Profil dowódcy mav001au > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
fns lakota-A [FN-055]
(Krait Phantom)
Członek od:
14 kwi 2021
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
9 419
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
3 933
Exploration 1

I have decided to take out my diamond back explorer the FNS Explorer to go out in a random direction and explore.

I am currently 2089 LY from Sol I have been travelling a while so I decided to land on a planet in the BLU THUA MB-Y B-14 system the planet is a Icy planet with an atmosphere.

I am hoping to discover some amazing places. I have taken plant samples from this planet a kind of rock amethyst I collected three samples and now back at my ship.

I'll repair and turn in for the night and will continue my journey tomorrow. O7 commanders

Medusa rock

Instead of travelling 5000 LY to a carrier I managed to find an outpost in the crescent sector gw-w system called Medusa's rock it was 2000 LY from my position time to land and refuel and repair

Out Exploring

I had arrived at mu cephie and got my screenshots to say I have been there and I thought I would head to Colonia to explore the area west of the bubble but unfortunately I ran into some trouble and my ship is damaged I have landed on PLIO EUQ SH-C0 2 to repair and think about my next plan

My destination was a carrier 5000 LY away but Sol is 4800 LY away I could push on and see about making it to the carrier so I can restock and repair my ship.... I'll do that after I finished my field repairs

Beagle point to Colonia now home

I made it after the long journey I actually made it home after so many thousands of lightyears and thousands of jumps I am finally back in my home system hip54530

Now I'm home I will build a type 9 into a trader and start earning in the bubble again

Journey Home

This has been a long Trip I have stopped at a station 7,500 LY from home im back in the same region as the bubble and ill be home soon

Its been a long journey and ill be glad to get back and continue my trek to get elite in trading

Arrived at Colonia

I have done it I am back to civilisation my first station since leaving explorers anchorage when I went to beagle point

The constant travel here was taxing I was tempted to self destruct so many times

Now W I can go from station to station back to the bubble

Travelling home

The stars are a lot more dense now I have also encountered a massive star but this long journey is taking its toll on my poor ship and also myself. So many light years I have traveled and I still have many more to go I am 14000 LY from Colonia and 36000 LY from home almost halfway there

I just need to reach Colonia at least the trip from there to the bubble has stations to break up the journey

Once I am home I will go back to hauling cargo and will begin plans to do another trek into deep space

To Colonia

I have left Beagle point heading to Colonia I am 25000 LY from Colonia and 21000 LY from Beagle Point.

Space madness is taking me I am jumping from one system to the next to reach populat4ed space but it just keeps going on and on I am starting to wonder why I am here there is nothing but jump after jump its so bad I have made mistakes that has damaged my ship

Space is Lonely Space is empty and Space is unkind.......

I need to get back to civilization


I am finally here on the edge of the galaxy the furtherest point from Sol I have been planning this for such a long time and I am finally here.

I have landed on the last moon the furtherest away in the system and I am going to take the screenshot as a momento that I made it I will also take a sample of rock from the planet before heading back to the bubble via Colonia

It's been a long trip and I nearly lost my ship a few times but I am here woohoo!!!!!!!

I have taken my pics and have returned to beagle point and the DSAA Distant Worlds to refuel and repair in preparation for my trip home via Colonia

Finally arrived

I finally arrived at Beagle Point I have been meaning to do this for months and I'm now here I can't believe it

I'm going to screen shot as much as I can and then leave for the very edge of the galaxy this is brilliant