CMDR Chasenuva1 资料 > 航行日志

L'appel du vide [LR-RAT]
CMDRLOG APR/10/3304 - A New Home?

I found life on this planet way up above the galaxy. Plants. Big ones. Big spike-looking things with the texture and hardness of a Softwood, complete with glowing green flowers on the ends of it's branches. I ran a nutrition/toxic scan on one and found it was edible! Tastes nasty, but it'll extend my food reserves for a few additional weeks without having to go out and gather more fuel. I'm surprised my GalNet still updates correctly out here. I think I'll stick around here for a few weeks, see if the Thargoids end up overrunning populated space.

CMDRLOG APR/9/3304 - Top of the Galaxy

I did it. With some careful planning, I'm on top of the Galaxy. Had to double my jump range with some Jumponium Infusions to get up here. Hopefully it's safe from the Thargoids. This system has an Ammonia World, a Water Giant with water-based life, and a planet orbiting the Water Giant. I had a small mishap with the auto-landing computer and my SRV, but I was able to patch up the damage to both. One thing I gotta say - It's DARK up here. Kind of unnerving looking up into the sky where there was always at least a few stars and now see nothing but relentless black no matter what direction I look. Hopefully by the time I wake up this planet will have spun around so there is at least a giant orb of water floating above me.

CMDRLOG APR/8/3304 - Holes and Wolves

I wandered around that Black Hole cluster for hours today, found a ton (well, many tons) of unscanned Black Holes. Several of which had close binary Neutrons or White Dwarf Stars, very cool to see. Also happened across an unscanned Wolf-Rayet NC Star! Many orbiting bodies I didn't feel safe landing on due to high gravity, but I was able to land on a few and snap some very cool pictures. If I ever get home I'll probably print them and hang them on my wall. I noticed that the 'sky' seemed darker than usual due to my position above the galactic plane. I think I'll see how high I can go. If nothing else, it'll be another cool picture for my wall.

CMDRLOG APR/7/3304 - Black in Green

I see now why this is a tourist location. The small black hole beautifully refracts the green splotches of the nebula from the Viewpoint Station built nearby. The Station didn't have much more than just a platform to stand on and look out at the view, but it was very much worth the visit. I noticed a large black hole cluster a bit further out, i'll be heading over there tomorrow to see if any are undiscovered.

CMDRLOG APR/6/3304 - Fuel Rat Rescue #81

Less than 5kLY from the Core, icing over near a Neutron isn't the first or last place you'd think to find a Python outfitted for what appeared to be Haz Trading. But that's what was waiting for me upon dropping in to the Client's system. The Commander of the Python was a nice guy. He was obviously suffering from long-term deep-space madness, but who wouldn't be after taking the long loop to Sag A* and back in a Haz-Trade Python? I spent most of the day filtering through the GalMap, scrolling through hundreds of nearby systems to try to find something interesting. Not much in the immediate area, but I'm just 4kLY from the tourist destination 'Black in Green'. I'll probably make that my next destination while I try to find something else interesting.

CMDRLOG APR/5/3304 - Heading Out

A RatSignal came in today: 17kLY towards the Core. I figure that's as good a place to be as any, And I can use that spot as a good jumping off point to reach the rest of the galaxy. Pretty perfect timing as well, considering I'm hearing reports that one of the nearby Thargoid listening posts is going crazy about something. I don't want to be anywhere near there when whatever it's seeing shows up. I'll be picking up a few last minute synthesis materials and slapping a Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller on Her tonight, then I'm off. The Rendezvous with the Client is 11:00 on the 6th.

CMDRLOG MAR/31/3304 - The Decision

I've decided I'm leaving. The Thargoids have reached the Bubble, They are attacking anything and everything in their path, and They don't seem to be slowing. The Alliance, Feds, and Imps have joined forces to declare all-out war on the Thargoids, and most of the Pilots' Federation is being armed and mobilized as well. It's obviously time to relocate somewhere safer, and I've been feeling that itch to get back out into the deep black for a few weeks now. At least for a while. Not sure where I'll go yet, I still need to pull 'Lapel du Vide' out of storage and replace some of old outdated parts but, I'm going. No question.