Galactic News

  • July 9, 3310
  • Superpowers Talk on the Financial Impact of War

    Vox Galactica has released an in-depth piece about the economic impact of the Thargoid war on the galaxy’s superpowers.

    Senior Political Journalist Vanya Driscoll compiled the piece over several months after witnessing the increasing strain and instability in systems galaxy-wide. The report boasts interviews with high-ranking individuals across the galaxy, talking candidly about the impact of the war.

    Excerpts from the piece follow.

    Federation Vice President Jerome Archer said, when asked about strain in Federation space:

    “The Federation has put a lot of resources into ending the war as quickly as possible, but that inevitably spreads what we have left thin. Because of that, we’ve seen more and more opportunistic attacks on systems in our space and we’ve nullified just as many threats through the PDB. Every citizen deserves protection, and any criminal that thinks exploiting a state of war is smart will pay dearly when things return to normal.”

    By contrast, when asked about fragility from the war in Empire space, Senator Zemina Torval said:

    “What fragility? The Empire persists as it always has, war or no, because we understand more than the Federation or Alliance how to govern. When a body is trying to burn out an infection, how does it do so? Does it keep blood flowing throughout the whole body and hope that everything will work out. No! It keeps the vital organs warm first. If the extremities feel cold, it is the small and temporary price to pay for an organism that survives. So, too, do we guarantee the Empire’s survival. There is an infection in the universe, but so long as the vital governance of the Empire is maintained then we are as strong as ever.”

    On being questioned about the war’s impact on the Alliance, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon had this to say:

    “It is impossible to separate the financial impact we’re seeing from the human impact. Any damage to an economy is damage to its citizens, and that should never be forgotten. The Alliance is strained as any other superpower is, but our democracy is our strength, and it is that mutual support that has led to our citizens facing fewer opportunistic attacks than the Federation’s, for example. And the less I say about the Empire’s ‘elite first’ economic strategy, the better. Humanity is stronger together. It is how the Alliance will stay strong, and it is how we as a species will win this war.”

  • December 28, 3309
  • Federation Extends Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

    Federal citizens who were captured by Thargoids then rescued from the Titans will not yet be permitted to leave secure medical facilities.

    The decision comes after the Alliance ended quarantine restrictions for returnees from their systems, with newly rescued civilians expected to spend no more than a week in observation. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has called on other governments to do the same.

    President Zachary Hudson discussed the situation during a press conference:

    “The consensus of Federal medical experts is that it would be foolishly optimistic to allow these people – some of whom were held aboard the Titans for months – back into the general population. When at war with such an implacable enemy as the Thargoids, we simply cannot afford to take any risks.”

    “Rest assured that Federal citizens are not suffering in any way. They are allowed to receive visitors, albeit without physical contact, and have full comms and media access. But they will remain under observation for the time being.”

    President-elect Felicia Winters, whose term of office is due to begin early next year, explained her viewpoint:

    “Once I am sworn in as president, bringing our people home will be one of my top priorities. The experts referred to by President Hudson have reached no such consensus. Instead, their meticulous tests reveal no evidence whatsoever that former abductees have been influenced or physically compromised by the Thargoids.”

    “Nevertheless, I am mindful of the public concern. To that end, I will instruct the Department of Health and Wellness to closely monitor all rescued citizens once they have returned home, including mandatory medical checks. This should allay fears and minimise any social ostracism these individuals may face.”

  • December 18, 3309
  • Alliance Lifts Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

    The Alliance has ended medical isolation for all citizens who were rescued from the Titans after being abducted by Thargoid vessels.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s official declaration was published by all newsfeeds:

    “The Assembly has agreed that quarantine procedures for everyone recovered from the Titans are no longer necessary. Those who hail from an Allied system are being transported from the secure facilities back to their families and communities. Their long nightmare is over. We are sending our people home.”

    “I call upon the governments of the Empire, Federation and independent systems to follow our lead with their own citizens. We must not treat these unfortunates as criminals or laboratory specimens. During this dark time of war, let our humanity shine through.”

    Some medical institutes such as Kamadhenu Medipure and Vandermeer Corporation opposed the Alliance’s decision, claiming that Imperial and Federal returnees should never be allowed back into the general population. Azimuth Biotech also repeated its offer to perform “cutting-edge xenological detection procedures on every human extracted from a Thargoid bio-storage capsule.”

    The political dimension was analysed by Vanya Driscoll for The Alliance Tribune:

    “Prime Minister Mahon knows that this will be a popular decision, after many public figures called the extended quarantine ‘inhumane’ and ‘barbaric’. Plus, with his rival Councillor Kaine currently questioning the wisdom of the Mahon-endorsed strategic defence pact with Sirius, the timing of this benevolent act could not be better.”

    “On the wider political stage, asking the other superpowers to follow suit frames the Alliance as a more humanitarian society than its counterparts. This may be a rare occasion when the Empire and Federation are looking to us for moral guidance… or at least, waiting to see if sending home thousands of Thargoid abductees is a mistake.”

  • November 30, 3309
  • Kaine Launches Alliance Resource Drive

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Councillor Nakato Kaine has requested deliveries to the Tionisla system in protest against the anti-xeno defence pact.

    Pilots are asked to deliver shipments of hazardous environment suits, micro controllers and titanium to Brett High. The Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps, which is hosting the initiative, will protect participants by redeeming bounty vouchers for the destruction of any wanted ships.

    The campaign was personally arranged by Councillor Nakato Kaine, the representative for Tionisla in the Alliance Assembly. Speaking to the Old Worlds Gazette, Kaine stated:

    “I aim to prove that the Alliance’s military fleet is not as dependent upon Sirius Corporation as many believe. This campaign demonstrates our capability to stockpile vital resources for the Alliance Defence Force. And we have plenty of researchers, mechanics and manufacturers ready to develop our own defences against the Thargoids.”

    “It’s clear to me that Li Yong-Rui never intended to honour his anti-xeno commitments. I’ve seen evidence of Sirius negotiating favourable contracts with Allied tech and military corporations. Their special access to the Alliance’s markets, plus the endorsement of our prime minister, have provided them with unfair leverage. The true cost of the pact has yet to be revealed, but you can bet that Allied citizens will pay the price while Sirius’s profits soar.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has not commented on the Tionisla campaign, other than to confirm: “A formal inquiry into the strategic defence pact is ongoing, and the Assembly will study its findings carefully.”

  • October 16, 3309
  • Felicia Winters Elected as Federal President

    The Federation has voted to elect Felicia Winters as its next president, with a four per cent vote majority over her rival Jerome Archer.

    The current shadow president of the Liberal Party will be officially inaugurated in the new year, entering an eight-year term of office. Congressman Isolde Rochester will also be sworn in as vice president in Winters’s administration.

    President Zachary Hudson will remain in power during the transition period, but will not be expected to implement any major policy changes. The Liberal Party will replace the Republican Party as the superpower’s governing authority in 3310, with Jerome Archer assuming the role of shadow president.

    President-elect Winters addressed her supporters during a celebratory rally in Olympus Village on Mars:

    “The people of the Federation have spoken! I thank you all for turning my party’s vision into a reality. My aim is to govern fairly for everybody, regardless of their political allegiance. Together we will create optimism where there was fear, give shelter those who are vulnerable, and improve the quality of life for each and every Federal citizen.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer formally conceded the election during a session of Congress:

    “My compliments to Felicia Winters, who fought a strong campaign. I look forward to taking on the role of shadow president next year, and ensuring that her government’s proposals are thoroughly scrutinised from day one.”

    Former presidents Antonia Madison and Jasmina Halsey – whom Winters temporarily replaced after the Starship One disaster – offered their congratulations. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon of the Alliance, First Minister Octavia Volkov of the Marlinist Colonies, and CEO Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Corporation sent similar messages to the Winters campaign.

    No formal acknowledgement was received from the Empire. However, Princess Aisling Duval joined Professor Alba Tesreau and other members of Aegis leadership to state: “We trust that President Winters will remain committed to our unified approach, ensuring the development of technology needed to secure victory in the ongoing Thargoid war.”

  • October 13, 3309
  • Federal Election: The Allied Perspective

    The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly:

    “The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the reformation of Aegis, show how we can benefit from maintaining such cooperation. I am confident that the new president, whoever it may be, will respect the status quo.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine gave a more direct statement to the press:

    “I cannot ignore how the Federation has become more authoritarian under Zachary Hudson’s Republican government. It has also coped poorly with internal pressures: the Starship One conspiracy, Jupiter Division’s attempted coup, the secession crisis triggered by the Proactive Detection Bureau’s operation… the list goes on. And yet, Federal democracy is now empowering every individual to elect their leaders. That, at least, is something we in the Alliance should admire and consider adopting.”

    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

    “Most Allied politicians are too diplomatic to openly express a preference between the two candidates. Privately, councillors like Kaine are hopeful of a more nuanced relationship with Winters, who lacks the hawkish rhetoric of Hudson. However, others believe that Archer’s focus on military spending and domestic security might prove more practical in the face of the Thargoid invasion.”

    The latest voting polls from Federal systems show that Jerome Archer has overtaken Felicia Winters, albeit by a narrow margin. The voting window ends on the 15th, with the results verified by Monday to determine the victor of the 3309 Federal presidential election.

  • June 8, 3309
  • Alliance Offers Amnesty for Far God Cultists

    The Alliance Assembly has submitted an appeal for clemency to Federal Congress for followers of the Order of the Far God.

    The Thargoid-worshipping faith was outlawed by the Federation in October 3308, after a failed initiative in the Popontia system to outfit a megaship named the Dedicant. Every member of the ‘True Chapters’ sect on board was arrested and stripped of citizenship, with FIA agents rounding up known collaborators in subsequent days. This was in accordance with the Federal constitution which forbids supporting enemies of the state, which the Thargoids are legally classified as.

    As part of the request, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon stated:

    “The Alliance upholds the principles of religious tolerance, and our systems are free to develop their own laws regarding faith. This means we have always welcomed the Order of the Far God, regardless of its controversial nature. While many disagree with the Order’s message, their members are typically pacifists who have never sought to inflict harm on others.”

    “Therefore, we propose that the Federation deports all Far God worshippers to Alliance space rather than imprison them. This could be quickly negotiated as a limited extension of existing extradition treaties.”

    “As a security measure, adherents of the True Chapters and other Far God sects would be routinely checked for evidence of illegal activity. But they would otherwise be free to settle on Allied worlds and establish new communities.”

    Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

    “In the midst of the Thargoid war, some will view this offer as bordering on traitorous. But Mahon is grasping a high-profile opportunity to distinguish the libertarian Alliance from an increasingly authoritarian Federation. If this gesture helps convince independent systems to seek Allied membership, the political gain could far outweigh the potential risk.”

  • March 7, 3309
  • Alliance Sends Warning to Kumo Crew

    Recent activities by the Kumo Crew syndicate in the California Nebula have been formally condemned by the Alliance.

    Councillor Jed Trager supervised an investigation into the Kumo Council’s attempt to take control of several systems, ostensibly to defend them against a wave of Thargoid attacks. He summarised its findings during a session of the Assembly:

    “Intelligence provided by Alliance Interpol agents proves that the underlying objective of the Kumo Crew’s anti-xeno militia was to dominate the California Nebula. The syndicate had gathered ships and infiltrated civil institutions weeks earlier, using bribery and coercion to pave the way for their takeover.”

    “Further Thargoid attacks in the region were seen as inevitable, based on past behaviour and the prevalence of barnacle sites. When they occurred the Kumo Crew mobilised their pre-prepared forces, overthrowing local authorities under the pretence of ‘emergency security measures’.”

    “Our investigation has concluded that this was a brazen act of aggression against Allied factions. The Kumo Crew illegally attempted to hijack the Alliance’s assets and impose direct rule over our colonies.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a public statement:

    “The Kumo Council’s opportunistic attempt to profit from the horrors of a Thargoid invasion is a truly despicable act. But it has not gone unnoticed that they have suffered setbacks in Haithis, Kolabinates and Saontiana since this misguided effort to disrupt Allied operations. I am grateful to the communities within the California Nebula, and to those independents who aided them, for resisting these criminals.”

    “My message to Archon Delaine is this: The Alliance is watching you.”

  • February 6, 3309
  • Mahon: ‘Alliance Will Support Aegis’

    The Alliance Assembly has voted to make a contribution to Aegis if the agency is reformed by the three superpowers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made an official announcement:

    “Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s change of heart regarding anti-xeno collaboration has triggered swift action from Alliance systems. The Assembly has re-appraised a bill proposed last November by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, seeking to approve Aegis’s reformation. A majority vote has now passed that bill.”

    “The Alliance will therefore commit ships, resources and personnel to a collaborative anti-xeno agency. We will also share Thargoid-related intelligence and scientific data to a central database shared with the Empire and Federation.”

    “The strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation remains in effect, and the company continues to work with us on protecting Allied systems.”

    It has been suggested that Li Yong-Rui privately advised the prime minister against holding the vote, with the view that Sirius Corporation could fill the role of humanity's primary anti-xeno organisation. However, political analysts noted that Mahon has a long-standing dedication to multilateral cooperation against the Thargoids.

    Deputy Prime Minister Corcoran will act as the Alliance’s primary contact with any new incarnation of Aegis. Commodore Emil Varga has volunteered to serve as military liaison, with Dr Maximo Fonseca of Gateway Laboratories taking the lead on xenological research.

  • October 13, 3308
  • Thargoids Repulsed by Operation Tyndareus

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Allied forces have successfully defended the Andecavi system from Thargoid vessels.

    The defence operation was centred around the megaship Kumiho Sky, which hosted the Alliance and Sirius Corporation’s joint anti-xeno taskforce. A declaration of victory was made by Admiral Nikolas Glass:

    “Operation Tyndareus is officially a triumph! Alliance Defence Force and Sirius Navy crews have fought side by side to protect the people of Andecavi from the Thargoids. The aliens withdrew from the system en masse, following several days of hard fighting.”

    “The taskforce was ably supported by many freelance pilots and AX squadrons, who can now claim their rewards from the Kumiho Sky. These include unique pre-engineered heatsink modules for qualifying xeno-hunters. In addition, the modules will shortly be commercially available via official Sirius Corporation technology brokers.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed gratitude to all those who took part, remarking that the long delays in making the strategic defence pact a reality “have finally proved to be worthwhile”.

    In response, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted reports from witnesses that many Thargoid vessels withdrew into hyperspace before human forces overwhelmed them. She added:

    “Would the result in Andecavi have been any different without Sirius Corporation’s involvement? We have seen the Thargoids retreat while several conflicts were still evenly matched, just as in several other systems recently. Did this military pact deliver anything that the ADF could not have achieved alone?”

  • September 7, 3308
  • Mahon Rebukes Imperial Isolationism

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has spoken out against Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s decree to suspend inter-superpower cooperation.

    At a meeting of the Alliance Assembly, Mahon said:

    “This hasty decision from Emperor Arissa will have dangerous repercussions for the core systems as a whole, not just those within the Empire. Now that the Thargoids have become more hostile than ever before, humanity should be uniting against this common enemy.”

    “Let us not forget: the coalition of anti-xeno taskforces in HIP 22460 performed their duties admirably, despite the tragic conclusion. That degree of military coordination could and should be sustained, to a far broader scale.”

    “The Sirius Treaty, which I proposed at the Galactic Summit in 3307, would have established anti-xeno operations as a cross-superpower priority. I can only imagine how much better prepared we would now be to combat the Thargoids. But there is still scope for governments and organisations to work more closely, as exemplified by our strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.”

    The Alliance, Federation and Marlinist Colonies have reported that the Empire is methodically closing down all collaborative projects. However, official diplomatic representation in non-Imperial territories has been maintained.

  • August 15, 3308
  • Alliance-Sirius Pact Accelerated

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui have issued a joint statement regarding territorial defence against the Thargoids.

    “The recent tragedy in HIP 22460 has underscored the crucial importance of the strategic defence pact. As the likelihood of increased Thargoid aggression rises, Allied systems can be assured that we are making rapid changes to withstand this potential threat.”

    “Admiral Nikolas Glass will now coordinate all anti-xeno military operations. His first priority is to update the existing infrastructure of the Alliance Defence Force, allowing member system fleets to form according to mission parameters. This will bring greater flexibility and allow the ADF to direct forces to anywhere Thargoid incursions occur.”

    “Allied worlds are calling out for greater defences, and the absence of a dedicated Alliance Navy has never been felt so keenly. But the Assembly is willing to approve greater military spending, and Sirius Corporation stands ready to put the defence pact into practice.”

    In related news, the Council of Admirals officially verified that the Oath of Tyndareus was lost with all hands during the Thargoid counter-attack in the HIP 22460 system. The megaship’s crew have been posthumously honoured in a public ceremony.

  • August 2, 3308
  • Superpowers Commit to Salvation

    The leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have publicly confirmed their support for Azimuth Biotech’s anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon reiterated his position during an interview with the Old Worlds Gazette:

    “It is our duty to protect the peoples of the Alliance. Since we currently lack a dedicated naval fleet, we must rely on partnerships with key military providers. With Salvation’s advanced weaponry and Sirius Corporation’s large-scale logistical might, Allied worlds have never been safer from Thargoid attack.”

    The Imperial Senate discussed Professor Alba Tesreau’s accusations of criminality against Azimuth Biotech, to which Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval responded:

    “Professor Tesreau remains a respected member of the Achenar Research Council, but a single viewpoint cannot eclipse the strategic significance of the Proteus Wave project. Our military experts are confident that, should the weapon deliver on the promises Salvation has made, the Thargoid threat will be diminished. A review of the situation will then be conducted.”

    During a promotional tour of marine training centres in the Eta Cassiopeiae system, President Zachary Hudson told reporters:

    “Director Rademaker is absolutely correct: those who deliberately sabotage Azimuth Biotech’s operations are only helping the Thargoids, which is tantamount to treason. The Federation’s citizens have the right to live without fear of alien invasion, and Salvation’s ingenuity will help us preserve that right.”

    One Allied megaship, three Farragut-class battle cruisers and three Majestic-class interdictors are currently deployed in the HIP 22460 system to defend the Proteus Wave against the Thargoids.

  • July 1, 3308
  • Leaders Respond to Azimuth Initiative

    The anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460 involving Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers has drawn comments from prominent political figures.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: “I agree with Senator Patreus that supporting Azimuth’s proposal remains our most practical course of action. However, alternative options for tackling the Thargoid threat are required.”

    Princess Aisling Duval: “Salvation is clearly a master of self-promotion and public manipulation. I only hope that the Empire does not regret associating with this distasteful individual.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon: “Our military presence in HIP 22460, coupled with the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, shows that the long-term security of Allied systems remains our priority.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine: “Two ruthless corporations with disreputable histories, and the Alliance is now collaborating with both. This a deeply regrettable chapter in our history.”

    President Zachary Hudson: “I have every confidence in the Federal Navy to protect Salvation while the Proteus Wave is prepared. This is a long-overdue reprisal against an intractable and relentless enemy.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Azimuth’s superweapon is effective, I’ll admit. But I’m unhappy with relying on this clandestine organisation, rather than an accountable anti-xeno agency.”

    CEO Li Yong-Rui: “Sirius Corporation is observing activities in HIP 22460 with great interest. I am keen to explore cooperation with Azimuth Biotech on developing new products using Proteus Wave technology.”

    Simguru Pranav Antal: “The advanced electromagnetic sciences developed by the Guardians over a million years ago remain poorly understood, even to Utopia’s keenest minds. The safety and effectiveness of Salvation’s device cannot be guaranteed.”

  • June 13, 3308
  • Alliance Divided over Anti-Xeno Pact

    The proposed strategic defence partnership with Sirius Corporation is being hotly debated within the Alliance Assembly.

    Vanya Driscoll, political journalist with The Alliance Tribune, reported on the situation:

    “Sirius Corporation’s offer to provide support against the Thargoids has caused considerable disruption this year. There was a conflict and push for independence in the Reorte system, with a Sirius Navy representative joining the Council of Admirals.”

    “A three-month trial period ended with some achievements, including an increased military presence in the Coalsack and Witch Head colonies and logistical support of the recent Alliance Defence Force deployment to Didio. But it seems not enough was done to sway the majority of opponents.”

    “Prime Minister Edmund Mahon is gambling that he has earned enough political capital to have the strategic defence pact ratified. Many government figures welcome the prospect of increased military strength. Mahon’s suggestion that this might result in an expanded Alliance was especially compelling.”

    “Councillor Nakato Kaine is taking the opposite view, successfully tapping into widespread concerns over Sirius Corporation’s motives. She argues that the megacorp has not proven capable of defending Allied systems against Thargoid attack, despite the terms of the trial period preventing Sirius from deploying its fleet to active Allied engagements.”

    “Council members are flocking to support either Mahon or Kaine, although dozens remain undecided. It’s clear that both sides will soon strive to sway public opinion, in order to influence the Assembly’s deciding vote at the end of this month.”

  • June 8, 3308
  • Alliance-Sirius Pact Enters Approval Stage

    The probationary period for the proposed anti-xeno partnership between the Alliance and Sirius Corporation has now ended.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made this public statement:

    “Documentation for the strategic defence pact has been submitted to the Assembly for debate and amendment. Council members will vote by the end of June to decide whether or not it should be ratified.”

    “In the last three months, Sirius Corporation has successfully increased security for Allied interests in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas. It also did a splendid job arranging for crucial supplies to be delivered to the Didio system during the Thargoid invasion.”

    “The Council of Admirals does not wish to rely exclusively on Salvation to protect Allied systems, and I concur with their assessment. Combining our defence force with Sirius’s resources will be a huge step toward forming an Alliance Navy, thereby increasing our anti-Thargoid fleet capabilities on a par with the Empire and Federation.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine, Mahon’s political rival, also made a statement:

    “In my view, Sirius Corporation remains an untrustworthy partner and has exerted a disruptive influence on the Alliance. I continue to oppose the strategic defence pact, and urge my fellow council members to prevent it being adopted as policy.”

  • March 9, 3308
  • Trial Period Agreed for Alliance-Sirius Pact

    The Alliance and Sirius Corporation have negotiated a three-month probationary period for its proposed anti-xeno defence agreement.

    In response to a summons by Councillor Nakato Kaine, CEO Li Yong-Rui appeared in person before the Assembly. As part of a longer speech he stated:

    “I fully understand that, in order to be effective, the strategic defence pact requires broader political support. But to share its details before the Alliance can experience its benefits may lead to hasty decisions.”

    “Instead, we propose that Sirius Corporation is provided with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can enhance Allied security against the Thargoids. At the end of a contractually defined period of time, the Assembly can review the pact and decide whether or not to continue with our partnership.”

    Following further discussions, Yong-Rui accepted that the probationary period would be reduced to three months from the originally suggested six. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude that a solution had been reached.

    Councillor Ainsley Niven, representing the Reorte system, sounded a cautionary note:

    “Frankly, some Allied factions won’t tolerate Sirius’s presence for three minutes let alone three months. I fear that this will not be enough to convince all of our member systems to cooperate.”

  • February 25, 3308
  • Mahon Reprimanded over Reorte Conflict

    The Alliance Assembly has delivered an official rebuke to its prime minister following the recent skirmish in the Reorte system.

    There have been heated debates following the conflict between Reorte Mining Coalition and Sirius Corporation. This was triggered by the megacorp’s unpopular attempt to establish a presence in the system as an anti-xeno defence partner.

    Councillor Nakato Kaine led a motion to censure against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, which successfully passed with a plurality of votes after some abstentions. The strongly-worded reprimand focused on ‘disregarding the Alliance’s principles by unilaterally forcing cooperation with Sirius Corporation’.

    After Mahon formally accepted the reprimand, Councillor Kaine addressed the Assembly:

    “This body does not have the right to govern its member systems without their consent. The strategic defence pact must become civil legislation rather than a military contract, so it can be passed as law.”

    “I call upon Li Yong-Rui to agree to these terms, or else to abandon the pact and remove Sirius Corporation’s forces from the Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian and Leesti systems.”

  • February 8, 3308
  • Concerns Raised over Alliance-Sirius Pact

    The recent battle in the Reorte system has caused Sirius Corporation to question the terms of its partnership with the Alliance.

    The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:

    “When Sirius Corporation megaships arrived in four Allied systems, it’s fair to assume they anticipated a degree of public resistance. But being directly attacked by the Reorte Mining Coalition clearly wasn’t part of their risk assessment.”

    “Li Yong-Rui has urgently sought assurances from the Alliance that such conflicts will not happen again. The megacorp’s CEO claimed that he has a duty to protect his employees from aggression by their own clients.”

    “In response, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon personally guaranteed that this unfortunate incident was a one-off, stressing that Sirius personnel have been welcomed in the Alioth, Arimpox and Di Jian systems. He added that the Alliance Defence Force is working closely with Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy’s representative.”

    “But others in the Assembly are now openly questioning the wisdom of the strategic defence pact. Although Councillor Nakato Kaine’s opposition to Mahon is often viewed as predictable, more members now agree with her that many Allied factions will reject the assertion that Sirius Corporation is an ally to be trusted.”

  • January 27, 3308
  • Conflict Erupts in the Reorte System

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Reorte Mining Coalition has declared its intent to remove the Sirius Corporation presence from its home system.

    The megaship Chariot of Rhea arrived in Reorte as part of Sirius Corporation’s new role as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner. But the system’s controlling faction ordered it to withdraw. The megaship’s non-compliance has resulted in skirmishes targeting Sirius forces.

    Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, announced:

    “We fully support Councillor Kaine’s position that Sirius Corporation is operating illegally under Alliance law. Therefore, we will defend our territory from this aggressive foreign entity.”

    A response was broadcast by Captain Delfina Dominguez of the Sirius Navy, who commands the Chariot of Rhea:

    “Our presence is authorised by the military contract between Sirius Corporation and the Alliance Defence Force. If local forces continue to attack, we will have no option but to defend our assets.”

    The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict.

    To rally support from independent pilots, both factions are offering access to permit-locked systems. Reorte Mining Coalition will sponsor distribution of an Alioth system permit, while Sirius Corporation will authorise a permit to the Sirius system.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has ordered the Reorte Mining Coalition to cease hostilities immediately. However, Councillor Ainsley Niven – who represents Reorte in the Assembly and is a political supporter of Nakato Kaine – claims that the faction has the right to protect its territory, since it was not invited to ratify the defence pact.