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The Journey to a Distant Star - Epilogue

Before I head to the fleet carrier, I'm going to check out some nearby O-types I bookmarked, might have some unexplored ones. It also looks like there's a lot of neutron stars (or white dwarfs) around here which is nice.


One down, explored.


Another down, explored.


Final one down... Take a guess? If you guessed explored you'd be right.

Now it's time to head to the FC.


On my way, I found a T-type star with a bunch of only pink ice bodies. Odd.



And... I'm here. First time docking in a bit and I'll be honest here. The ship is ugly; it looks like lego. At least I can sell my cartographic data though!

Thanks [DSSA Argonautica]!


In case you were curious, I made ~109 million in credits

Travel map for a bunch of the journey:

Travel Map

I also managed to rank up to Pioneer and get 24% of the way towards Elite.


Here are the main Points of Interest I found during the journey - just in case you are curious. My favourite is easily the [Twin Orbitals] if you couldn't tell.



One journey is over but another will begin. After all, there's a [Long way Home]. Just joking, I'm not going home. I'm going somewhere better. It looks like an undiscovered Wolf Rayet - at least on EDSM it is. Well. Here I go again!

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Nine

26 jumps left. Yes. We're nearly there yet.


Just because I only have a few jumps left, doesn't mean I still won't check out interesting things. I saw a strange looking rocky ice world so I decided to have a look. It was circling the gas giant below.


I think the strangest little niche about the System Map and FSS is how they don't properly represent what a planet looks like. This is quite apparent with the rocky ice world I mentioned.

System Map


It's not that impressive but it's still a nice looking planet with a unique quirk. I'm going to call it, uniquely, [Schrödinger].


I also forgot to show off this gem from yesterday. Similar to the [Twin Orbitals]. I couldn't get a decent picture from either surface though.

Fake Twin Orbitals


5 jumps left!


And, I finally made it. I'm at the [Distant Star]. The best part is, however you see it, that the destination is literally empty. Just me, the star and the void. Underwhelming? Maybe. But the journey was the whole point. Not the destination. It's literally in the title of my expedition.

Anyway, it's been a fun ride here. I'm going to disappear to a nearby fleet carrier (convenient right?) and sell my cartographic data to cement this expedition.

Thanks for reading along with my journey. Whether that's one, two or three flight logs; it's nice to know somebody else is reading these.


Distant Star

So lonely

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Eight

Hi again, I decided to spend a bit of my log time actually fixing up some of the old logs. I'm mainly focussing around grammar and some missing screenshots.

Outside of logs, I'm planning on making a b-line for the final destination. We'll see how much ground (or space?) I can cover today.


I fixed up a few of the older logs and added some unseen images into the first. I'm not sure if they're specifically related to the sections they're in but at the very least they're there now.

I also managed to find an earth-like which, according to EDDiscovery, should net me a nice 3 million credits. They're always a nice site to see and make a change from ice and rocky bodies.


On the way I found a neat little system. It doesn't look too impressive until you see the distance between the star and the closest landable planet.

System Map

The planet also has 22 geological signals and I can see it moving in orbit which is neat.



I also just found what I think is the largest radius landable planet I've seen so far. A whopping 10,403 Km. This thing is pretty big. It's located in [Proo Eop WQ-H b2-0] if you want to visit.



I just hopped through a few systems and found another 10,000 Km radius landable planet. Maybe these things aren't as rare as I thought.

I got sent a link to find the largest radius planets and it seems like 10,000 is nothing. The largest has a radius of 28,878 Km and a load of them are sitting around 20,000 Km. Guess I just got my hopes up that's all.


I just unintentionally visited the oldest and coldest neutron star in the [Sanguineous Rim]. I thought it was undiscovered originally but I guess not.

Oldest, Coldest

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day "Seven"

Alright, I'll admit. I did travel yesterday but forgot to upload a log or take screenshots or anything interesting. Probably because a lot wasn't interesting. So while this is technically the eighth day.. it's day seven just for consistency.

There we go, up to speed.

One interesting thing from yesterday actually was that I found a planetary nebula on the galaxy map. I searched on the forums and EDSM to see if anybody else had found it before and it seems like nobody has - maybe I'll get lucky when I go there one day. It's near the core so I probably won't anytime soon.

Planetary Nebula


I'm also planning on making quick progress. I found a B-type low down and halfway between my current and final destination. Aiming on heading there as the next big pit stop.


On my way I found a few binary star systems. Here's two of them:




I just found out that the planetary nebula system IS on EDSM but there is no user under traffic report. So... no idea how that works.


I also just found a system with two water worlds and an ammonia world. It also has two terraformable high metal content worlds orbiting the water worlds and generally is a nice little find.



Finally, I made it to the B-type star I was heading towards. It took around 40 jumps but I made it here. Even better, it wasn't discovered! It only had high metals and ice bodies but it was still nice. You can have a nice shot as I disappear for the night.


I also took this screenshot a bit before that but can't remember where or what body this was.

Lock on

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Six

Yes, it's been a bit. Been playing with Titans again. Built by the IMC? Probably a Federation sub-group.

Anyways, I'm currently heading towards a blue star system and then I'll actually be making progress back towards the end destination. Same as always; hopefully I'll reach the halfway mark today but we'll see.


Unfortunately the blue star system was already explored. However, it was a binary star system with a third Class A.

I won't blur out the system name as I wasn't the first to discover it, just in case you feel the urge to visit for whatever reason - [Oochosy JC-T d4-5]



I landed on an ice planet with some nice looking canyons but made the mistake of driving in them in my SRV. Recalling my ship after hurtling down and nearly breaking my SRV twice - thank god for synthesis - made the ship decide to land up over a very steep slope. After a lot of suffering I managed to make it up. A lot of suffering. God I hate SRVs.



The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Five

Well, I hadn't been making much progress towards the [Distant Star] for quite a while. I have selected the half way mark pit stop and I'm going to make progress towards that. I'm still currently quite close to the Bubble - roughly 2000 light years out - and honestly, I think I need to move a bit farther away.

Galaxy Map

It's around 70 jumps away so I obviously won't make it there in a day and I'll make sure to stop off at anything interesting on the way. Hopefully there's a Fleet Carrier out there so I can sell any cartographic data.


57 jumps in so far and I've already hopped between two neutron/white dwarfs. I should have taken a screenshot but it's too late now. I see one up on the galaxy map nearer the end so I might grab one of that.


I also just realised that I've entered the [Sanguineous Rim]. That was quick!


I've also got to the point where most systems are undiscovered; can't wait to get to the point where finding a discovered system becomes exciting.


Today had been somewhat boring exploration wise so far but I did manage to find a canyon racing planet which looked nice. Whether it would function well is beyond my knowledge but if somebody wants to find out, the body is [Oochosy IJ-W b20-0 AB 1 b].

Canyon Far

Canyon Close

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Four

I'm back, I was busy messing around with these new Titans I found. Odd machines. Anyway, the 5-star system obviously had been seen before.

After I visited there, the other CMDR was ready to visit [VY Canis Majoris] so we headed there. It was interesting but, unlike [Betelgeuse], didn't have anywhere to land which was disappointing.

VY Canis Majoris


Nothing notably interesting has happened outside of that. I've found a lot of unexplored systems and currently I'm looking for an explored blue star system. O-type, B-type, Wolf-Rayet. Any of those would be nice.


On a route to a low down blue star I found this funky landable planet. It didn't look too interesting on the surface - looks a lot better here.



The next jump over I found a system with a measly 6 bodies. One of those was an undiscovered earth like - my first one! Really happy with this find. You can have a decent screenshot of it.

Earth like


A jump or two after that I actually found an undiscovered B-type star with a whopping 43 bodies. A load of them are ringed gas giants with a very funky pink looking one in the middle. I'll check it out and post a picture of it up close.

System Map

I got over to the pink gas giant but it was a bit less pink than the system map showed - still looked really nice though! Since it's another interesting discovery I think I'll name this one the [Pink Jawbreaker].

Pink Jawbreaker

There was also this zebra looking gas giant as well which I've seen before. It's still interesting.


On the final ringed body I found a relatively large Painite overlap which is half decent. Might use it for mining one day - probably not though.


The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Three

I made a slight mistake last night and completely forgot to detailed surface scan the [Twin Orbitals]. I just now had to make a quick trip back to the [CEAS - Kirkbride fleet carrier] to sell my cartographic data. What would I do without that incredible fleet carrier.


As I headed back to my pit stop bookmark, I had a quick stop at [HIP 38064]. It's a lovely O-type with a tourist beacon for binary planet rings - two ringed planets orbiting close to the O-type.

It looks great but I still think my [Twin Orbitals] find is more impressive, they're closer to each other than these. But again, this place does look stellar.




I just hopped into another system; thought it was going to be boring but god was I wrong. [Col 140 Sector BC-J b10-3] has two notable stellar phenomena's really close to each other.

The first was unfortunately just some Rubeum and Flavum metallic crystals which I've already seen countless times before. The second was also disappointing - more Flavum but this time Purpureum instead of Rubeum. If you're after three of the metallic crystal shards you should pop on over, otherwise don't bother.

Rubeum and Flavum



I just reached the 4th pit stop system - [Col 132 Sector RL-M a41-1]. It's somewhat near [VY Canis Majoris] and another CMDR wants to come visit it for the first time with me so I'm not going to be making much progress to the distant star for a while.

I've picked a system ~850Ly above my current position and will trek there while I wait for them to finish up with Engineering their FSD and potentially their DSS.


So far I've seen a few ingame undiscovered systems which is always nice. The majority being brown dwarfs with just ice bodies. I did get reminded of the EDSM feature that shows you potential high values bodies in your system on the dashboard by somebody in the Discord; there was a terraformable high metal content body which was estimated at 1.7 million credits so I went over and mapped that.

Nothing that interesting sight seeing wise though yet. I'm hoping to find something nice up here.


The system had already been discovered which was disappointing. I'm really surprised it was honestly but oh well. I'm heading back down now to another place with supposedly 5 stars; hopefully this place is unexplored.

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day Two

Day 2 has just started and so far I've jumped to a few systems. At [HIP 39914], I touched down on [HIP 39914 1] to have a drive around in my SRV and collect some resources. It's the first planet I've been to where I got the high gravity warning - despite it being just 1.6G. Compared to the low gravity planets, this was way nicer to drive on. It actually felt like I wasn't flying in a bouncy castle.

I'm hoping to find an undiscovered system here but so far no luck. A lot of them have been undiscovered on EDSM though so that's good!


I just found a somewhat undiscovered system - [Col 132 Sector UQ-B b30-0]. Only the central star was discovered. Unfortunately, it was mostly ice bodies with one high metal content. I'm going to land on an ice body and have a drive around. Makes a change from FSS-ing discovered systems.


The jump after that landed me in my first undiscovered system [Col 132 Sector LV-A c15-8]. I'm probably going to head to the nearest station/FC just to repair and sell this data. It might sound strange to do but it just feels right. That and my power plant early on took a 3% hit because I got a little bit too close to a star (had my orbit lines off for a screenshot and forgot to turn them back on).

Stranger yet, I just realised this was my third bookmarked pit stop star. Coincidence? Yes - or I'm just that good.


On the way I found a system by CMDR Blunt Razor. It isn't the first, they've found a fair few on my route. It seems like they were travelling around these systems.


I stopped off at a system to scan some gas giant rings and found a really nice find. Two planets closely orbiting each other (roughly 4.5Mm) and very close to the rings of one of the gas giants. It looks incredible.

I present to you, the [Twin Orbitals]. The first POI I've named and honestly I couldn't be happier with the find.


Surface Shot


Honestly, you should take the time to check it out. It looks a lot better in person than images can do justice to.

The ice bodies are [Col 173 Sector AQ-W b18-5 2 a] and [Col 173 Sector AQ-W b18-5 2 b]. The system, if you couldn't figure it out, is [Col 173 Sector AQ-W b18-5].


I travelled ~300Ly to a fleet carrier and luckily I could dock, repair, refuel and sell my cartographic data. It's also right near a guardian site but I'm not here for those aliens. I already picked up a Guardian FSD booster before starting the trip!

Thanks to the [CEAS - Kirkbride fleet carrier].

Now back to my nearest pit stop bookmark and to continue the journey!o

The Journey to a Distant Star - Day One

Well, I've never been properly exploring before and I've managed to scrape together half of my final exploration build. Currently sitting just outside of my home station, Strzelecki Gateway, as I write this log.

I've picked up a few bookmark pit stops and interesting looking systems along the way and I'm hopefully going to take my time getting to my destination. It's 111 jumps away so that'll be interesting; around 15k light years from home.

Again, my ship isn't much but it'll have to do for this ride. Hopefully I don't blow it up. The current build is here.

Going to start making my way with the first jump. Hopefully this'll be an experience that'll end up with my ship being intact returning back to where I am right now. Home.


This T-type was in the bubble but I thought I got a nice screenshot of it either way so here you go:



Came across the [Wregoe TF-N c20-11] system and did a FSS. There was an odd green tinged ice body, [Wregoe TF-N c20-11] , with a few speckled orange mountains; did not look great when flying in from above but the view when in an SRV was incredible with that gradient leading down the mountain.

Funky Ice


Forgot to add this log here - I finally figured out that you could scan planet rings when scanning the gas giant [Wregoe LY-F b38-3 A 7]. I'm not sure if this is any good but it had:

  • Alexandrite (1)
  • Grandidierite (3)
  • Void Opal (3)
  • Low Temperature Diamonds (1)
  • Tritium (2)

Feel free to check it out if it's any good.

I'm not sure if this image is of that gas giant but I definitely took this screenshot around that time.



Finishing up day one in the [Wregoe HG-L b35-1] system - roughly 800Ly out from home. It's isn't too interesting but it is near a system with what I think are black holes so that'll be interesting to go and see.

I'm also not sure if this is even from the same system but it's a nice image to finish up on.
