Mapowanie Galaktyki > Trasy > The Voyage(r Route) Home (PS4)

Back to the bubble from Beagle Point, following the route of the USS Voyager

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75
#2 Dreeckia EB-W c2-0 4015 / 259.15625 / 64340.3125 5 224,96 Ly
#3 Cho Eur GX-L d7-5 (Jovian Assembly) 8938.84375 / 30.75 / 61068.0625 5 916,42 Ly
#4 Pyrai Eohn LM-V c18-0 15575.5 / -301.96875 / 59898.8125 6 747,08 Ly
#5 Byoo Briae CW-C c26-0 (Voyager's Reach) 20020.5625 / 20.0625 / 57659.6875 4 987,58 Ly
#6 Hyiechou AI-J b36-0 (Sisyphos' Rock) 20185.46875 / -16.28125 / 48362.71875 9 298,50 Ly
#7 Bleethuia FF-A e1 (Proximity Rock) 17817.40625 / -1032.375 / 37388.84375 11 272,36 Ly
#8 Lyaisai PS-U e2-160 (Blue Peach Nebula) 8211.4375 / 92.8125 / 31441.375 11 353,99 Ly
#9 Rotheau SZ-O e6-895 (Rattla) 7039.25 / -1373.46875 / 30877.34375 1 960,14 Ly
#10 Eorm Phyloi OY-Z d37 (Aether Nebula) 6548.3125 / 2042.625 / 27246.28125 5 009,52 Ly
#11 Phroea Ploe PD-B e2165 (Phroea Ploe Nebula Cluster) 5300.46875 / -224 / 23313.75 4 707,39 Ly
#12 Shrogaae LB-C c14-1067 (Shrogaee Nebula) 4958.21875 / 507.6875 / 21307.96875 2 162,33 Ly
#13 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 683,20 Ly
#14 Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-3468 (Guardian ruins - Teal Nebula sites) 4948.46875 / 165.0625 / 20654.53125 73,71 Ly
#15 Mynoaw AA-A h26 (Singularities Playground) 4027.03125 / -307.34375 / 18527.5 2 365,69 Ly
#16 Greae Phoea QF-I c25-150 (Isegrim Nebula) 4824.59375 / -466.78125 / 16657.15625 2 039,54 Ly
#17 Blaa Hypai LZ-F b27-0 (Guardian ruins - Hollow Veil sites) 1251.4375 / -752.71875 / 12330.53125 5 618,62 Ly
#18 Plio Aihm ML-P d5-307 (Angerona) 2372.75 / 5.3125 / 9673.65625 2 981,77 Ly
#19 V1033 Scorpii 2071.0625 / 342.8125 / 7719.625 2 005,78 Ly
#20 Cat's Paw Sector HR-W d1-31 (Red Storm Geysers) 834.8125 / 54.625 / 5423 2 624,09 Ly
#21 NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 (Morgan's Rock / NGC 6188) 1706.1875 / -87.625 / 4057.15625 1 626,36 Ly
#22 Blu Thua JS-J d9-1 (Tark) 694.15625 / 583.5625 / 2303.46875 2 133,10 Ly
#23 HR 5906 (Stranded Snake (anaconda settlement)) 81.65625 / 154.53125 / 382.21875 2 061,66 Ly
#24 Pallaeni 112.6875 / 47.125 / 128.4375 277,32 Ly
#25 Sol 0 / 0 / 0 177,24 Ly