Profil dowódcy xII Neo IIx > Dziennik Okrętowy

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Aktualny statek:
Odin [OD-1N]
(Cobra Mk III)
Członek od:
4 mar 2018
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
7 058
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
2 978
Stan konta:
661 428 004 Cr
Expedition tour, and waypoint 3 and 4

Headed out for the second expedition tour. Didn't reach every point, but seen most of what was on record. Finally figured out how my scanning system works in my SRV. Also managed to pick up some money for my vouchers. Quite happy.

But then I the time and quickly headed back to omega. Even though I was aware that there is no official group launch organised, I wanted to be able to get going on time.

In the meantime, I got accepted to the fleet private group. Feels like I am part of a secret organization. Quite exciting. I see more commanders around me now.

And then the inevitable happened. Overslept, so headed off after the fleet. Didn’t manage to cover as much distance as I originally wanted, but I did fly like an eagle. Or ASP in Loki’s case.

One of the best parts about the waypoints being announced every week, is the large number of POIs I can go and see. So many pretty planets and stars, I also found notable stellar phenomenas.

Not to mention the valuable worlds on my way that I have managed to scan. My wallet is getting heavier and I do not mind in the slightest.

Waypoint 3 was an abandoned, or to me seemed abandoned site on a planet. Most of the time it is in total darkness turned away from the main system star. As I got there I noticed light. I arrived and saw about 10-15 commanders hanging out at the site. Decided to have a look at their ships so I jumped in my SRV and did a little circle. Took some pictures too.

Right now I am programming my nav systems with the new POI waypoints. Wp4 is about 6000lys away.

First stop was the Rusty Net Nebula. When I entered the system, I didn't really realise what I managed to jump into, as the neutron star in front of me painted everything with a strong shade of deep blue. But as I flew tot he other side of the system 400k ls away, I saw the beautiful in-system nebula surrounding me.

I was excited for the next one, the collection of wonders. 2 black holes, an M-class, a neutron, and a white dwarf star, all with rings around them. You have got to see that system. The rings around the neutron star makes jumping quite difficult, but it races around the star at epic speeds, and it is ginormous.

Luckily there was a deep space planetary outpost between the POIs, and I reached it no problem. As a precaution, I dropped my scan data. So far, since we started I have gained over 100M credits, even though I bought another ASP and outfitted it for mining at Omega. Pretty cool!

A couple of POIs left before WP4, and today we get WP5. Very excited! We are slowly closing in on Sag A*. It’s been a while, old friend.

CMDR Neo out.

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Hanging out at Omega, and the mining CG

So proud to be a part of this expedition. The mining CG that started a couple of days after we arrived has been successfully completed. 3 Million tonnes of materials for the new space station in deep space. I am not much of a miner myself, but I did contribute a little bit. Amazing to see the what we can achieve if we work together.

In the meantime, a new sightseeing tour has been posted on the bulletin board. It is called the Colours of clouds. Apparently in the surrounding systems there are multiple notable stellar phenomenas to be found. So I jumped back into Loki, and headed out to see.

Wonderful colours, amazing discoveries, and a 2000 ly trip followed. Made a bit of money from my scans also. I must say, I am loving this expedition so far. Can't wait to set off to waypoint 3 this Sunday.

CMDR Neo out.

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DW2 Day 3 and 4

As I pushed on into deeper space, I managed to fully familiarise myself with the updated scanning equipment provided by the Pilot's Federation. Quite fancy gadgets I must say, I quite like them, although, they do increase time spent in a system.

Many jumps later, I arrived at my next waypoint - and I realised I arrived at the Cinnabar Moth Nebula, instead of Labirinto. The two POIs reside in similarly named systems, and I messed up my lists as I punched in my new waypoint to the computer. So as it turned out, I managed to get myself to the second to last POI on my list before the waypoint.

This sort of setback made me think. Do I want to go back, and see the POIs I missed? The answer was sadly, no. I have found planets that would have required an SRV for some exploring, and I had none of those on board. I got a tip that there are companies willing to transfer my modules from Jameson to Omega, but it takes a lot of hours to get there. So I needed to get to the station, and initiate the transfer as fast as I could.

The supercluster of stars just before Omega was spectacular. Especially with the nebula Omega resides in, lurking in the backdrop. Vivid colours clashed together on what seemed to be an undescribable painting thrown together by the Almighty on a hot Sunday's afternoon.

2 jumps later, as I arrived at Omega, I realised; this was the first time I have entered an asteroid base. Quite a site. Literally. I fixed all the damage to the ship, and got in touch with the couriers. Approx. 16 hrs till my hangar bay arrived. Excited.

After a long wait, I got what I was waiting for. My trusty old Scarab was waiting inside the bay as it was built into its place in the ship. Lost a bit of range, but now I can do surface exploration, not to mention I can get materials for refills on the journey.

Using the extranet I got in touch with other explorers to see what general progress we made. Many have already arrived, many have been still on the way. I mumbled a quick prayer for those who have been lost due to pirates on the way. I am not a religious man, but I wished to show my respect. Someone proposed an interesting idea in one of the communications channels - canyon racing. And what do you know, my SRV just arrived!

I asked the fellow commander if he was in the vicinity, as I would have loved to take part in such an exciting activity as I waited for the next waypoint announcement. He was on the next planet, looking for a spot. So I hopped over. After some time we spent searching for an ideal spot, we found one that was okay for the job. We put our ships down, and met up in the canyon.

Now I must say, for my first try, it went much better than I anticipated. Didn't spin out as much in the low gravity as I expected to do so, and there have been occasions where I pulled out a lead ahead. At the end of the day, mechanical failures got the best of us, and we decided to head back to the station. But it was a lot of fun, I hope to do it again.

CMDR Neo out.

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DW2 Day 2

Today I covered some ground. Still some ways to go, but I've reached Cyclonia. Beatuiful world, they must have crazy awesome skies. Giant rings around this Earth like world. I'm jealous.

I did some surface scans, and I figured out how to use my FSS properly. Quite engaging thing this, but it also takes some time. I can see myself hating it in the future possibly.

I turned towards Labirinto, the fourth stop towards the Omega Mining Station. As I ventured on, I landed on a planet with some lava sprouts on the surface. Now I am sad that I have not brought an SRV with me...

Actually thought about going back for one, I am not that far out yet.

CMDR Neo out.

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Distant Worlds 2 Launch and day 1

Launch day arrived, and I turned my ship towards the meeting point. As I arrived I have seen quite a few ships around me, itching to get going. The star in the background painted everything in a smooth orange glow. The clock was ticking away, and everyone was ready to go. We all took a deep breath of home before setting off to the unknown, starting our 200000 lightyear journey. The time is 20:00, and we hit the FSD button.

I guess the large number of ships in the area must have generated some sort of weird quantum field around us, as I can remember the first jump, but not the second. I passed out multiple times, before waking up finally, and realising, that I somehow managed to cover some distance. Nevertheless. Distant Worlds 2 was on the way.

The first sightseeing point was Shapeley. Nice nebula in the area, glorious purple colours. I really liked the look of it.

Didn't linger around too much, I headed straight towards The View. My 60ly Asp-X was rushing forward, and soon we reached this peculiar system. Harbouring a white supergiant, a neutron star and not one, but two black holes, coupled with a 3G planet with a massive ring system, it must be one of the most interesting systems I have entered so far.

I landed on the planet, but the gravity took a toll on me, and I hit the surface with my ship. Damage was nothing serious, and I have 2 AFMUs installed so all is good.

As I set off, I noticed a tourist installment around the neutron star. Risky business that is, but hey, who am I to judge. I wanted to check out the black holes anyway, so I headed over there to investigate. Amazing view all those tourists have, it must be said. Clear view of the insanely fast spinning neutron star, the white-blue-purple glowing supergiant in the distance, and the light bending black holes. Stunning. Must cost a fortune for a night here.

I managed to crash into the BEZ of the Neutron star. Not a big deal, I needed repairs anyways from crash landing on that high gravity planet. Supercharged my FSD, and jumped out 230lys away from this system, waving goodbye to all its wonders.

Cycladia, here I come!

CMDR Neo out.

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End of a journey

I was putting off writing this entry as it is an end to an incredible journey and I found it difficult to summarize all of what happened and to express the thoughts about the voyage in my head.

One thing I can say for certain, is that I will not forget this run. I have made over 1500 jumps to get to Sagittarious A* and back. Some of it was technically unnecessary for the end goal, and were made in order to stay alive, and to have something more to look back to, than just a couple of frameshift charges.

The sights were stunning, the environments were amazing, and even though it was longer than I expected, it was all worth it. Proud of what I have achieved, and I have no regrets. I have travelled 78600+ lightyears which took over 100 hours to complete. I have made over 170M credits, and I have put my name on a large number of bodies as the first commander to explored them.

Since I came back, I have helped my friend get settled, and done some trade runs and bounty hunting. It is good to be back home, at Jameson.

CMDR Neo out.

On the way back

Working my way back as a fellow Commander has just been accepted into the PF, and I want to help him by sharing my experiences. So I cleared my map of some bookmarks that I deemed less interesting.

Still I pass through systems that are worth scanning and checking out. Like the nebula I passed and the systems with multiple, very close orbit stars.

CMDR Neo out.

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Sagittarius A*

Just after the clock slowly crawled past midnight, at the dawn of the 31st of October, I have arrived in the system of our supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A. Upon arrival, the shear size of the black hole intimidates the traveller. Light is bent beyond recognition everywhere around it, and there is an eerie feeling lingering in the cold emptiness of space. Feels like a very special part of space has unfolded in front of me. I am terrifyingly amazed at this place. The scan value is estimated around 620k credits, with some additional extra credits for the star that orbits around Sag A. A tourist beacon is also present, informing visitors that they have just arrived at the center of the Milky Way. Like they don't know already. :-)

I thought about going to beagle point, but I have changed my mind. This has been a long long journey, and I am homesick now. My trip computer tells me I have travelled 51434 lightyears so far, made 1044 hyperspace jumps, and it took me 3 days and 5 hours to get here altogether.

I am actually not sure what route I will select to start getting home. If there are points of interests on the way, I might pop in for some more sightseeing, but I still have another 25k lightyears to cover, to get back to Jameson Memorial. But it is time to get going, time to get home.

CMDR Neo out.

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Had to make some repairs thanks to some damage suffered because of my foolishness. As I was trying to get closer to a big gas giant to take a look at the rings around it, I took my eyes off of the windshield to check something, and I managed to crash out of supercruise and sustain damage. Luckily it was minimal, but it did affect my canopy, my sensors, my fsd and thrusters, so I decided I rather fix all of them as fast as possible, before it gets worse.

80 jumps away from the Nebula I am targeting currently, around 7000lys away from Sag A*. The journey slowly continues.

CMDR Neo out.

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Making some progress

Slowly but surely getting there. Doing fewer jumps per day as I am a bit occupied with other things as well. But still manage to find planets that are worth scanning. Like this ringed red gas giant with water based life on it. Amazing.

CMDR Neo out.

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