Profil dowódcy Garesu > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
(Cobra Mk IV)
Członek od:
20 maj 2017
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
12 464
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
4 137

The Orca glided gently into the Coriolis station of Ellis gateway with its passengers happy despite the relentless self-promotion by pilots and hosts alike.

The teenage commander took his hand comm out from a carry bag and looked over the message once more. He had been ‘requested’ by a Progenitor Gamble to return to Starstone space, he knew it was from his father and had come with the tickets for the Orca. The rest of the message seemed to be something meant for other commanders since he had no contractual ties to the company outside the family.

With a gentle thunk, the ship settled into the docking pad and grasps latched onto its landing gears. “Thank god that’s over.” a hostess smiled at him as she gave him his overhead luggage. Slinging the simple military bag over his shoulder he bustled passed the imperial snobs he had shared a cabin with for three long days and stepped down the walkway onto the spinning space station.

“Welcome to Starstone Enterprises, how can I help you today?” The receptionist was a high-quality Achilles robot its voice was a good imperial recording. As he expected of his father no expenses spared for the white tower.

“I have been requested by Progenitor Gamble but I imagine any of the Kolax family are expecting me.” Handing over the summons the robots articulate fingers gently took it and copied information into its main terminal.

“Please make your way to conference room 5C. Do you require assistance navigating to your designated room?” The Commander shook his head and turned towards the nearest gravity lift.

Stepping in the glass tube a clear platform began to elevate him up the tower. Its central position and complete transparency designed to allow the traveller the opportunity to take see the imperial splendour of his fathers Ivory tower.

For him, however, it seemed rather old. He had grown up with it after all. As the lift came to its stop he stepped out and found the conference room. Before he pressed the bell the door slid open and another robot ushered him in.

The room was surprisingly plain, a large central table. Plain walls with paintings of various Starstone products littered between screen panels which rolled a company video talking about the original company and the goals of this subsidiary.

There were some differences he noted, the video was now half his father talking of the company and then a woman taking over for the Starstone family part and then about a Squadron.

Well, things changed. He knew his father wasn't thrilled with being voted in by the board. Perhaps he had found someone to take over. There was a table to the far wall with a spread of finger food and three people stood ignoring each other as they ate as a distraction.

“You all been dragged into this too?” The three commanders looked travel worn compared to his clean-cut easy life look. They gave him a look as of to say ‘read the mood’ so he shrugged and walked over helping himself to some Achenar truffles and a bottle of Ellis-water.

Sitting at the conference table he ignored the other three and watched the repeating video. The company had expanded since he was sent for education programming and fast-tracked through the pilots federation course. They used to say money made the world go round, now money moves whole solar systems.

A stoic shaken headed woman entered after a few more minutes of awkward silence. And the other three men wondered over to the table. “Welcome to Starstone Enterprises, and welcome back to you young Commander Kolax.”

He sighed she had already singled him out making his life harder to work with these men. “Just get on with it. I’m giving up untold money in opals for this.” The other three nodded at the gruff commander's tone.

“We have a situation that should not take to much of your time to remedy. Please observe.” The repeating screens stopped black and then a static-covered video played. “The is SSE green wing. Requesting reinforcements.” The woman's voice was well trained but had an edge of panic. “We are under attack from an orca and two Beluga liners. The captains are calling us not to fire on them. Their auto-docking computers have taken over all controls. They have no…”

The view rocked as something hit her ship, a hard manoeuvre brought an orca into view charging her down. Luckily her viper outmanoeuvred the ramming liner and she boosted away to try and finish the broadcast. “They have full passenger manifest and even some SSE management. Notify all ships to remove their dock… shit” The static covered the screen and then went to black.

“That was our third wing attacked by rogue AI docking computers.” Two of the commanders sniggered and the third whispered something about pussies with docking computers. “Well,” she spoke over them. “They were all headed to investigate a data storage outpost. We want you to head there unsanctioned and smuggle this trojan package onto their main server however you can. You will each receive a package and may undertake this as a wing or alone. You are not the only group we are allocating this mission too. Please collect your equipment at the reception.”

Gamble gave him a nod as she left and the other three commanders gossiped. He decided to wait for them to decide before he made a plan. “I'm going to finish mining before I do this. Didn't say nothin bout no time scale.” The other two nodded and looked to him. “Sorry kid we’re doing this alone.” They each walked out laughing about rogue docking computers.

With a sigh, he wondered what Starstone was thinking of getting guys like that. Walking through the door a hand grasped his shoulder as he rounded towards the gravity lift. “That went about as well as I expected. How's it going little Alex?” Turning he looked at the tall lanky commander, the Federal commando clothing giving an immediate indication of the man's affiliation. Somewhat of a federal representative within an otherwise neutral company with an imperial twist.

“Uncle Gary!” He was honestly surprised to see the man in this system and not out hunting pirates or the latest conflict. “I'm honestly surprised to see you station side. I thought you lived on that FDL?” Gary laughed and gestured they walk to the lift.

“Naw with so many on distant worlds and your parents in Achenar I came back to hold down the fort as it were.” Entering the lift he pressed for their private dock and the lift began to descend through the bottom of the building and to the docking ring. “Heard you had been summoned for some reason. Figure I will make sure you don't get killed straight out of the dock.”

Not sure if to be insulted he wondered where they were going instead of reception. As the lift came down he could see from his view Gary's FDL in its ostentatious gold, a corvette in company colours and a new still shiny trade red Mamba. Rather out of place with these ships sat a trade painted Chieftain with its yellow stripe. “I know you are Imperial at heart but I figure your mum would rather you flew Alliance. A bit more stopping power than imperial couriers and I'm not charging a Clipper to your Dads account.” He laughed as the lift came to a stop, “Everything is inside.”


Finally, they were all in a room together, though so much had happened it was barely over a year since Starstone Enterprise was open for business.

The boardroom was plain with a long table surrounded by chairs currently only filled by four real bodies. At the head of the table, a holo image of Gwydion was projected sat staring ahead.

Garesu who was sat to the right sporting his usual white and gold garb wasn't completely sure if it was Gwydion or a paused image. Left was the Imperial’s nemesis Ykanello with his reworked Federal Uniform patched over with Starstone logos and kill counts.

Next to them were Mitsarolito and Bean undoubtedly the most hardened of the group, who had been working with Starstone on various expansions.

“First I am pleased with the work of Starstone Enterprises. You have all worked towards ever-increasing profit margins. There is still the matter of several systems where we are struggling. Lahu and Coastin have seen many influences rise and fall which in turn has cost the company ships and manpower. Lives are important and at Starstone Families are our highest priority.”

Garesu nodded to himself holding back a small sigh at how his entire predicament was down to family. “Of course, you are all my favourite employees, I trust I can continue to count on you in the future.” A strange face came over the owner of Starstone Industries, was he smiling?

The image of Gwydion flickered and vanished. Looking bemused Garesu turned to the three left in the room. “Although our ambassador and Nancy are not here today I think we can continue with the topics.”

Bringing up an array of holo images he sighed. “As I'm sure you are all aware of late we have been inundated with… Turjanna related com-mail. Can we all be sure to mark as spam so that it does not clog up the inboxes? Thank you.”

Ykanello laughed, “Really, your lordship? It ain't so bad. Does it really offend your delicate constitution so much? Just a little publicity and fun I'm sure.” Garesu sighed.

“I am certain it is meant in the best possible taste, however, I got a royal blocking from the wife when they were all over her com-mail too. I don't mind… until I do.” Bean was chuckling, her mass of wavy hair obscuring her face. Mits’ just looked bored.

“Anyway, ” The CEO quickly moved on. “As our illustrious leader pointed out Starstone continues to grow into key areas of high tech and populated systems. We have an obligation to our staff and those who are just citizens to look after them.” A large projection of Starstone systems sprung up in the centre of the table.

Gesturing to Ykanello the ex-fed took a shot from an inhaler and began with his plan. “Well, a wise King thinks of his people first. Well said, your Majesty. Now, we have seen our systems fluctuating and are flying about like blue ass flies on a manure factory.”

Mits chuckled and played with some green thargoid hull on a chain. “Not to mention the Thargoids coming close.” Ykanello gestured at Mits.

“That too! thanks to you and Bean, not a problem.” The two commanders gave each other a nod and let Ykanello continue. “So my idea is we split up the main systems between us and manage them and their satellites rather than keep up this running about.”

“I'm out. Sorry but I have other obligations I have to deal with outside Starstone. I will keep up being a blue ass fly for ya though.” Bean gave a grin, it was all they could really see aside from the hair. Garesu wondered if she was a cyborg under there or something.

“I'll take Coastin. Got most of my ships there and outfittin’ is good there. My ships get banged up a fair bit.” Garesu typed a bit, Mits recorded a modified contract and his name appeared under Coastin as Operations Manager.

“I asked Nancy, she's in Alueta and likes the name so will take there. I will keep an eye on our rare commodity in Sanuma.” Ykanello started his plan and a contract popped into his com.

“Well, HQ is here in Daesitiates so here I stay. That concludes everything. Ykanello, stay a while and listen, we need to talk about our, ‘Ambassador.’


The Imperial ‘King’ sat slumped at his desk head pressed on the cold glass top. It felt good on his hungover forehead. Groping around in a draw he drew a nanoinjector and pressed it to his neck.

His one good eye dilated then returned to normal. His head was back to normal and he poured himself a fresh cup of Fujin Tea. Enjoying the aroma he considered the conversation with Gwydion the evening before.

He had sat not an hour after the hostage rescue mission had finished. The power armour helmet sat on the desktop uploading its camera footage. Bean and Mits would be doing the same, a message popped up on his display ‘incoming scrambled coms call.’

Frowning he accepted and Gwydion's skeletal pale face was splashed across the screen. “So the mission failed?” The first words he spoke cut to the point and Garesu drew a bottle of Eranin Pearl Whisk from his desk.

“Yes well.” He started and poured the glass. “Not a one hundred completion but all hostages were recovered… alive.” Taking a sip Gwydion simply stared at him. “The base was a chemical fabrication laboratory specifically for narcotics. I cannot help but think there was something else. It appeared they were using industry grade Terraforming chemicals for the process.” Gwydion didn't reply as the beep of the upload finished.

He thought the man was a picture it was so still the eyes looked slightly to the side and the reflection of text washed over the pale face. “Seems everything was above board the end result could not have been predicted. You should know the scientists are receiving the best care and their families are being taken under Starstone’s protection.”

Garesu nodded and breathed easier, seemed he was not to know anymore on this issue or why they wanted the scientists.”This leads me to the next matter.” Gwydion continued. “Ykanello is currently assigned to some acquisition missions and Commander Houze has been under deep cover for an extended period. Since neither will be around for long periods I am assigning. No, I am promoting you to Starstone Enterprise’s CEO position. I presume you have no objection?”

The glass shook slightly in Garesu's hand paused in the air. Lowering it carefully he looked Gwydion in the eyes. “God no, I mean yes I have…” A coms messages popped up from Starstone Enterprises. First, a contract for the promotion and then a continuing contract amended to the new role that reminded him of obligations. “Yes… yes, it will be my pleasure.”

Gwydion smiled that disturbing smile. “Good I cannot imagine anyone more appropriate at this time. Given your very special skills. You must continue this investigation into Narcotics across our systems. It disturbs me that residence and remaining factions find it necessary to resort to such things. Also, it is time to begin the primary mission of Starstone Enterprises. I assume you will make the arrangements?”

With those final words, Gwydion was gone. “I'm going to have to call the wife.” Pouring his next drink he could only think of Ykanello, this had to be his doing. “F**king bastard.”


Despite being called ‘the king’ in Starstone Enterprises it was more a joke title given his luxuriously pretentious lifestyle. In reality, he was third in the line of directors and due to certain contractual stipulations required to complete tasks fitting his skills when needed.

One such moment he almost regretted signing the papers was now. The blue and white glow of his cutting tool reflected in the visor of his white powered armour suit. Slowly he sliced through the outer casing of a data node. Not far drones hovered along a set patrol vector he was closely keeping an eye on.

The panel fell away and he put the tool down and rummaged in a carry case. “Come on… damn it, finally.” Pulling out a black box it split in half and as he put it over a bundle of wires and melded around them when snapped shut. His finger tapped out a set of predefined routines and the data node began to stretch up and rotate delivering the package.

A drone started its path towards him, turning to face him as it drew close the machine began to scan him trespass alerts popping up on his display warned of death in thirty seconds. Garesu took a deep breath in anticipation but as the count reached twelve the drop dropped helplessly to the floor disengaged. “Security interrupted, move for the mission target.”

Two figures near the small outposts main building stood from behind a large group of rocks and began a low gravity sprint towards the door. “Yup, beginning incursion.” One figure strapped something to the control panel and it began sparking. No alarms sounded but shutters around the building slid down as lockdown engaged from unknown depressurisation.

The two dragged the door open as Garesu approached “Let's get this over with. I’ve got a new thargoid incursion to get back to.”

All three of them wore white powered armour suits more refined than most for exploration and combat use. The trimming was blue with small blue jets popping every now and again keeping them level as they glided through the door.

The faces were tinted out to obscure their identities, no use disgruntled thugs rocking up at your door every day. Each unclipped a case from their backs, the cases unfolding into rifles of various personalised styles.

Behind Garesu the commander checked the sights on a custom AM rifle, the glow of Guardian energy lit up the room slightly as he panned around.

“Five guards waiting for us. Three with the target, they are using staff as human shields. One room I can’t scan.” The commander then fired five shots through the door they were about to open. A hissing noise began as air escaped through the holes and into the vacuum their side.

Some shouting and movement could be heard and then some heavy thuds hit the door and blood began to pool through the hole and float in the air, some drops pattering their white suits. “All five down.”

The commander ahead stuck another box like device on the door terminal. An electric fizz and spark later and the doors behind them closed and air began to vent into the room.

Finally, as the doors slid open Garesu watched as two heavily armoured bodies that had been sucked to the door slid down and fell sideways no longer propper by the door “Well funded operation they have. Established an outpost, heavy military grade Federal armour and military issue Imperial laser rifles.” The commander taking the lead almost sounded impressed.

The outpost was a build by numbers standard. Buy what you want and it makes itself in the hour. So the room was standard metal with metal furnishings giving it a somewhat torture house look in the dull light and red flash of emergency lighting.

Garesu kicked over the closest body to him and checked for insignia on the armour. Gangs couldn't help but show themselves off in gear like this. “I’ve got Coastin Gang here.” The others checked the bodies as they moved in covering each other.

“I got Mafia of Daesitiates over here.” The lead commander moved up raising his BN799 Carbine and checking around the corner.

Moving up Garesu checked the room ahead and came to a stop at a blast sealed the door. “Hey, this one's a Sanuma Free rebel. Looks like they got all the freaks in on this one. Someone definitely is paying well for them to work together.”

“Or they hate us that much,” Garesu Smirked as he stuck some high burn explosive on the blast door in the shape of an arch. “Clear behind?”

The sniper checked again and shrugged. “Rooms got a thick bulkhead around the edge. Probably the lab should be careful, put that explosive on a slow burn.”

Garesu nodded typing on his wrist com. “Ok, clear.” He stepped back shouldering his Fairlight Excelsior, which was his pride and joy constantly and professionally maintained to retain retail price.

The blast lock door lit up bright white as the explosive burned slowly in an arch. “Come on. Been ages since I had some up close combat.” the AM rifle user commented as the burn slowly came to the end.

The first commander kicked the burned door in. Garesu moved passed, throwing in a flashbang that was nullified by their own suits but might catch the enemy by surprise. As the flashbang died the emergency lights illuminate four armoured soldiers ducked behind the desk

The red flash of emergency lights illuminated four soldiers momentarily dazed. Garesu dashed to the side for cover and began to open fire as the other two commanders moved through and did the same.

The soldiers opened fire sending red imperial lasers sizzling off the laboratory apparatus. The Commanders returned fire, the AM rifle slowly blasting rounds through the tables into the soldiers as Garesu and the other commander kept the soldiers confused.

Slowly the noise smoke and colour died down leaving the starstone commanders breathing heavy from behind their various turned over cover. “Even wearing this power armour firefights are tiring. Bean, Mits lets see what they are working on.”

Garesu had that uncomfortable moment of needing to scratch an itch in his helmet but fought the urge for fear of decompressing. The red emergency lights flashed over the plasteel containers filled with various liquids and powders.

Bean was plugged into a desk com unit and looking through scrolling text as Mits shouldered his carbine and began scanning the various equipment. “None registered Narcotics, Nano-tech enhancers, illegal stims, even some chemicals used in terraforming. I have two here system does not register and a carbon to oxygen microspore.”

Bean finished the download and picked his AM rifle up again. “Using terraforming materials for new stims and narcotics? Ok, now I've seen everything. Frac knows what this would do to a person.”

“Not a good day I imagine.” Garesu had walked over to a transparent box with what may have been a Neanderthal of some sort used for testing. He couldn't be sure but the creature was twisted and rip marks all over its blood matted furry body ending with its fingers plunged into its own eyes. He couldn't be sure but Garesu thought the creature was smiling. “Ok let's clear up and rescue those hostages Starstone wants their terraforming knowledge.”

The trio moved up to the next door and Bean used the scope to scan. “No more surprises between us and the hostages. We’ll have to repressurise the facility.”

“I got a few surprises I'm my belt.” Mits unclipped some grenades from the utility belt and grinned under the helmet. “Don’t worry, the hostages will live.”

Securing each room they moved up to the final position with no hostilities. “Ok bug man, your up.” Garesu gestured to Mits and pointed to the door. “Bean, let there be light.”

As bean tapped into his wrist com the facility buzzed to life emergency lights flickered off and the main overheads shone down along with his pressure and air returning to the undamaged rooms.

Bean gave a thumbs up and Mits nodded through the helmet. “Go.” Bean pressed one last button and twisted the rifle with trained style into both hands. Garesu stood the other side of the door to Mits and as the door slid aside the two grenades rolled into the room.

First, a flash and a high pitched bang rang out the first grenade followed by smoke and a continuous screaming noise that even made Gareau's visor flicker.

Beans rifle blasted sending what looked like a leader slamming against the wall a gaping smouldering hole through his armoured chest. “I love this gun!” Bean's battle cry could be heard as the next soldier's body was riddled with Mits’ Carbine rounds before the head evaporated from an AM round.

In the smoke and noise, Garesu had crossed the space, the two commanders round expertly flying passed him to the targets. The last soldier was blinking in the chaos a pair of vision enhancers tossed to the floor. The hostage was held by one of the man's arms the gun in the other moving randomly in every direction.

The power armour made the dash a mere two steps. Colliding with the pair the hostage tumbled away as the soldier's laser rifle fired blindly to the side and tumbled away.

Grabbing a knife the man stabbed into Gareau's armour the blade sizzling in the shield and then scraping the exoskeleton keeping its wearer unharmed. Lifting the man off the ground by the throat the knife dropped away, metal fingers gripped tighter as the man's neck buckled then turned to a red mush in the vice.

The body fell away by itself the gore dripping through the entire process of clearing took moments but felt minutes. Crying came from the corner as civilian lab assistants and others huddled in one corner blood trailing from their ears and noses. It was just red so Garesu surmised they'd live.

Walking over to the lead scientist and their mission objective Mits and Bean joined him. Looking down the smoke cleared enough to distinguish the woman and lab coat. She rocked to the side facing away from them clutching her ears.

“Listen up! You are now under the authority of Starstone Enterprises. Be at ease, you are safe l.” Gareau's voice was firm but gentle enough that the others began to help each other up even if they still whimpered.

“It wasn't me.” Mits’ voice was shaky at what he saw. Garesu turned and looked back at the woman. She rocked back and forth a wide smile on her face almost unnaturally large. The problem was the pen and shard of plastic shoved in her eyes as she began clawing at her face.

“Well shit.” Bean winced and looked to the side as an auto-injector rolled out from under her. “Gwydion won't be happy.”


Ellis Gateway, The Drift and Tiki Bar

White and grey mag boots trimmed with gold clanked as he walked slowly through the metal corridors of the Coriolis station. He stood out like a sore thumb compared to the stark metal walls and drab attire of the general working people of the station.

Yet everyone ignored him, his white coat with grey and orange stitching covered the ostentatious gold flight suit underneath. Today he had his hair a military short back and sides but on top was still long enough that with the steps it fell brown and grey over his gold cybernetic eye.

His hand brushed the cool smooth grip of the Paris Eleganté Laser Pistol holstered to his left hip as he drew to a stop. Looking up Garesu brushed his hair back into position and sprayed it with a small can of Genome Inc Anti-grav Hairspray before tossing the one use can in the trash near him.

“You drag me to the strangest places.” He muttered under his breath before stepping through the maw of a huge, leering tiki mask and into the Drift. It’s like being on the inside of a lazily spinning whisky barrel he mused. The decor Polynesian by way of 20th-century American kitsch, patrons relaxed on deck chairs scattered around the circumference of the barrel, drinking fluorescent cocktails under stunted palm trees. The air is humid, and the atmospheric system had been tuned to give the sounds and smells of the ocean.

He wasn’t sure if he had stood there too long taking in the strange place but a woman sauntered over she had dark skin and dreadlocks, dyed green and piled up on her head, held roughly in place with a pale scarf. The rest of her was what he could only say was an amalgamation of tribal garb and a stereotypical waitress dress.

“You lost your Lordship? I think you are on the wrong deck.” Raising an eyebrow he scanned the room disregarding her remark. Most imperials weren’t liked, the whole slavery thing he supposed. Federals and Alliance just did not understand the system. With a sigh, he found what he was looking for.

“No, I am exactly as requested. Please bring a bottle of Captain Morgans and two glasses to my table.” Walking past her without a look he stood before the reason he had been dragged down into the belly of the station. “So, this is where you have been hiding. Too scared to even leave port?”

The individual was laying back in the provided deck chairs, a set of reflective shades covering his eyes as he likely was enjoying a high given the numerous Nicotine and Onionhead inhalers scattered on the table beside him. The man sat up and looked Garesu up and down. “Damn! The big man came down from his pearly tower just for little me. Well, I figured if I couldn’t beat the King in space I could kill you right here. Of course, I brought some friends, where is your wing, commander?”

As the last words left his lips Gareau's resting hand drew the almost harmless looking laser pistol. Of course, the technology employed in the weapon made up for its passive flamboyant appearance. His cybernetic eye traced four figures getting up from their deck chairs. Nothing but thugs rushing to grab at their weapons.

In what was a thought for him the pistol grip moulded and balanced the weapon perfectly in his hand the barrel facing the first thug and after the flash, he moved it deftly in a turn that let off three more flashes.

Screams and shouts erupted and as he finished the turn. A bullet impacted his chest knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to take a step back. “God I’m too out of shape for this.” The crumpled bullet fell away from the coat leaving a black impact mark on the white.

Putting the barrel to the Pirate Lords head the man's brain splattered and cooked against the floor and wall behind them. The canvas deck chair ripped under the dead weight slowly dropping the corpse through the hole leaving it folded in half.

The room was strangely quiet now. The waitress whimpered in the corner, the men he had clocked and shot groaned an one sat sobbing. “He… he shot my dick off! Shot my f***ing dick off.”

“Seriously. Sorry, I was aiming at your head.” Slapping the side of his own head the UI from his implant went fuzzy and then went clear again. “Now where are my drinks?” The waitress shakily walked over, the fake glass rattling on the tray.

With his free hand, he took the bottle and poured the two glasses drinking one he poured the other on the Pirate Lord. “Cheers to you.” A figure came to a stand just in Garesu’s peripheral vision. “Seriously?” he sounded disheartened. “You’re here? Can you not act like one of the directors?” Turning he looked at the smug bystander.

“what’ this was a perfectly nice bar till you walked in.” The man was older than Garesu, a worn Federal Navy uniform was patched over with Pilot Federation Elite ranks and stitched crisscrosses ran around the left sleeve from personal combat skills. A combat knife was neatly tucked into his right black mag boot handle going over the worn green camo trousers one might normally expect from a merc. Aside from the federal jacket, the only other thing that stuck out was the Starstone Enterprise logo stitched to the shoulder of his right arm.

“If you insist Yani. This is the black market district, I don’t think I made any friends today” The sound of hurried footfalls came from the corridor and they sounded armoured.

“Doubt that's station security. So, I will help you hmm, if you buy me this bar. Your Highness.” Ykanello laughed and took a puff of what looked like an old-fashioned rolled cigarette. Garesu frowned at the federal Merc. It was troublesome but he could not shoot him. It was in the contract.

“Merc to the end. Fine.” Shooting the crying pirate in the chest Garesu turned towards the door kicking over a table for cover. “Shame I didn't meet you when you worked for the feds. Maybe we could have found out who really was the better soldier.”

“Only one triple Elite in this room.” The old federal merc drew a rather fat looking pistol from a shoulder-slung holster under his coat. The Corvus Inc Devastation Pistol, Garesu knew well enough to keep his head down for a minute.

Holding the ‘pistol’ with both hands it gave an audible whir as the power charged up and the barrel began to spin. Unnamed grunts likely of the various gangs pushed down in the black market sectors burst through the arch of the tiki mask mouth.

Blue dots lit up on all their chests as the gun did the maths. A deafening howl erupted as blue jets balanced the gun and red nozzle flair escaped the automatically adjusting barrel.

Four hundred rounds ripped through armour and flesh, left stunned faces on grunts that dropped to the floor feeling safe behind the wall waiting for Ykanello to run out of ammo.

The silence was only broken by the hiss as the so-called pistol cooled down. “Gonna need a bit to reload.” He ducked down next to Garesu and a hail of bullets and lasers began to break apart their flimsy cover.

Taking a small ornate orb from his pocket, with a sad sigh he twisted the top and pushed a button before throwing it over his shoulder towards the tiki mask entrance.

“There goes eight million credits.” The globe caused a panic with shouts of “Grenade! And are they crazy!” from the outlaws. Nothing appeared to happen as it rolled to an anti-climactic stop.

Outlaws laughed and began to open fire. Their table cover now barely a shield Ykanello was about to return fire but was pushed further back using the remaining metal table as cover they jumped over behind the bar.

Still no noise only a light blue glow covered the broken wood walls revealing the metal behind. Garesu gestured to the merc to stay down and don’t look.

From the Outlaws perspective, the small orb began to hover into the air. Blue began to pulse stronger and stronger casting the odd hue over the tiki bars decorations.

“Oh god! I…” It was screaming just the sound of pleading that could be heard as the outlaws who were encompassed in the hue fell to their knees. Eyes turning bloodshot they began to vomit or wretch, clutching their head and chest they rolled around pleading for it to end.

Garesu poked his head above the bar since the hue had died down. “I think they give up.” Pirates and common outlaws sat clutching their wounds or heads. Some had blood coming from their eyes and the stench of vomit rose from the corridor.

Heavy footfalls came again but this time shouts of “It’s the cops!” sounded and heavily armoured police officers began suppressing the remaining or conscious rabble.

“You owe me the bar.” Ykanello stepped out from behind the bar hands up with his id chit in one hand. Police looked and then gave a nod letting him pass by out of the devastated bar.

Sitting back down behind the bar. Garesu found a fallen bottle of rum and popped the top taking a much-needed drink for his nerves. He hated personal combat. “So.” Looking to the side where the waitress and a bartender cowered in each other's arms. “Who do I talk to, to buy this place?”


“Mayday, we are under attack. This is Starstone transport Articus, I repeat mayday we are un…” The distress signal went silent as a raspy voice cut across the bandwidth. Three Vultures and an Anaconda sat surrounding a Type Nine Heavy, its three wing escort floated in parts around it. Some broken hull bouncing off the pirate ships red and black spiked hulls.

“Should have just given us that tasty cargo of meat sculptures and booze I see on my scan.” The pirate like his ship kept to stereotypes with long green unwashed hair combed over where the rest of his head was shaved smooth. Taking a long drag of Onion Head from a personalised skull inhaler he breathed out whilst issuing the command. “Take ‘em.”

On the Type Nine Heavy, the captain was watching his contacts list closely. Four names moved closer and closer. His attention was so fixated he barely noticed the debris floating around his command deck. He only blinked as flecks of blood dripped across the outside of his remlock from the limp body of his crewmate. “Hurry,” he whispered smearing the red away.

A volley of missiles streaked across the short space between the pirate Anaconda and prey. The impact struck the hulking transport, tearing at the wing and sending its powerless husk into a spin with cargo floating in its wake.

A second round would finish them but the pirate could no longer see the trader. A golden angel appeared with a literal ‘pop’ twisting and shimmering as the sun reflected off the iridescent paint. The missile lock tone had stopped, the target no longer found. Scrambling the pirate retargeted the new ship and the Vultures after a moment's surprise followed. “Target that ship, take out its power plant!”

The pirates banked and pulled around to get a good shot on the now scanned Imperial Cutter. Red beam laser lanced from the Anaconda’s huge hardpoint striking with a mix of plasma, and kinetic weapons. The impacted shield glowed green from the bombardment but the vessel didn't move from where it had dropped in.

Within the Cutter, Garesu sat in his white imperial chair lazily flicking the secondary fire flap up and down as green shimmered across his canopy. The com's buzzed as a forced transmission came through crackling. “Nice ship, shame to scratch it. Drop any cargo you are carrying and we might let y…” The pirate's voice was cut off by one of his own crew yelling about more targets.

Two more low popping noises and a third a few seconds after signalled the end. A Vulture exploded as two huge overcharged plasma rounds reduced it to a smouldering wreck. The other two Vultures peeled off and Garesu finally pulled the trigger, all turrets rotating onto the Anaconda and relentlessly began bombarding it with pulse laser rounds.

Two Alliance Chieftain chased the remaining Vultures as a Federal Corvette rounded on the Anaconda after its first kill. The Federal ship opened up its turrets, beams of blue laser joined the Cutter’s and in moments the Pirates pride and joy was down to the hull and powerless.

Last two Vultures exploded losing their dogfights. Now the four ships rounded on the Anaconda, a mirror to the earlier predicament. “Wait we can come to an arrangement!” The desperate plea of the pirate had begun. Garesu toggled the com's to reply.

“Piracy will not be tolerated in Starstone systems. Oh and I really want to get paid.” The Cutter began slicing the pirate apart with multi-cannons, shortly joined by the rest of the Starstone ships. Mercilessly overwhelmed the Anaconda joined its wing as twisted scrap.

Limpets were deployed attaching to the Type Nine and welding it back together. “This is Starstone system security. We will have you space worthy shortly. Please reboot your systems and jump to the nearest station for repairs.” Garesu hung up the com’s as his S.S.E Wealdend was joined by the Corvette S.S.E Fifi and the two chieftains S.S.E Efflorescence and Lady Bug.

Forming up with the Type Nine the five ships vanished each with their own frameshift pop leaving just the tumbling mess of metal drifting in the black of space.


The man stood bored, the look on his face matched his temperament as he stared emotionless out the window. “Umm Commander Garesu, we have the newest reports from our systems and the current Coastin… Acquisition.” Garesu turned and looked at the older woman, her head slightly bowed. He had not been sure of Progenitor Gamble when he first arrived but like many of Starstone’s employees, she was aptly placed in a position suiting her skills. As had he.

“And?” Sitting at the white Imperial styled desk the top went translucent and data began scrolling. He could read the summery but there was something about making people tell him he enjoyed.

“The War in Coastin was concluded in the day, I believe your bet with the Marusek dock master will have been lucrative and as per the arrangement he has made Starstone ship repairs top priority.” He nodded at her report and managed a sly smile.

“Well, that was that then. Slightly anticlimactic but what do people expect from a bunch of gangsters. So uncivilised.” Taking a moment he looked around the white office a single chair opposite his desk. The room was a standard grey metal Coriolis style painted white with gold and silver highlights. The odd curve or joist looked like it should be part of a grand elegant Imperial interdictor. Of course, he had hired the best in Imperial design to restructure his office as much as possible. Such grandeur was probably why he had earned the nickname ‘King’ from one of his fellow Commanders.

Having reminded himself of that man he let out a disgruntled sigh and waved Gamble off. “Oh and send the remaining Pirate Lord missions to my desk. I may as well finish what I started.” She gave a curt bow to Garesu and walked out of the room into the grey metallic corridor of the Coriolis station.


Born in the Zelacanto system on Robinson Installation, Garesu is the only son of Dawid Kolax a section manager for Zelacanto Gold Galactic Holdings outfitting and Jerarudin Kolax head of the colony Education centre. Garesu was afforded certain luxuries thanks to the positions of his family and grew up peacefully in the Empire.

Once of enlisting age Garesu joined the Imperial Military and with family ties became an officer. Serving until the death of the Emperor he became disillusioned by the direction the Empire took and joined the Military Courier branch of the Navy.

Within this role, he acted as a double agent for Emperors Dawn a resistance group that was wiped out by Denton Patreus and commanders of the Pilots Federation. Garesu happened to be one of the messengers who received the orders for the final strike that wiped the revolutionaries from the Galactic map. Instead of warning the group he completed his mission for the Empire and passed unnoticed when all the fighting died down.

Once his current tour of duty was up he handed in his resignation and enlisted in the pilot’s federation to separate himself from the imperial military as much as possible. Flight training was simple and after he received a strange package and the sidewinder. With his own fund’s contacts and a flair for information smuggling, he quickly rose in the trade ranks.

A year later and many misadventures, he met an Alliance trader who would become his wife and start a family with. However, as his prestige amongst the Empire grew he received a blackmail letter with information hinting to his previous life choices.

To escape rather than pay he used all his connections to cut a deal with the devil, a devil named Gwydion Starstone. He found himself at Daesitiates as Operations Officer of Starstone Enterprises, and suddenly his problems went away. Since then Garesu has fulfilled his role and other obligations that pass his desk, helping to expand the company and making tomorrow’s worlds. Today.