Profil dowódcy Adotiln > Dziennik Okrętowy

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4 lut 2021
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Captains Log: Deep Space Expedition to Beagle Point.

Captains Log (Strabo II)


  • Deep space expedition to Beagle point.
  • Commander Adotiln and Strabo II an Anaconda fitted for the exploration role.
  • Distance traveled, greater than 65k lys from home station.
  • Starting waypoint Kopal Orbital in Tsim Binba System.
  • Second waypoint Jaques Station in Colonia Region.
  • Third waypoint Explorers Anchorage and Sagittarius A*.
  • Fourth Waypoint Beagle Point.
  • Fifth waypoint Explorers Anchorage.
  • Sixth waypoint Kopal Orbital in Tsim Binba system.


Days 1 and 2

  • 2/24/3308 - Departed Tsim Binba (Kopal Orbital) in route to Colonia. Waypoint Lagoon Sector NI-S B4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) [66 jumps]
  • 2/25/3308 - Arrived Lagoon sector NI-S B4-10. Docked for hull and module repairs after small fuel scooping incident. (Amundsen Terminal). No progress lost.
  • Departure from Amundsen Terminal. Traveled 300lys to Bleia Dryiae VF-X B21-D to get off main path [5 jumps]
  • Proceed to plot route to waypoint. Waypoint Gru Hypue KS-T D3-31 in the Vostok-1 Nebula (Gagarin Gate) [144 jumps] {canceled waypoint}
  • Replotted route after 10 jumps. Resumed course onward to Colonia Region [244 jumps]
  • Made base camp on Gria Drye LJ-B C16-9 5 D. Biological life found. Will investigate more at next session. First Footfall confirmed. Session ended. [230 jumps remain]

Day 3

  • 2/26/3308 - Hit the Lavian Brandy pretty hard yesterday afternoon/evening at base camp. Decided to do some light exploration today. Hopefully I don’t crash the ship into a high G planet during that time or this will be a short trip… Planning to make a few jumps but don’t expect much progress.
  • Made a few notable biological discoveries. With a nice added bonus of a water world. The last jump unfortunately had no planets I could set the ship down on. Guess I’m free floating. Ended the day in Nyeajeau CK-L B 13-2. [215 jumps remain]

Day 4

  • 2/28/3308 - The expedition continues. Departed base camp at Nyeajeau XU-A B 19-6 A 11 D. [214 jumps remain]
  • Forgot to turn orbit lines on after taking photos. Emergency stopped too close to fuel star. Hull and module damage. 99% hull remaining. Used AFM’s to repair modules. Power-plant at 98%. Heatsinks are almost depleted 1 remaining. More caution needed going forward not many more mistakes can be made without serious repercussions.
  • Finally under 100 jumps to Colonia Region. Significant progress made today. May even be able to reach Jaques Station tonight. Really need to be more careful jumping without repair limpits. Dropped too fast going planet-side and damaged hull more. 97% hull remanding power plant at 96%.

Day 5

  • 3/1/3308 - Arrived in Colonia, docked at Jaques Station. Sold Exploration and Exobiology data. Achieved Compiler rank in Exobiology. Wanted to try some local bounty hunting but it doesn’t seem worth the effort to build a new ship from the ground up also I have a serious lack of materials, all my good ships are 22,001 ly away at home. Colonia engineering isn’t happening it’s not worth the effort. Going to continue the expedition instead of having an extended stay.
  • Plotted route 300 ly’s away from Colonia to create path forward, destination Sagittarius A*.
  • Plotted route to Sagittarius A*. [163 jumps]
  • Replotted route to use economical plotting. I’ll get to Sagittarius A*… eventually.
  • Landed planet-side for the evening to set up base camp. Very high G planet with extreme temperatures. Suit cannot handle heat for more than a few minutes. Got that first footfall, though it was risky as hell.

Day 6

  • 3/2/3308 - Not much to report today. Tons of biologicals scanned today. Still a ways off from Sagittarius. Landed and set up base camp on Kyloarph CM-L D8-4057.

Day 7

  • 3/4/3308 - Not much to report today, had some brief comms with Cmdr Zwarthog. Lots of bios scanned and a few geos. Getting closer to Sagittarius A*.
  • Arrived at Explorers Anchorage sold data. Jumped to Sagittarius A*.
  • Began expedition to Beagle Point.

Day 8

  • 3/6/3308 - Resumed jumps towards Beagle Point.
  • Made a little progress. Made base camp at Dryaa Bluuae EY-D C1-5381.

Day 9

  • 3/7/3308 - So far the day has given me many stellar discoveries and also planetary discoveries.
  • Entered Ryker’s Hope Region. Still a long ways off from Beagle Point.
  • Plotted route to Thuechae TI-X B7-4. It is one of the last fuel stars before the abyss crossing. Will need to be very careful once the destination is getting closer about 266 jumps plotted, just under 20k lys.
  • Entered Izanami Region.
  • Approximately 26k ly from Beagle Point.

Day 10

  • 3/8/3308 - Plotted route to the edge of the abyss. Not much more than 300 jumps left till Beagle Point.
  • Entered Newton’s Vault Region.

Day 11

  • 3/9/3308 - I’m now within the 20,000ly plot limit to Beagle Point. 277 jumps and 17,674.39 lys till arrival.
  • Was able to plot a successful route through the Formorian Frontier Region into the Abyss region.
  • Entered Formorian Frontier Region.
  • Approximately 10,000ly remains till Beagle Point.
  • Took a break with 100 jumps remaining to Beagle Point. No landable planets in this system, will be free floating for a bit. Probably will be a great nap since it’s incredibly dark out here. The lack of star density is incredible.
  • Having a hard time staying off already blazed paths. May have to just suck it up.
  • Entered The Abyss Region.
  • Arrived at Beagle Point.
  • Scanned tourist beacons.
  • Landed on Beagle Point 2 and had a bit of a journeys end celebration.
  • 65,278lys from Tsim Binba.
  • Mission accomplished.
  • Plotted route back towards Sagittarius A*.

Day 12

  • 3/10/3308 - That’s all she wrote. It’s time to make the long journey back home.
  • Plotted route back to Sagittarius A*.
  • This trip back may take much longer than the journey out.
  • I adjusted some settings making system scanning much easier. Let’s go for Elite II in exploration.
  • Main plan is to get off the beaten path lots of pre-scanned systems in my way.
  • About 250 jumps till first waypoint towards Sagittarius A*.

Day 13

  • 3/11/3308 - Made some smaller progress towards Sagittarius A*.
  • Scanned a ton of systems today which is a plus for lack of progress forward.
  • Decided to touch down on a icy body with some biological sites and make base camp.

Day 14

  • 3/12/3308 and 3/13/3308 - Got a later start to day 14, so this log has been combined to form one days ship log.
  • Still making my way back towards Sagittarius.
  • Left the Abyss Region and entered the Formorian Frontier Region.
  • Still having an issue with my path forward, still running into fully scanned systems.
  • Finally was able to get off the path.
  • Scanned quite a few systems tonight.
  • Found some solid bio planets as well.
  • Landed planetside and made basecamp.

Day 15

  • 3/14/3308 - Significant progress made towards Sagittarius today so far.
  • Getting close to the 20kly plot limit.
  • Planning to plot to Explorers Anchorage once I’ve closed that distance.
  • Entered Newton’s Vault Region.

Day 16

  • 3/15/3308 - Plotted route to Explorers Anchorage.
  • Entered the Izanami Region.
  • Entered Ryker’s Hope Region.
  • Discovered my first neutron star. Very small system but a great find none the less.
  • Discovered a second neutron star. System is similar to the last.
  • Discovered a third neutron star. Only other body in the system is a type M star. Fueled the ship at it before jumping out of system.
  • Discovered a fourth neutron star.
  • Discovered a fifth neutron star very boring system.
  • Discovered a sixth neutron star just a system full of stars.
  • Discovered a seventh neutron star, it had a few interesting planets including a terraformable water world.
  • Discovered an eighth neutron star.
  • Discovered a ninth neutron star.
  • Discovered a tenth neutron star.
  • Entered Galactic Center Region.
  • Docked at Explorers Anchorage.

Day 17

  • 3/16/3308 - Departed Explorers Anchorage.
  • Plotted route heading towards Tsim Binba.
  • Entered Empyrean Straights Region.
  • Landed on a bio planet and made basecamp.

Day 18

  • 3/17/3308 - Resumed jumps towards home.
  • Successfully plotted route to Kopal Orbital. Just under 19.6kly till home.
  • Entered the Norma Arm Region.
  • Landed on a terraformable ice world with atmosphere. Made basecamp. First footfall confirmed.
  • About 255 jumps till journeys end.
  • Not a ton of progress made today I’m thinking about another day or two till arrival in Tsim Binba.

Day 19

  • 3/18/3308 - Resumed journey towards home.
  • 255 jumps remain at the start of the day.
  • Entered the Norma Expanse Region.
  • Entered Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm Region.
  • Stopped day at about 140 jumps till home.

Day 20

  • 3/20/3308 - Resumed jumps towards home.
  • Entered the Inner Orion Spur Region.
  • Entered Tsim Binba System.
  • Docked at Kopal Orbital.
  • Expedition Complete.
  • Gave Strabo II a new paint job as a reward for a safe journey. It’s honestly the least I could do for the ship. Wish I could do more. A damn fine vessel.
  • Sold all exploration data and Bio data.
  • Achieved Elite I prestige in exploration. A very big accomplishment. That achievement was well worth the long journey.


Well, that certainly was a long trip. Left home on 2/24/3308 and returned on 3/20/3308. Almost a full month out in the black. To sum up the trip I’ll say this. I wish I had done it sooner. It was well worth the time I put into it. I came across some truly awesome sights and locations on my expedition. I can’t lie though, I truly am glad to be back home. I think the space madness was starting to set in. Kopal Orbital was a very welcome sight to behold. Well, as they say. That’s all she wrote. Commander Adotiln, signing off. Till next time.
