Profil dowódcy SilverHawk7 > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Burst Angel [BTL-SH]
Członek od:
4 lut 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
4 884
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
2 430
Return to the Transit: The Dancing Dwarves

I arrived at the Dancing Dwarves, a couple of bright blue stars. I then jumped to a nearby white star system home to a couple of terraforming candidate metal worlds. Scan of the system looks to be worth about 2M credits.
I have 100 jumps to my next destination, the Hyon Cluster. At the rate it took me to reach this point, I expect it to take a couple of weeks to get out there.

I am currently 15,561 light-years from home.

Returning to the Transit

I'm returning to the deep.
I'm currently at VY Canis Majoris and have plotted Neutron Route to return to the Gludge Planetary Nebula and resume my trip out to the Perseus Transit and the outer end of the arm.

I spent a few weeks in the bubble earning some cash and making some modifications. The Infinite Stratos has been been refitted for greater jump range, I can now reach 55 light years per jump. I should be back in Gludge by the end of the day and will resume my route from there.

Perseus Transit: Day 15

I've arrived back home with not quite 49 million credits in exploration data. I'm going to tool around in the bubble before heading back out again to resume my expedition.

Perseus Transit: Day 14 Addendum

I have arrived at VY Canis Majoris. It's an impressive sight. Arrival point is 5,000 light-seconds from the star, roughly ten times the distance Earth sits from its sun.
I've plotted my course home; I'm 34 jumps out from Earth. I expect to be home tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Perseus Transit: Day 14

I reached the Gludge Planetary Nebula today. It's a vibrant blue star-system sized nebular cloud from the collapse of the system primary, which is now a neutron star. From there, I made the decision to turn back for repairs, after an AFMU malfunction forced my FSD to shut down, forcing me out of supercruise and further damaging the ship's hull and several of its systems.

I'm making a best-speed course back to the bubble by way of VY Canis Majoris and am currently 130 jumps out.

Perseus Transit: Day 13

I've been several days since my last update. The Infinite Stratos is in bad shape. Yesterday, while on descent to a moon, my engines malfunctioned and I crashed on the surface of the planet. I'm pretty certain the ship's shield is what protected me from losing her, and all of the data I've gathered and continue to gather. The ship is at 91% hull integrity and I am still 22 jumps from the Gludge PLanetary Nebula.

I'm 10,000 light years from home and I'm at a decision point. Do I continue my trip, at risk of another crash landing or another emergency, or do I turn back with what I've gathered and try again later?

Perseus Transit: Day 7

It's been a long trip today. After spending about an hour gathering materials in the Seagull Nebula, I set out to resume my trip. 90 jumps later, I've set down for the night on an icy out-system body about halfway between the Seagull Nebula and my next destination, the Gludge Planetary Nebula. Checking my maps, I've officially entered the Perseus Transit; I've actually been in the transit for 40 or so jumps, or 2,000 light years. It's rather unremarkable out here, except for an interesting cluster of stars I could see out to my starboard if I placed the galactic core to my port. I might pay that cluster a visit on a future trip.
In my rush to resume my journey, I've also become much more selective in what systems I scan down, looking mostly for high-metal words, terraforming candidates, and water- and Earthlike worlds, the latter two of which I've found a few of. My progress will be slower in the future as I'll have less flight-time available, but I expect to reach the planetary nebula by the end of this week.

Perseus Transit: Day 6

This is my first update in two days and it's been eventful. I reached my next leg, Marta's Pulsars, then turned towards the Transit. Along the way, I hit the Neutron Highway and made several supercharged jumps. I scanned several unexplored systems along the way. I also sustained major damage during a botched landing, over a third of my hull integrity.

The botched landing required that I make a major deviation from my route. I turned southwest for the Thor's Helmet Sector and made for the Sagan Research Centre deep space asteroid base to make repairs. Following this, I made a quick detour to ALS 299 and then do the Seagull Nebula, where I've set down for the night. I'm currently resting on a high-metal body. Tomorrow, I'll stockpile on materials for FSD boosts, finish scanning the system, then resume my journey.

I'll have to be much more careful with my flying and landings for the remainder of the journey. While checking the galactic network to chart my course to Sagan, I found there aren't any deep space bases along or near my route, that I'm aware of.

The good news; I was able to get a price fix on my accumulated data while at I was Sagan. I'm sitting on about 19 million credits in exploration data to turn i when I get home.

Perseus Transit: Day 4

I've set down two jumps out from the end of my next leg. I've just left the Vela Molecular Ridge.
The last few systems have been interesting. I hit a system of four stars in very close proximity. Another had a brown dwarf that somehow didn't generate enough light that it generated a shadow on its ring system. Another had four stars, each with a planetary system; one of which had a single planet that had been scanned and discovered, but none of the other bodies had been discovered. The system I'm in now has a very small system primary with a nearby brown dwarf and two other stars.
I'll finish scanning this system tomorrow before heading out to Marta's Pulsars, then starting the next leg.

Perseus Transit: Day 3

Happy Birthday to me.
I've travelled another 500 lightyears from Sol and have set down for the night in a lucrative, undiscovered system of over 40 bodies, just after a jump off a neutron star. I'm currently 15 or so jumps from my next major leg, but it may take more time than I forecasted before, 3 to 4 days I think if I find more systems such as this. We shall see.