Profil dowódcy Zurotzis > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Nostromo [ZU-05A]
Członek od:
11 paź 2017
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
3 373
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
1 885
Repairs... endless repairs!


---DATE: 3304-09-10---

My last entry was several months ago, I must explain what has been happening all this time. For some reason the repairs took longer than anticipated, i had to do a major overhaul to the drive and some other modules. I might have gotten to close to the cone of the last neutron star, which caused extensive damage to my drive and power distributor. Since I was not in the vicinity to any stations i had to do the repairs en route.

Finally after months of work I could continue on my journey to Colonia, after traveling a few thousand light years I had found countless new stars and planets I got a new signal on my scanners that I had not seen in a long time. A space port! Shouting in my seat I decide that its a very good time to make a stop and restock the supplies on the ship and maybe visit the bar for some refreshments. Honing in on the signal I manage to find the spaceport just a few systems away.

Making the last jumps very quickly but still managing to check the systems for interesting bodies to scan, once in the right system I locate the beacon of the port and the name of this space port is Sacaqawea Space Port, I locate the body the port is residing on and make my way there as I am cruising along I notice the system is in the middle of a beautiful nebula with intense red colors. Its been a while since landing this beast on a planet port, I make the entry by the book and even the landing went off without a hitch! There is no better feeling than docking your ship manually! I snapped a picture on the landing pad to add to this log since this was such an beautiful place to take a break from exploration.

Sacaqawea Space Port

After touching down I went to the local bar to get something to drink and to see if i can pick up on some rumors while here, ordering a drink from the barkeep i also use this opportunity to ask her if she knows any good places to visit near this system. Her reply is: "I have heard from archaeologists that they have come across some Alien ruins in a nearby system, definitely worth taking a visit." She then points me to two patrons who wear very distinguished archeologists, i sit down near them to see if I could overhear a conversation about any ruins.

Safe travels commanders!

Cmdr Zurotzis

---LOG END---

New Expedition to Colonia and the center of the galaxy.


---DATE: 3304-03-06---

I began my journey several months ago, this time my target was set on the distant settlement in the Colonia system and then further to the center of the galaxy. Just after returning from my last expedition I found my self sitting in my favorite bar at Shen Terminal I thought about deep space and the serenity of exploration, I overheard some patrons talking about a settlement close to the center of our galaxy. This intrigued my curiosity that a station could survive that far out from the rest of civilization, as I continue to listen with a curious ear they seemed to think that its just a myth that there could be a station that far out in deep space.

I felt that I had to investigate this mysterious system so I contacted the Universal Cartographics office to find out more information about the possibility of any remote outpost that deep in space. It seemed that they had information about a system named Colonia that could be the one that i was looking for, they sent the approximate coordinates to navigation computer. I then went on with outfitting my ship the Nostromo with better modules to make it more suitable for a long distance trip.

I set out on my journey the 24 of January 3304 at first my traveling was business as usual, as I studied the coordinates I had received i calculated that the distance to Colonia would be about 21 000 Lightyears, I opted to try navigating the famous Neutron highway in an attempt to shorten the amount of frame shift jumps. When I arrived at the first neutron star to charge my frame shift drive, it felt truly unnatural to navigate my ship into the cone of the neutron star. I felt a heavy shift through the entire hull and I almost lost control of my ship, after doing this several more times i got used to it. After a few more jumps like this i noticed damage to my frame shift drive, what luck that I installed a new repair unit.

Cmdr Zurotzis.

---LOG END---

ETA Carina Nebula

A good time for a new log for my journey, I've been slacking in my exploration. Out in deep space i got distracted from my exploration by some immediate repairs that needed to bee done to various systems after i bumped in to a binary star system. I miscalculated my distance to them while scanning them which caused my ship to overheat a bit and damaged some subsystems. Fortunately i was able to get out of dodge before my ship took critical damage. So this meant that i had to spend some weeks for repairs to get my FSD back up to par and various other systems.

binary stars

After my scare with the binary stars, I decided that since I was so close to my goal with this expedition that I could not turn back now. I needed to continue to the Carina Nebula to see the greatness of a place that give birth to new marvels in our universe. During my stay i was able to witness my first black hole, I also came across a neutron star that I marked in my star chart to give me a boost on my home journey. Further in the nebula I also came across a system with some interesting planets I found a terraform able water world, that planet made me think to be able to live on a world in the middle of a nebula. That would be amazing!

When I had explored some systems in the nebula I thought It's time I rejoin the civilisation and head home to Shen station. I still needed to repair the hull damage on my ship and also need to do some upgrading to it. My ship has taken a lot of beating to it during this first deep space run. I will certainly do more trips like this, I would love to visit Sagittarius A some day!

My journey home is roughly 8500 LYs, it will take a good while until I'm safe in a bunk at my place at Shen station. Its time for me to get going.

Keep flying commanders!

Far away from home...

I have been exploring deep space for a couple of days now. I think its about time I start to keep a journal of my findings to keep my sanity in check while I´m out exploring the unknown by myself. I miss my home base at Shen Terminal as I am typing this log i am about 4500 light years from my home. Its the first time I am making a journey of this magnitude into deep space it feels very strange and yet very rewarding, because if something goes wrong or if I make a mistake there is no one around but myself for solve it.

My goal with this expedition is to explore the Eta Carina nebula to see part of the wonders that exist in our universe, while plotting this route i also noticed the Statue of liberty nebula that i will make my first stop to investigate and enjoy the marvels of the universe, when arriving I will go around to some of the systems in the nebula. I have already come across some really impressive worlds and stars, its interesting how all these worlds have evolved to be so different from each other. One moment you see a brown dwarf with rocky rings hiding among some gas giants also with various rings, then in another system you find a bunch of planets that could be potential new worlds for mankind to colonize. I was also surprised to find two signal sources so far out in deep space, both of these sourced turned out to be wrecks of some less fortunate travelers. I found both wrecks close to the corona of the stars in the systems so my best guess is that the ships lost power and they got stuck to close to the star.

Now its time to hit the bunk to be ready for a new day of exploration!