Profil dowódcy Cojo96 > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
(Krait Phantom)
Członek od:
16 sty 2021
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
24 739
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
18 903
Stan konta:
5 908 209 674 Cr
It's Been Over A Year...

My squad mates and I, after being frustrated with frame drops in the Bubble, and after mildly destroying our trade stomping grounds in the bubble, loaded up a full carrier hold of Tritium, and set out. We hit up Sagittarius A*, Colonia, made thousands of discoveries along the way. I am on the final few hours headed home. It's been over a year. We set out in April of 2022, and now it's the final stretch. Relaxing in my Captain's Quarters aboard my Fleet Carrier, already decked out cosmetically to get back to trade, I look out at my final few hours in the Black before I get back to a whole different kind of adventure.

I discovered dozens of Wolf-Rayets, dozens of Earth-likes, hundreds of water worlds and countless other amazing, unusual things. Even some broken galactic generation that I mapped out, and plastered my name all over. Heck, I even set two galactic records that were, sadly, short-lived, and I made billions in exploration data. It's been a wild ride, but it's gonna feel nice to be back home, where it all started.

CMDR Cojo96, signing off, and almost home.

See you shortly. o7