Profil dowódcy Axonteer > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
-Serenity- [AX-85]
Członek od:
18 sty 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
8 953
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
7 021

On the 10.3.3305, after 13 Months, 285kLy, 5970 Jumps and about 1.5 billion credits in exploration data... We Made it HOME!!! Suddenly after a few Nebulae visits, Home was only 18 Jumps away and then... we where there!

LSE's Serenity docking at the Homebase

I can see HOME!

It has been over a year... what a journey and just a few jumps ago i got the first glimps of a near bubble object and soon after i spotted Barnard's Loop in the Distance. It has been a long road for the LSE, and a lonly one. Only a few weeks and some 15kly ahead. The last rimward waypoint is plotted, heading for a blackhole near in Cyoidai GH-U E3-3 and then a nebula hop home.

I am so excited to finally get home and strech my legs again!

enter image description here

CMDR Axonteer for the Crew of the Serenity - signing off

Lone Wanderer

Those new fancy pancy scanner software update that i got sent from the Pilots Fed. a few weeks back really helped me to find more interesting stuff.

One of the more interesting observations i made, for about 10-20kly i found a lot of them, what i call, Space Triangle's and Fart cloudes. The scanner describes them as turnacle something something tree that has pods that drift around, i call em Space Triangles. And always there is a green fartish cloude in the closer vicinity. Good thing its not caustic!

Beside that, i found some metal crystaline spikes floating about. On the surface it was mostly vents of one variation or another. Once a few weird ice crystal spykes. Once i found something that looked like a Vase or Amphorae and emmited "a" gas?

Then, i came close to crossing arms for the last time, towards a Region named "Tenebris". For about 20kly there was not a single stellar phenomena to be seen as i came closer and closer to the gap. I had to travel down the arm a fair bit as there was no way to cross. Now, that i am on the other side, i backtracked a bit to the Gates of Aldeari, a planet so close to its parent star that the (remaining) paint got a good cookin. I could even Fuelscoop while roasting some meat on the dashboard while i was landed!

I thought about flying further down into the actual region called Tenebrae, but that would be another 10-15kly just one direction to reach the region from where i am right now (mid lyras song). So for the sake of the journey, i will now aim for the outer rim and then continue my path towards the bubble.

So far, since i left in February, i havent seen any other commander, it really gives a lonly feeling out here. The stars are dimm and only a few are there. Thus most stellar views are bland, soft colored samealikes. But i hope / assume that from now on it should get more colorfull as time goes on, once i get closer to the bubble i will plan my route inwards. There are a lot of (well charted) nebulaes which i could aim for, as well as some interesting mysterious hints i got for POI's high up on the rim there. On the whole eastern front, there was only one nebulae, which i visited, a common red green expansion encompassing about 4-5 white dwarfs and neutron stars.

As one might assume, i wont manage to be home by february, but on a positive note i first assume that my delay would be larger, though suddenly it is "only" about 40-50kly of path ahead of me (rough guestimation as my nav computer cant plot a course that far).

From what i read on the news that reach me out there, the bubble supposedly will be mostly empty when i get home, as a lot of commanders joined the DW2 Expedition.

So i guess, the LSE will come home as it ventured out, in silenec and unnoticed by anybody. But that is the way of the lone wanderer.

CMDR Axonteer (and 2nd CMDR "Spaceduck" Else) - signing off.

Welcome to the Point - here have a Beagle

YAY, i had a lucky go and found a Passage very quickly to the outer Arm and further on to Beagle Point! 50% Done! Boy does that feel like a lot to get here. And now its the same back, but every time a little bit less. On the way i did some neutron boosting and had a glitch in my NavCo that made me hit the exclusion zone, nearly spill'd my SpaceBeer (TM) over my Cockpit when it happend. But something tipped over in the reactor room and i now have a shitty scratch in my main reactor. This is seriously annoying me. At any rate, ill do now some leg stretching for a wile and maybe explore the planet 2 and find Darwins Legagy. Im still a bit rusty on planetary navigation.

Also - Greetings from my on board Mascott and general crazy lucky charm "Spaceduck" Else :-)

Passage to Centaurus Arm - Blaicho LX-U e2-0

Yay me - i finally found an area dense enough to attempt the passage. I was planning to do the transfer to the Centaurus arm about 10-15k ly earlier but the star density was just so slim i would call it rather empty than "low density"... I probably could have attempted a transfer with the use of some FSD Injection but i dont want to become the next fuel rats customer because of a misscalculation. The Passageway i found still had low ish density but easily managable with my 52ly jump range. On the way across i found some interesting "Wet" Systems (quad waterworld) but also had to clean my chair a few times. There is a surprising ammount of binarys out here and in more than one occation i dropped out -trough- one of the binary stars. After doing 50+ jumps without anything interesting happening this always gets me and in more than one ocation i could just so prevent myself from delivering a stool sample.

Shittery beside, im now across, YAY ! Now it is onwards to the Beagle Crossing as i call it, the star density rapidly increased again so i hope it will be easier now. Havent found a single neutron star / black hole / white dwarf since months. I might try to peak on the upper or lower border of the arm, i remember last time that there the chance increases for non main sequence "stars". Altough i dont intend to neutron jump, i just want something interesting to see again. (No, a star that is accelerating at several times of C towards you is just scary but not interesting!). enter image description here

Fly Save - CMDR Axonteer o7

Route Diversions

I might have been a bit too ambitious or overestimating the jump capabilities of my Ship, but trying to cross the gap (Mare Desperationis) early from the Outer Rim Arm to the Scutum Centaurus arm was a futile attempt at least for my nav computer. I was thinking about prospecting for some jumponium ressources and try to simply boost trough it, but it is a bit of a risky plan plus the time it would take to collect the ressources to be "safe" made me decide to simply fly further alongside the outer rim arm to look for a passage. Hence i am now in Sphuqoae CA-H d10-0 and looking for a "Bridge".

In terms of discovieries, not much. It looks like i missed a Planetary Nebula but well, tough luck. I have one prospected on the galaxy map i want to pass by on my way to Beagle Point, Maybe im lucky and nobody was there so far? Well see. Else, i found a nice looking moon with some steep mountains Mountain Moon

Here is hope to me reaching beagle point at least in August.

o7 - CMDR Axonteer PS: Its lonely out here.

Into the black...

Decission is made, im going in! Hah! Well in the end it is less dramatic as it sounds. A few days ago i pass'd my final "Point Decission" relatively near to colonia, from now on, the distance will increase. I chose to travel relatively high to get some nice pictures of the galaxy disk but my main goal is now to get some distance in hence i didnt dabble too much into injecting those fancy chemicals into my FSD Fusion Chamber. Next obstacle will be a outer arm rift ahead of me, hence im going into the center of the Disk again to make the passage easier. And then i aim for the Centaurus-Arm Passage. On a intresting side note, on my whole passage i did not found a single non main sequence star (White Dwarf, Neutron Star or a Black Hole) yet when i went up high... every second star was either a WD or NS, no BH yet though.

In any case, youll hear from me again! Lets see how the next passage goes. o7

CMDR Axonteer

On the Journey - Bleae Airg PL-Y b0

Sooo, first entry into my logbook but already about 1/5th on the way... lazy me.. Anyhow, im a bit behind schedule, probably a good month or so. I still try to be home by the end of the year but i see already crunchtime ahead... I aim to reach Beagle Point somewhere after my summer vacation. Lets see if i can manage that its still a long way ahead until BP. So far so boring, i found often a water world or two, and once even a ELW. But out here on the arm, the systems didnt had time to develop enough. Also, ofc, no BH/NS.

I made good progress yesterday and i guess i need to invest a bit more during the week to catch up. i should do 20 jumps per day (something i realized too late) but well, i dont know if i will be able to manage that + catching up. Just so much going on currently.

I hope to find some more interesting systems on my road, i dont need WW or ELW, just something fun to look at. And also maybe to SRV around on it. Some close orbiting planets maybe? On the plus side, i find SRV collecting kinda... fun to behonest. Eventough i dont need it really except maybe some FSD Injection materials for later when im crossing to the Scutum-Centaurus arm. Also, later when i need to cross the Abyss to reach Beagle Point.

CMDR Axonteer