Profil dowódcy nicedevill > Dziennik Okrętowy

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Aktualny statek:
(Krait Phantom)
Członek od:
6 sty 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
9 033
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
4 695
Journey To The Edge Of The Galaxy - Part 4/4

"Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another." - Carl Sagan

Salomé's Reach

It was quite a journey indeed. After crossing 65,647 light years and discovering countless new systems along the way, I finally arrived at this most remote system (Oevasy SG-Y d0) reachable with the current ships. This system represents a double galactic record. It is at the same time the most distant system from Sol at 65,647.34 Lys and also the system furthest north of Sol at 65,630.16 Lys. Read about how to get to this system below.

65,647 Ly from Sol 65,647 Ly from Sol 65,647 Ly from Sol 65,647 Ly from Sol

The route to this system is simple enough to execute, just make sure you have at least 4 FSD injections ready if your ship has around 50 Ly (or more) range. I did it in Krait Phantom. The path is as follows:

  • MYEIA THAA QI-B D13-1 (50.03 Ly)
  • MYEIA THAA UO-Z D13-0 (37.80 Ly)
  • CEECKAEA QK-C D14-0 (56.10 Ly)
  • OEVASY MA-A D0 (66.32 Ly, I used FSD boost here)
  • OEVASY NA-A D0 (53.70 Ly)
  • OEVASY RG-Y D0 (82.68 Ly, I used FSD boost here)
  • OEVASY SG-Y D0 (50.07 Ly)

In order to get back, just follow the list in reverse order.

The route to Salomé's Reach

Since I didn't use neutron boosts, my ship was still in perfect condition. Both hull and modules were at 100%, which made AFMU and repair limpets redundant, but better safe than sorry, right?

While I was here, I wanted to take a quick look at the opposite side of the galaxy and stare at the black void ahead. Oh, how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of the Universe...

Nothing Nothing Nothing

What's next?

Indeed, where to go next? My initial plan after coming to Beagle Point and Salomé's Reach is to visit some smaller distant nebula and scan and map all systems in it and claim it as my own, but after some research, it was apparent that most, if not all, nebulae were visited several times by countless of explorers before me and had a lot of systems already discovered which is why I'm still deciding on my next waypoint. One thing is for sure though: I don't plan to come back to civilization any time soon and will rather spend some time here in black, exploring all these distant worlds, untouched and pure. At least until upcoming technology that will allow landing on more types of celestial bodies is released.


CMDR Nicedevill

April 6, 3035

Journey To The Edge Of The Galaxy - Part 3/4

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." - Aristotle

Beagle Point

And that day finally came. I was happy to see my final destination after 16 days of travel through the Milky Way. Beagle Point was just right up ahead! I'm still thinking if not using neutron stars boosts to get here was the right choice to make, but the view at the galaxy from this system was phenomenal so I left my thoughts about the technical side of this journey aside.

65,279 Ly from Sol 65,279 Ly from Sol 65,279 Ly from Sol 65,279 Ly from Sol

And while still in the system, I've paid a visit to nearby tourist beacon (Memorial to Zy, Zylo, Zylophone) to pay my respect to both commander who got here before anyone else (CMDR 'Erimus' Kamzel) and to his pet dog Beagle named Zy aka Zylo aka Zylophone that passed away just prior to his expedition. o7

Beagle Point Beagle Point

As for me, this was actually not an end. My mind was restless since there was one more thing I wanted to do before going out to explore other parts of the Milky Way galaxy and while I was already here, I wanted to visit an even more remote system reachable by current technology: Salomé's Reach, the penultimate milestone for any explorer.

Going past Beagle Point

CMDR Nicedevill

April 6, 3305

Journey To The Edge Of The Galaxy - Part 2/4

"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Sagittarius A*

Supermassive black hole in the center of Milky Way

After six days of jumping between the systems, today I arrived at Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy. It was quite a journey so far and on the way to the center, I discovered mostly systems that have never been visited before. In fact, last 220+ systems on the route were undiscovered, which is mind-blowing!

Fully functional space station in a system near Sagittarius A*

At February 21, 3305 in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system near Sagittarius A*, Distant Worlds 2 expedition have finished building a space station dedicated to studying the supermassive black hole. It was named Explorer's Anchorage and it quickly became the most useful waypoint for every explorer out there, including myself.

Resting place

After refueling, repairing and, most importantly, selling all my exploration data I gathered so far, it was time to move on to an even greater challenge: Beagle Point (over 39,000 Ly from this point).

CMDR Nicedevill

March 27, 3305

Journey To The Edge Of The Galaxy - Part 1/4

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke

After earning triple elite and overcoming all of the challenges humanity set, there was no real reason for me to stay in The Bubble anymore. Besides, I was delaying this trip for far too long and two more major milestones were waiting for me up ahead.

One thing I promised myself before going into the black is that I will use neither neutron stars boosts nor FSD injections, knowing that journey will be slower, but restless explorer in me was happy because of that decision.

While at Jameson Memorial, I finished last preparations on my Krait Phantom and ventured towards my first waypoint: Sagittarius A*. Decided to go above the galactic plane and scan every undiscovered system I enter. After 5000 Ly from The Bubble that is all I could find: undiscovered systems, a lot of undiscovered systems in which I scanned everything and mapped only Earth-like and Water Worlds. I left Ammonia Worlds and terraformables for other explorers to map, in case they bump into one of these systems.

Interesting fact, first undiscovered ELW I found on this journey had rings in its orbit so I bookmarked its location to come back one day to land on it and explore its surface, once adequate technology for such endeavor is invented.

CMDR Nicedevill

March 21, 3305