Profil dowódcy RO726 > Dziennik Okrętowy

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(Beluga Liner)
Członek od:
27 mar 2022
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
1 511
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
It's Good to be Back

Hello again commanders, I have returned after a brief bit of time away from home. It feels like it's been an eternity since I've grazed amongst the stars, yet only a few months have passed. and what a time it has been. Our galaxy has changed much since my absence, now with a new foe knocking at our door, the limits of our technology are being put to the test. Now, I will return for now, to once again be amongst the stars with my fellow commanders. Here's to those who have explore worlds from afar to those who now bask in their glory at every turn. CMDR RO726 out

Sickness... in Space

You know, I'm used to getting sick of something every now and then, but the only thing I get sick of very quickly is getting sick. It appears even the emptiness of space is not immune to its bugs and viruses, which left me out of the expedition for almost a week. I feel better now, but man I am gonna LOSE it if I end up sick one more time and miss some pretty sights. CMDR RO726 out

The Eye of the Storm

Space is a lot of things; it's quiet, it's empty, it's downright beautiful, but of all things it can be it is straight up terrifying. Today we visited the Storm of Fenrisulpher, a stunning Lagrange cloud from the outside and one of the most terrifying things I've seen on the inside. These storm clouds are a place I've wanted to see for years, but with the nearest one being over 10,000 light years from the bubble, I decided to hold off. From what I saw at this spot, the wait was worth it. I will say that space does not do much to intentionally scare you, but the things it does do to do so, it does pretty darn well. CMDR RO726 out

Remnants of the Galaxy

Our galaxy is full of wonders. Some have been seen by hundreds of wanderlust filled explorers, while some have never been seen at all. However, our time to see these beautiful places is limited. These beauties of our galaxy will eventually fade in time, leaving an empty shell of what wonders lied before. We must treasure these beautiful sights now, or risk never being able to see them at all. While today's destination, the black rings, is pretty, its existence is limited. Given a few hundred years, and the stellar remnants that dot the skies will fade. However don't give up hope, for as one passes on, another is born to take its place. CMDR RO726 out

Weird Space

During our visits to these unique and stunning places on this expedition, I tend to travel a few hundred light years from the ship just to see what is around. Normally, most star systems are just the average system either containing nothin' at all, or just a few planets, the occasional water or earth-like world, and maybe a gas giant or three. However, every now and then, Space just likes to throw you the old curve ball and give you a star system that should, or would, in theory, be almost impossible to exist. Yet, every now and then, they just pop up and remind us that space is quite the unique and quirky place. After all, what's the enjoyment in exploration if every star looked just like home. I hope I keep on seeing the funky stuff that space can pull out of nowhere, it really keeps you on your toes. CMDR Romeo Oscar 726 outa here, later peeps.

The Top of the Mountain

Our expedition crew made it to goliath's rest. A lonely supergiant, living at the top of the cosmos, visited by those intrigued by its lonely orbiting planet. But as I landed on the empty planet, I came across a feeling that one does not find amongst giants, peace and content. Never have I seen such a beautiful site in all my times of space travel. To any who are beginning to venture into the cosmos, may you find your way to goliath's rest, so that you too, can appreciate the beauty and calmness found on this lonely planet. CMDR RO726 out


We live in a galaxy full of competition. Most of which, in the bubble at least, are pretty fierce. However, our discovery is planning to take to worlds unknown, to dot the stars with my name in likeness. Our leader has decided to make a competition out of our first sights. So, I have begun my quest to be first in at least one category of this competition, no matter how far I must travel to do so. I know it sounds a little egotistical, but I want to be known not as one who never fought. For I fought to be first amongst the people who sought to be pioneers. CMDR RO726 out

A view from above

Today we ended up staying in the same system, I'm assuming that given the unique nature of this system we would stay longer. I decided to peel away from the FC to explore what lies above our system. What lies above is a view of our galaxy unlike no other. I was able to see our Milky Way in its entirety, reminding me that this is what exploration is all about. The beauty that is truly in the eye of the beholder, and I behold this view as a sacred reminder for why I explore the galaxy. CMDR RO726 out

Void Hearts

Today, I landed in a system containing void hearts. Very pretty, very unique, very ... strange? Captivating, yet confusing, they blended in so well with the rings of its gas giant host. A sight that was so beautiful, yet such a shame that it will most likely be one of only a handful of times I see such sight. I return to the carrier I am temporarily calling home, for tomorrow we head to the Aether Nebula, slowly making our way closer to the galactic core. CMDR RO726 out

The eye of a hungry beast

Today we visited the stellar remnant of Gru Hypai. This place made me remember something about home. Death brings new life, but what life it brings may be scarier than death. This black hole did not care that I was here to see the beautiful skies that its previous celestial body had created. All it knows is that it exists. It may just be a black hole, but it is something that you must respect, or risk falling prey to the danger that many fear of being lost to. CMDR RO726 out