B58-4

DWE 3305 Rescue-Mission - System BLAE DRYE FR-D B58-4

Quotes RATSIGNAL - CMDR NeonTool - Reported System: Blae Drye FR-D B58-4 - Platform: PC - 02: OK - Language: English (en-GB) ADDED REMARK This case is a Distant Worlds Expedition 3305 - DW2 / DWE2 - case.

This case turned out to become a TFP or with similar effects. CMD Neotool said he did not recognize he had no Fuelscoop equipped due to swapping his ship at Omega Mining. Ue to this, he was relatively close to or at the EZ trying to gather fuel without recognizing there was no Fuelscoop. Anyway, dropping off put me within the star’s inside the EZ some 8.5 mM away from the client -I overshot the target by that amount finding myself in the EZ.

The Beluga does have a good heat management as well as some heat sinks, which helped me to retarget and manually drop out without too much damage to my ship. I had to manually drop out due to the reason NavLock kicked me out of SC straight away inside the EZ. DB was done. Modules were suffering a little bit but no further damage was done.

On the surface of Traikaae CB-C c1-1 4 b

On the surface of Traikaae CB-C c1-1 4 b 22:42:28 UTC : I was able to reach a top speed of 44 on a long slope of fife degrees on a 0.1G moon - uphill.

CRATER INSPECTION PT 2 (On the surface of planet Smojue VG-B d14-11 A 3)

18:43:21 UTC : The landing side is inside and close to the centre of a crater. I tried to land the Beluga on this mountain top but the ship is too huge. A small ship might fit on it.

The surface of this crater is even and flat; the center peak is a prominent feature here and I could not resist to climb on top of it using the SRV. I create some photos.

From this ventage point the caldera of the crater widely can be overseen.

18:58:57 UTC : I did find metallic parts of the asteroid, which created this crater with its impact on this surface. 19:25:18 UTC : The crater is lit by the binary stars not too far away. Due to this, there are nearly no shades because these stars' position is close to the Zenith. The caldera forms a nearly perfectly rounded and closed cliff of at least some hundrets of meters of elevation with very steep slopes except in one location, where it seems to be collapsed. On the bottom of this collapsed part the accumulated material forms hills and piles and becomes somewhat rougher. On the opposite side of the central crater peak there was material from this peak accumulated making the terrain uneven.

19:31:22 UTC : On this side of the central peak the surface levels lay significantly deeper than on most of the other parts inside this caldera. Probably material from the broken parts of the caldera filled the volume, where there is an even plain.

19:33:27 UTC : As well the central peak shows several long cracks along its side - from top to bottom: erosion and sedimentation seem to work for a while.

19:43:11 UTC : The slopes of the central peak do have an angle of 40 to 49 degrees, in many parts 42 to 46 degrees. Where there was material being pulled down by erosion and gravity, there are some indents, which do have an angle of around 15 to 25 degrees.

Inspecting a Crater - On the surface of planet Smojue VG-B d14-11 A 3

--On the surface of planet 18:43:21 UTC : The landing side is inside and close to the centre of a crater. I tried to land the Beluga on this mountain top but the ship is too huge. A small ship might fit on it.

18:44:35 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The surface of this crater is even and flat; the center peak is a prominent feature here and I could not resist to climb on top of it using the SRV. I create some photos. 18:47:34 UTC : Supplemental entry:- From this ventage point the caldera of the crater widely can be overseen.

18:58:57 UTC : Supplemental entry:- I did find metallic parts of the asteroid, which created this crater with its impact on this surface. 19:25:18 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The crater is lit by the binary stars not too far away. Due to this, there are nearly no shades because these stars' position is close to the Zenith.

19:27:15 UTC The caldera forms a nearly perfectly rounded and closed cliff of at least some hundrets of meters of elevation with very steep slopes except in one location, where it seems to be collapsed. On the bottom of this collapsed part the accumulated material forms hills and piles and becomes somewhat rougher. On the opposite side of the central crater peak there was material from this peak accumulated making the terrain uneven.

On this side of the central peak the surface levels lay significantly deeper han on most of the other parts inside this caldera. Probably material from the broken parts of the caldera filled the volume, where there is an even plain.

As well the central peak shows several long cracks along its side - from top to bottom: erosion and sedimentation seem to work for a while.

19:43:11 UTC The slopes of the central peak do have an angle of 40 to 49 degrees, in many parts 42 to 46 degrees. Where there was material being pulled down by erosion and gravity, there are some indents, which do have an angle of around 15 to 25 degrees.

Smojue QB-O b51-0 C 2 a at coordinates {70.223839 / -89.098030 }

--Parked on planet at coordinates {35.345921 / -98.020271 } 10:07:45 UTC : Nighttime on this planets surface at Geological Site 2. I am heading to another Site on this moon's surface. The central planet hangs over my landing site but its visible side is in shade as well.

--Parked on Smojue QB-O b51-0 C 2 a at coordinates {70.223839 / -89.098030 } 10:22:12 UTC : Landed on Geological Site number 16; a relatively flat region showing a slightly hilly landscape.

--Supercruising: 10:43:05 UTC : The planet and the moon are not too different in size and composition and circling relatively close to each other. 10:49:57 UTC : Supplemental entry:- Smojue QB-0 B51-0 C2 does have a radius of 2.114 km and its moon ~C2A does have a 929 km radius so the ratio is roughli 2:1; the density of the moon is higher than the density of the companion planet (0.32G : 0,11 G) so this ratio is 1:3.

10:50:49 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The moon seems to contain heavier elements, probably more metals: When checking the system map, C2A, the planet, consists out of 66% rock and 33.9% metal whereas C2A, its moon, consists out of 86% rock and 13% metal. These numbers from the info tab of the system map seem a little bit peculiar.

11:00:05 UTC : Supplemental entry:- C2 should have a higher density than C2A. As a result I would guess, the entity rock includes metallic minerals as well; this would give a possible explanation for the seemingly inconsistant data given in the system map. Log ends.

BLEAE THUA and Lagrange Proto Clouds (Pt 2)

The small interacting creatures do have a snowman-like shape: a small ball placed on a slightly bigger one; the bigger part of the body does have multiple tentacles to the outside. As well there are some round features seeming to be nostrils or eyes: never the less it stays unclear so far, what it is. Log ends.

BLEAE THUA and Lagrange Proto Clouds

00:05:56 UTC : BLEAE THUA, this is the third time I am passing through this are of space: First I came along with an ASPX, then with an DBX and now I come along using my Beluga Liner. Entering SMOJUE Area of space. The view of the inner parts of the galaxy, the Milkey Way, changed: This is as astonishing as always before: to see the starfields becoming dense and denser and brighter. Due to the fact I am climbing away from the galactic plain, the features of the spiral arms and their gaps become clearly visible. Since a quater of an hour I do see the nebula, which is the temporary target of the todays leg of my chosen route.

It is clearly visible with its dark purple color before the background of the bright galactic arm.

I found a signal source labled as Remarkable Stellar Phenomenon in a distance of 45.5ls; there is a Water World placed in this system as well.

Recent system is Smojue IET-B48-0

--In region of Smojue IE-T b48-0 C 01:07:47 UTC : There is a Brown Dwarf with a Water World and two signals marked as Remarkable Stellar Phenomeneon. The first of these two signals is a Stellar Proto Cloud (Lagrange Cloud).

There are two different kinds of creatures: Plenty of crystals spread inside the cloud and smaller ones; I did see two smaller creatures so far: one was moving out of sight, the other one seems to be attracted by my ship. This one keeps close to

the ship, moves foreward and backwards sometimes touching the ships hull or interacting with its shields. When in contact with the shields there are green flashes where the creature gets in contact. If I do not move the ship at all, the creature Supplemental entry:- keeps a constant distance close to the ship above the canopee.

I tried to scan this creature with small results. The headlights are switched on, so it might be attracted by the bright light. Supplemental entry:- Both of these smaller creatures keep a distance of approximately 500m to each other. When carefully moving towards the second one, the one, which moved away, this shows the same behavior than the other one. I made some photos and videos of these creatures. The many crystals, looking like paper Christmas stars, do not have a clear radar signal and can not be selected via the contacts menu. I try to get closer for a scan - if possible.

The crystal stars are labled as Rubeus Metallic Crystals.

The Rubeus Metallic Crystals are approximately 200 to 300 meters in diameter and show no reaction at all; these are just floating at their positions inside the cloud.

Inside the second Proto Cloud /Lagrange Cloud) there are some metallic starlike structures as well. These are labled PURPUREUS Metallic Crystals.

The two clouds seem similar with the exception that in the second cloud there are no smaller creatures to be found.

Both the Proto Clouds are located close to the Brown Dwarf, which as well is circled by a Water World. placed on a slightly bigger one; the bigger part of the body does have multiple tentacles to the outside. As well there are some round features seeming to be nostrils or eyes but it stays unclear so far, what it is.

Third Landing Site GD 140 A 1 A

--Parked on GD 140 A 1 a at coordinates {19.448832 / 3.524383 } 14:09:18 UTC : I did land within range of the geological signal source 7 after finding out signal source 15 was located inside an impressing canyon close to the icy mountain peaks. The relief energy next to and inside the canyon at source 15 was too high to land such a big ship as the Beluga. I tried to land the Beluga on an even part indented in the flank of the canyon but found out it was not managable eventhough the ship was fitting inside the indent easily. 14:14:32 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The geological features at this site (number 15) consists out of gysers or similar spread over a few square miles and I will now enter the SRV to investigate.

--Parked on GD 140 A 1 a surface 15:23:55 UTC : The area is classified as a magma field with sillicates; I found Ferrum (iron), Sulfur, Chrome, Selen and Carbon, some Germanium and Polonium as well.

More Voyage and Investigation Notes

Supercruising: 14:59:03 UTC : Take off, leaving the inner moo of the second gas giant and heading for the third gas giant system to DSS the two moons and the rtinged gas giant. All sixteen bodies were object to Detailed Surface Sacans; 16 times with reaching the efficiancy target. Now moving on.

15:13:38 UTC : Moving thrugh parts of Snake Sector.

15:19:00 UTC : Moving through parts ol COL 359 Sector.

15:37:32 UTC : COL 359 Sector IM-L D8-48 A 3 - This is a Water World, which I fired 5 probes on to DSS its surface.

16:01:22 UTC : Finishing the next jump I will arrive at PRU EUQ FQ-Q B47-0 (Pru Sector)

16:53:57 UTC : PRU EUQ KH-N B49-2 3 A - Innermost moon of a ringed gas giant with multiple surface signals (geological kind). After scanning and DSS of this gas giant system I will investigate the surface.

16:55:32 UTC : The gas giant appears like Jupiter with a ring, containing some resource hot spots, e.g. Bromellite. Touch down on night side of the moon with the gas giant over its horizon.

18:59:43 UTC : On the surface of this planet I found fumaroles exhaling Sulfur-Dioxide. 19:20:13 UTC : The surface of this planet with slightly more mass than the earth reminds on a marsian landscape. The fumaroles are placed at the buttom of some mountain cliffs and in the slope areas. Directly next to it their site there is an several square km wide, very even plain, which is nice for a highspeed SRV run.

19:28:45 UTC : The main star of this system - PRU EUQ-KH-N B49-2 - is an M-class star shining orange and yellow, so the light is similar than on Mars, except this rocky planet is the closest to the mentioned sun. On its dayside there is a very intense orange light and the iron in its surface sands (Fe2O3 - rost) increases the red-orange impression. Nice place. The bottom of the sun actually touches the horizon and shades grow.

19:48:45 UTC : Plenty of Iron, some Nikel, Vanadium and a good amount of Ruthenium I did find with the minerals at this site.

21:20:54 UTC : I did race the SRV over the plain for nearly 30 km - just for fund and to measure the plain. Top speed was 40 km/h - all the SRV can do; I could hold this speed during a minute racing straight in.