Profil dowódcy Werdna > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Oooh Shiny [133SW2]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Członek od:
17 paź 2015
Zgłoszone odległości:
14 458
Odwiedzone układy:
37 450
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
18 814
Stan konta:
2 194 643 641 Cr
DW2 Day 106

I had expected to arrive at Grand Rings sometime tomorrow night, not tonight!

The Tourist Beacon was on the lit side of the moon.

Grand Rings Tourist Beacon

However, the rings weren't visible from there, I had to go to the unlit side of the moon to see them, so I picked a Geological site to land at.

View of Grand Rings

Tomorrow night I plan to fly to Distant View in Blue and maybe Calidum Capsicum Annuum. I'll be at Beagle Point by the end of the week!

DW2 Day 105

I had some IRL work to do today, but finished it with enough time to squeeze in the short leg out to Thomaski Point Memorial.

Thomaski Point Memorial

This memorialises Cmdr Thomaski, who passed away while flying home from the original Distant Worlds expedition, this system being his last known location.

Vale Cmdr Thomaski!

DW2 Days 102-104

Severely limited flight time has meant that I have only arrived at Lone Star today. I found a nice view of a ringed gas giant and some of its moons.

Lone Star

There were some Carbon Dioxide geysers on this moon, but it was completely dark at the site while I was there.

DW2 Days 100-101

Day 100 was April Update day - no play was possible.

Day 101 was a short trip to the Fly Trap Nebula, just a black hole in the typical dumb-bell shaped blue nebula.

Fly Trap Nebula

Only 93 jumps to the next POI, Lone Star.

DW2 Day 99

Today was just flying to the Seldowitch Nebula. The nearby Thuecheae WR-H d11-54 system gave a nice view of the nebula from the moon of a ringed landable planet with a second moon (also landable) on the horizon.

Seldowitch Nebula

DW2 Day 98

Didn't travel at all today. In fact I started up Star Citizen for the first time in a couple of years. Barely got my Mustang off the pad because all the controls were inverted. I put a little distance between me and Port Olisar then settled down to figuring out the controls. While I was doing that I was blown up by some pillock. I guess I was targeted because I was stationary and that was the only sort of target they could hit. I sure hope Star Citizen gets a single-player mode.

Anyway, when I logged on to Elite, there were several people hanging around WP11.

Meetup at WP11

At one point I had to log off. When I returned, a number of Anacondas and a Cutter arrived and started 'booping' landed ships.

Booping at WP11

While waiting for 19:00 I launched Cmdr Phantomwheelspinner and their SRV up to about 2km, then tried to throttle up and things turned weird and they disappeared, eventually falling to the ground and exploding.

SRV on Beluga 2km up

By 19:00 the instance had dwindled to just a few commanders. I organised an impromptu mini-jump with the few commanders left and we jumped to Smootoae QY-S d3-202.

On arrival there seemed to be more commanders than jumped, so no doubt some commanders from the offical mass-jump instances. Apparently, there were some griefers in the Fleetcom PG! I just logged out. I'll start the trek to Beagle Point tomorrow.

DW2 Day 97

Pretty much the entire day was spent prospecting.


The end result, though, was maxing everything out. The last was Zirconium.

I ended the day by returning to the WP11 meetup site, where I found several other commanders.

WP11 Meetup

Probably won't do much tomorrow, just shoot the breeze and wait for the route map to Beagle Point.

DW2 Days 95-96

Both these days I spent prospecting and topping up my materials.


It's really nice to get out in the SRV for a bit after all the travelling.

Drooteou RA-U d4-109 8 a a in particular is both a good place for a view of its nearby landable parent moon, but also a good place to find Polonium, as it is volcanically active.

Polonium and a view

DW2 Days 93-94

It took both these days to fly the 60 jumps to Shadow Earth.

Shadow Earth

From there it was only 2 jumps to the WP11 meetup system, Luna's Shadow on 3 a at -68.4811/64.2183.

WP11 Meetup Site

I think this is the earliest I've been to arrive at a meetup site so far on this expedition.

I've now got the opportunity to fill some of my material bins, or enter some EDSM distances to locate some old Flight Log entries, or fly my alt account, or ... !!! It's the Easter weekend too. A bit more free time than usual...

DW2 Day 92

Tonight I flew to Hula Hoop where the class IV gas giant body 1 is only 30Ls from the entry star.

Hula Hoop

This ring system is notable for how narrow it is: 6,030km. It's also quite a dusty ring and is very good for a photo opportunity:

Inside Hula Hoop ring

I was now 78 jumps and 3,700Ly from the next POI, Shadow Earth. I called it a night with 60 jumps still to go.