Profil dowódcy Evil Tactician > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Inquisitor [IP3X]
Członek od:
14 sty 2017
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
2 140
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
Imperial Rank Progress - Duke

Finally. The emperor has recognised my greatness and awarded me the title of Duke. I now have full access to all the Empire has to offer.

Hail the Emperor.

Imperial Rank Progress - Marquis

Now one rank away from the coveted Duke. I guess I should start earning some credits so I could actually afford to outfit a Cutter.

Imperial Rank Progress - Earl

After sourcing a batch of desperately needed machinery near the Aditi system, I've been promoted to Earl.

Imperial Clipper

Today was a great day, as I finally had enough funds to purchase and outfit Aurora, my new choice of transport. A fully equipped imperial clipper, with all the trimmings.

It took a rather lengthy journey to the shipyard at back, but it was totally worth it. Now let's see the lady in action tomorrow!

End Log.

Imperial Rank Progress - Baron

A long shift tonight, delivering countless tons of Biowaste and Sensitive data to imperial forces in the surrounding systems. This was extremely well received though, and I've been promoted to Baron.

Rank progress from Lord (68%) to Baron (21%).

End Log.

Imperial Rank Progress - Lord

After a much deserved rest day, today I continued deliveries to Imperial outposts. These shipments are badly needed due to civil unrest and the outbreak of a disease and were very well received.

Progressed from Lord (15%) to Lord (68%).

End Log.

Imperial Rank Progress - Lord

After a few successful deliveries of sensitive civil unrest data, Bio Waste and an urgent courier mission, I've been promoted to Lord by the Imperial Authorities.

Started the evening on Knight (36%) and ended on Lord (15%)

End Log.

Imperial Rank Progress - Knight

After another high-risk delivery involving getting shot at by a very angry individual, I've been promoted to Knight.

End Log.

Imperial Rank Progress - Squire

I've been promoted to Squire, following delivery of some urgently needed security goods.

It should not be long before the Empire recognises my contributions and promote us to Knight.

End log.

Imperial Rank Progress

Undocked this morning at Master (45%) - I have a long day ahead of me.

The goal is to make at least Knight today, which is 2 ranks away from the Baron required to purchase ourselves a shiny Clipper.

A small donation increased my rank by 3%, which was a bargain at 50,000 credits. Let's hope the Empire remembers my generosity in the turmoil that will undoubtedly come in the years ahead.

End log.