Profil dowódcy Batro > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Felicity [ba-17C]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Członek od:
29 wrz 2019
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
7 746
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
2 629
Stan konta:
2 581 468 496 Cr
It truly is Wonderful

29.01.3306, Skaude AA-A H294:

After three days of jumping, I finally got there: the one and only Collection of Wonders. Where to begin... EVERYTHING (well, almost everything to be honest) in this system has rings, and not small ones. The M star, that terrifying white dwarf, the gas planets, and most of all THE Neutron Star, probably the most famous one in the galaxy after Jackson's Lighthouse. 10 ls of radius, the inner ring goes as fast as my ship in supercruise, I just stopped there and watched the stars rotating around me.

Dropping right in front of a black hole is still unsettling, but it was well worth it I would say.

And now that I'm far from home, well let's at least visit some highlights in the area (I already spotted a Wolf-Rayet not far away, and some giant stars). And then, well Sagittarius A* is still there for a second visit, and after that I'll try and go to a region I've never visited before, but I don't know where exactly yet.


CMDR Batro

Ringed neutron star

Lost again

26.01.3306, Oochont sector:

It seems that once again I went on an adventure a bit too hastily.

I was on the way to the Blue Snowball Nebula when something started to feel odd when I looked at my map, and it took me a while to understand what was that sensation. But then, after crossing data from the codex and the galactic map, I got it: this system is a death trap, luring explorers with a beautiful Wolf-Rayet and a blue nebula to hold them captives until they die.

I chose to become an explorer knowing that out there my life would be at risk constantly, with overheating, collision when landing... But I am not ready yet to sacrifice everything just for one system, no matter how beautiful it may be. There is still so much more to see. I respect all the brave commanders that went there almost two years ago, but my exploration hunger is not satisfied yet to join them.

Now, it's time to make a choice: where to go? I noticed a nebula full of O-type stars on my way to what would have been my death, promising myself to go there on my way back. So that is the first step, but then?

Maybe the well-known Collection of Wonders, to finally see with my own eyes what is believed to be one of the most incredible systems in the Galaxy? Or maybe go further in the black, to the far systems of the Rift?

I don't know, but what I do know is that Felicity and I are not ready to give up, and that there are more to see.

CMDR Batro