CMDR XhaleR profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
-=Prometheus=- [1l3-dw]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
32 015
Systems discovered first:
16 873
23 967 206 307 Cr
Perseus Reach Expedition 3306

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The main goal for this expedition is to map parts of the Perseus Reach arm. Only small ships are allowed to join so I had to leave my explorer Anaconda "Prometheus" back home this time and prepare the "Limo-Nade" for her very first galaxy crossing. The end destination will be Semotus Beacon, 65,647LY from Sol. This will be my third visit to this awesome place at the very end of the galaxy.

The "Limo-Nade" is ready for her long journey into the black. Perseus Reach

A few days after my departure I arrived for another visit at the "Restless Vikings Hideout", a twin ELW system that I discovered during my trip to Glacier Point a few years ago. The system was reported to the Galactic Mapping Project and added as a POI. Located 6669LY from Sol close to the Bubble nebula. enter image description here

Reaching the 1000 000LY's mark of total travel distance!

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Black hole close to a nebula providing some nice photographic opportunities :) enter image description here

Meetup in the basecamp at waypoint 3 in the Via Maris region. enter image description here

Leaving waypoint 4 in a spectacular massjump. enter image description here

41 days has passed since the expedition left the bubble and today, after a 16000LY's detour from the Outer Arm I docked at Jaques Station in Colonia. Stayed here for 10 days before heading back out to rendez vous with the rest of the expedition. enter image description here

A very special and rare occasion was taking place at WP7 where we met up with the guys from the Orion Expedition. They had almost completed the expedition and was doing the last stretch of their journey to the finishmark at SagA*. We celebrated the event by joining together in a colorful massjump before saying goodbye and flying our separate ways. AWESOME!! enter image description here

New milestone achieved! Opened a bottle of Lavian Brandy today to celebrate my 20 000th jump in Elite :) enter image description here

Nice looking ringed Metalrich discovery with an extremely thin ring. enter image description here

Safely arrived at Thomaski Point Memorial and just landed on a calm and empty basecamp at WP11. enter image description here

After arriving WP12 at the Grand Rings I took a detour to revisit to my "Solitude Worlds" POI enter image description here

MISSION COMPLETED: On the 13th of june we passed the "finish line" for the expedition and landed at our very last waypoint on planet B 9 F at Salome's Reach & Semotus Beacon, 65,647.34 LYs from Sol. IT's been an awesome journey!! enter image description here

A SAFE HARBOUR FAR AWAY FROM HOME: After a month of exploring my way back home along the western edge I docked with the "DSSA Solsen's Alastor" fleet carrier for a few days. It was great to see some signs of civilisation again after several months in the black. enter image description here

RIMOR CAPTIONEM: Arrived at this distant black hole at the far edge of the galaxy a week later. "Rimor Captionem" was one of my high priority destinations on this expedition and was definetely not disappointing. The view of the galaxy through this BH is simply stunning!! enter image description here

ERIKSON'S STAR: I have wanted to visit "Erikson's Star" for a long time now, so this was also a high priority location as it is currently the most distant westerly system in the galaxy, 42213LY from Sol. It took a lot of manual route planning to reach, requiring almost 30 boost jumps, but the pitch black view of space at the edge of the galaxy was certainly worth the struggle. enter image description here

ANOTHER SAFE HAVEN OUT IN THE BLACK: Traveling 42 000LY's along the edge of the galaxy and almost four weeks after departing from the Solsen's Alastor it was nice to safely dock with another fleet carrier; the "DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge" stationed in the Aquila's Halo region. enter image description here

ANDROMEDA CALLING: Continuing my journey along the edge I finally reached the "DSSA Andromeda Calling" fleet carrier in the Errant Marches region after a 27000LY stretch. From here I will make the challenging trip to visit the Star One historical location. enter image description here

AS CLOSE AS IT GETS! After 30 boost jumps with a lot of manual route plotting I have finally reached the distant system of Star One. I've wanted to visit this place for a long time as this is the closest (known) system to the Andromeda galaxy, located at the outermost edge of the Errant Marches region. The trip out here is well known to be a challenging one, but my little 57LY Dolphin did the journey without any kind of trouble. But beware! If you're planning a visit here, remember to fill up with jumponium materials. You're gonna need it! enter image description here

MANIFEST DESTINY: After returning from Star One and docking for the second time with the Andromeda Calling FC I went to visit another POI. The Manifest Destiny is located almost 3000LY's south from the carrier and is known to be the furthest reachable system bordering the Western meridian line from Sol. Which means another round with lots of boost jumping. Landed to collect some more jumponium. enter image description here

DOCKING WITH THE DSSA MAERZENBECHER FC: Two weeks after leaving the Manifest Destiny POI I have arrived and docked with yet another fleet carrier; the DSSA "Maerzenbecher". This beautiful view of the very close ELW is the greatest view I have seen so far from any carrier. enter image description here

EXPLORER'S END: On the far edge of the Formidine Rift lies "Explorer's End"; a strange system with a Herbig star with an extreme close Blue Giant and two orbiting black holes. enter image description here

BACK IN THE RIFT: On my way to the Zurara I visited a POI called "Sochi", which has a planet orbiting just 1.5LS from its star. Landed on B 1 and the surface temperature was rising fast, but luckily not within dangerous levels at the time so I could deploy the buggy and drive around for a while scanning the Silicate Vapour Geysers there. enter image description here

About 500LY further east I found the Zurara and docked with the DSSA "KTL Frontier Sanctuary" that is currently stationed there. enter image description here

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ALTERA'S EYE: Stopping for a visit at another POI on my bucketlist only 6197LY from home, Altera's Eye certainly wasn't disappointing. This black hole surrounded by a colorful planetary nebula is a real treat. Landed at the tourism POI on planet 9 A in the nearest system to get the best view of the nebula. enter image description here

HOME SWEET HOME! After 260 days out in the black traveling 298 000LY around the galaxy I could finally request a docking clearance from Jameson Memorial, my home station. Leaving Altera's Eye a few days ago I suddenly got a bit homesick and plotted a direct neutron route home for the remaining 6000LY's, just to speed up things a bit.

Feels good to be back! It's time for a few drinks and meet up with some friends at the Jameson bar.


EXPEDITION SUMMARY enter image description here


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If you're an Elite explorer and still haven't heard of the "Distant Worlds" expeditions, you have probably been hiding inside a big fumarole or something for quite some time! :)

Almost a year ago I signed up for the Distant Worlds 2 roster and the wait is finally over. Thousands of commanders are gathering up at the meeting point at the DW1 tourist beacon in Pallaeni on launch day (13.01.3305) and getting ready for our very first mass jump towards Beagle Point.

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On our way to WP2, many of us stopped by to take a closer look at "Thor's Eye". Without a doubt, the visually prettiest black hole view I've seen so far, which also makes it a great photospot. enter image description here

Community goal in Omega Nebula at WP2. Mining like crazy to help build the new station at SagA. enter image description here

Job done! One last farewell before leaving the Omega Nebula and heading for waypoint 3 after a fantastic week here. enter image description here

After a detour to the "Lair of Unicorns" to watch the colliding moons (which unfortunately didn't happened at this moment), I reached WP3 today at the "Conflux Abandoned Settlement" Delta site. The place was filled with other commanders doing all sorts of activities. We ended the evening around the campfire while sharing this weeks experiences and discoveries this first day at the basecamp. enter image description here

27 ships winged up for the massjump towards WP4 after a nice and relaxing week at WP3. enter image description here

Just discovered a new BIO site with some anemones and some "space bananas". enter image description here

Some of the gas giants have some nice color variations and patterns. enter image description here

"Blending in" enter image description here

"Now where the heck did my ship go....??" enter image description here

56 ships massjumping from WP4 enter image description here

Some really nice POI's on the way to WP5. This one is "The Crux" enter image description here

Visiting the "Death Spiral" POI. A special place! enter image description here

Enjoying the sunset at the WP5 basecamp. enter image description here

Ringed Waterworld photo spot enter image description here

Massjump from WP6 enter image description here

Scenic landing spot enter image description here

"Blinded by the light" enter image description here

Arrived at "Explorer's Anchorage", our new station at SagA enter image description here

65 ships leaving WP7 in a giant massjump from SagA* on our way towards Beagle Point. enter image description here

Flying Colors! Massjump from WP8 "Goliath's Rest" enter image description here

A visit to the "Dances With Giants" POI enter image description here

Giant Ammonia world discovery. This 203,5 earthmasses monster is nothing like I've never seen before! I named it "The Behemoth of Phroi". enter image description here

63 ships winged up in a massjump from WP9 enter image description here

"Guardian of waterworlds" enter image description here

Colourful massjump from WP10 enter image description here

I'll just leave him alone and let him sleep! enter image description here

Massjump from WP11. Almost there! enter image description here

Seeing the "Fly Trap Nebula" from inside a black hole enter image description here

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Celebrating the arrival at Beagle Point, our 12th and final waypoint and also the end of Distant Worlds 2. What an awesome journey it's been!! enter image description here

Home, sweet home! Safely docked at Jameson Memorial after six months out in the black. Almost outta paint



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After two great expeditions to SagA* the time has come to take it one step further and go "all in" to the other side of the galaxy. Here I am about 15000ly's from the bubble on my way to Colonia.

UPDATE: Back home again after 80 days and 160 000LY's of traveling. Awesome journey! :)