Profil dowódcy WIGGYB-PC > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Bump & Grind [WI-24A]
Członek od:
10 sty 2019
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
27 360
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
15 996
Stan konta:
1 393 407 557 Cr
Galactic tour complete.

Galactic tour

On the 12th of January 3305 (2019) the good ship Dancer In The Dark left Ising Vision in Neto and headed for Pallaeni - the starting point of the Distant Worlds II expedition. This was also the beginning of my exploration awakening in Elite. I'd been out to the core before on Xbox, but FOMO always grabbed me and brought me back to the bubble. Now with a second account on PC, I felt free to explore the galaxy... and explore it I have.

Tonight, in what is now 3307, I landed at the Explorer's Anchorage next to Sagittarius A*. In the intervening period, I have visited the systems furthest north, south, east, west, up, down, furthest from the core, furthest from Sol plus thousands more. I even visited the USS Voyager's start point in the Delta Quadrant (that's the little detour top right on the map). I've also watched 133 episodes of Critical Role, Campaign 2 at 3 to 4 hours each!

But that's not the reason for this post. As of this evening, I've now completed the two goals that have sustained me for the last two years - to visit every galactic region and to travel the length of every galactic arm from the core to the last reachable system.

It's taken a few jumps - just over 19k. In terms of distance - 1.7Mly. Rather surprisingly, this isn't enough to get the top tier EDSM travel badge, which takes 2.5Mly! Maybe that can wait for Oddysey.

o7 commanders. Time to come up with a few new goals.

Sag A to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Finally completed my journey from Sag A around the Norma/Outer Arm. I made a rusty landing at the DSSA Explorer's Bar and Grill fleet carrier in Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0. It was a welcome sight indeed.

Total distance travelled - 258kly. Jumps - 2645

Time for a huge steak and several beers.

North, South, East and West

Tonight's arrival at Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0 (Magellan's Star) ticks off the set of galactic circumnavigation extremes. On to the lowest system now, before making the one-way trip to the highest.

A little bit further

I've decided to add the most southerly reachable system into my DW2 return trip. After the Formadine Rift it'll be off to Lyed YJ-I d9-0 (Amundsen's Star).

The long way home

Still making my way back from DW2. I headed West after Salome's Reach and ran out of galaxy when I landed at Erikson's Star. Next up it's the Formadine Rift before heading home for some well-earned repairs and a Lavian Brandy.