Galactic News

  • July 18, 3310
  • Vital Reconstruction Supplies Arrive for Disaster Survivors

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Large quantities of construction shipments to support disaster recovery operations on Rhea 3 have been delivered to Ito Orbital.

    The Federation is still treating and supporting survivors from the catastrophic earthquakes that destroyed many urban centres on the planet. A spokesperson from Federal Liberal Command, the Rhea system’s controlling faction, said:

    “This has been a beacon of hope and support for a planet besieged by misfortune, and these supplies will be of enormous help. Thank you. We have now authorised the delivery of rewards at Ito Orbital for all pilots who took part in this initiative.”

    President-elect Felicia Winters gave a statement to the press from a newly built medical facility outside the recovering capital city New Greenacre:

    “I can find no words to describe the horror of what happened here. Nor can I fully express my gratitude to everyone who provided aid and assistance. To the people of the Federation: thank you for allowing me time to grieve. Planning has resumed for the inauguration, and I hope that my administration will officially begin soon.”

    Political opinions regarding Felicia Winters delaying her term of office have been varied. Many Republican officials claimed that this showed weakness, as expressed by Congressman Thandeka Qwabe: “A president should put the Federation as a whole before their own personal situation.”

    The Liberal Party supported the decision, with Congressman Bai Zheng insisting: “Nobody could be expected to perform their duties while mourning the deaths of so many family members. Let’s not chastise our new president for being more human than the last one.”

  • July 11, 3310
  • Deliver Critical Aid for the Rhea Disaster

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Federation has requested shipments of supplies in the Rhea system to help rebuild critical infrastructure.

    Intense seismic activity across Rhea 3’s largest continent demolished entire cities and townships late last year, causing widespread death and injury. Rescue operations have saved over a million people, but local infrastructure has been compromised and vital construction supplies are running low.

    President-Elect Felicia Winters spoke publicly for the first time since leaving for Rhea 3 to announce a support initiative:

    “I know that there are individuals out there who have tried to use my absence from office to undermine the will of the Federation’s people by calling for a re-election. Of course they have. To them I say simply this: to care for your home planet, for your people, is not a weakness.”

    “But unfortunately, I have now reached the limit of what I can do to help through private channels, so I am humbly requesting the aid of our galaxy’s pilots. Please, provide crucial materials to support Rhea 3’s recovery.”

    Federal Liberal Command, the controlling faction, has called for pilots to transport Power Generators, Aluminium, and Titanium to Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

    In related news, the formation of a new Federal government by the Liberal Party continues to be delayed with no confirmed inauguration in sight. Proposals for a re-election, or for President Hudson to remain in office for another term, have been rejected by Congress once again.

  • June 13, 3310
  • De Caminha Station Has Been Successfully Reinforced

    The pirates attacking De Caminha have been eliminated, and supplies have been provided to prevent further attacks.

    Jerome Archer offered his thanks in an announcement this morning:

    “Time and time again, I am impressed by the skill and compassion of the galaxy’s pilots. Security for Federation citizens is my number one priority, and it pains me that a station in our space could be the target of opportunistic low lives, but through your efforts this station is once again secure and ready if those pirates return. Rewards are now available to those who helped in the defence efforts.”

    “But I am compelled to raise the question on everyone’s mind: will this situation be better when Felicia Winters finally assumes office? A President-elect who, I remind you, seems uninterested in the security of her citizens. Who wants to shut down resources like the PDB, which has saved many, many lives already.”

    “Is she a president capable of maintaining peace, when aggressors are increasingly appearing from all sides?”

    “Or is she a president who puts her ideals before the lives of her people?”

    “I once again urge congress to reconsider allowing Zachary Hudson another term as President of the Federation in light of Winters’ ongoing, conspicuous, absence.”

  • June 6, 3310
  • Repel Pirates and Provide Aid to De Caminha Station


    Reports are coming in that the strained De Caminha station has been the target of increased levels of pirate attacks.

    Jerome Archer has announced a growing state of concern among parts of Federation space, stating that the war has spread supplies and support too thin amongst their territories.

    Archer currently remains the Vice President of the Federation until President-elect Felicia Winters returns from supporting her home planet of Rhea 3, which is still recovering from a series of devastating earthquakes.

    At an emergency conference, Jerome Archer stated the following:

    “The good work that the Federation is doing in the fight against the Thargoids is noble, and valuable, but it takes its toll. Our president, Zachary Hudson, has done an excellent job maintaining the Federation in spite of this, but we can only do so much.”

    “It pains me to see De Caminha be the target of attacks by criminals looking to take advantage of the Federation’s continued efforts to end the war as quickly as possible, so I am calling on pilots across the galaxy for aid.”

    “I urge you to hunt down the aggressors and supply the Earth Defence Fleet stationed in De Caminha with the medicines and equipment to prevent further attacks. Only by doing both will the station be safe again.”

    “Any help is appreciated, and will be rewarded.”

  • February 21, 3310
  • Winters Pauses Inauguration After Rhea Disaster

    President-elect Felicia Winters has delayed the start of her term of office, in response to devastating earthquakes on the planet Rhea 3.

    The following statement was delivered by her office to a special session of Congress:

    “The terrible events on Rhea 3 have not only demanded President-elect Winters’s full attention, but also brought personal tragedy. It seems that most of the Winters family, plus many close friends, lost their lives when the capital city of New Greenacre was levelled by the earthquakes.”

    “The president-elect therefore requests permission to temporarily suspend the inauguration ceremony. This will allow her to focus on coordinating emergency operations, and also process the unexpected loss of her nearest and dearest.”

    President Zachary Hudson agreed to a short extension of his presidential term, thereby allowing the motion to be passed by Congress. Vice President-elect Isolde Rochester will assume leadership of the Liberal Party on an interim basis until Felicia Winters is available.

    Vox Galactica published an update from local reporter Len Kennelly:

    “Rescue operations on the northern continent have intensified in recent days, as more ships and equipment arrive from across the Federation. I’m told that nearly a million survivors, albeit many injured, have now been recovered. But continual aftershocks are still toppling unstable buildings, leaving entire cities lying in dust.”

    The Empirical scientific journal also discussed the cause of the disaster:

    “High-magnitude earthquakes are extremely rare on terraformed planets such as Rhea 3. Initial geological surveys usually detect this type of tectonic instability, to avoid establishing settlements in dangerous regions. These destructive tremors prove that despite having tamed many worlds with our technology, nature can still be unpredictable.”

  • February 13, 3310
  • Catastrophic Earthquakes Strike Rhea 3

    A series of high-magnitude earthquakes on the planet Rhea 3 have caused widespread devastation and millions of casualties.

    Massive seismic activity across the northern continent has effectively shattered dozens of towns and cities, including the capital New Greenacre. The intense tremors also triggered tsunamis in the surrounding oceans, which have wrecked coastal regions on other land masses.

    Local journalist Len Kennelly published a summary for Vox Galactica:

    “The only disaster on this scale that we’ve seen in Rhea was when NMLA terrorists bombed Ito Orbital. This time, however, the death toll could run into tens of millions. Urban skylines have crumbled like sandcastles, with vast jagged pits opening up to swallow entire neighbourhoods.”

    “Federal Liberal Command has declared the highest state of emergency, calling for volunteers to help rescue trapped citizens. We’re seeing direct support from other factions in the system, and Federal Navy specialists are coordinating relief efforts. The humanitarian organisation Safeguard Interstellar is also here in force, providing supplies and temporary shelters for survivors.”

    Sofia Trevino, political correspondent for The Federal Times, reported:

    “As soon as this news broke, President-elect Felicia Winters – a native of Rhea 3 and the system’s representative in Congress – immediately cancelled her schedule and travelled to her homeworld. Unverified reports claim that contact has been lost with members of her family, most of whom lived in the capital.”

    “Speculation has already begun that this might cause further delays to the beginning of Winters’s term of office. Vice President-elect Isolde Rochester made a statement asking for patience, claiming: ‘Our focus right now should be on aiding those affected by this tragedy.’”

  • January 22, 3310
  • Winters Appoints Future Cabinet Members

    President-elect Felicia Winters has officially selected new heads for each executive department of the Federal government.

    She announced her choices during a session of Congress, where she gave a short speech about her upcoming presidency. This was followed by a similar statement from Isolde Rochester, who will serve as Winters’s vice president.

    Sofia Trevino, political journalist for The Federal Times, reported:

    “With these appointments, Felicia Winters is laying the foundations on which to build a new Federal government. Long-serving figures in the Liberal Party are finally being rewarded with key positions in the upcoming administration.”

    “One notable loyalist is Congressman Bai Zheng, who will be Secretary for Security. She is already well-known for opposing the Proactive Detection Bureau, and will undoubtedly take pleasure in overseeing the surveillance unit’s closure, as per Winters’s campaign promise.”

    “Congressman Kristine Lasky is another familiar name. Her celebrated role in creating the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, which enables superpowers to collaborate during emergencies, makes her a solid choice for Secretary of State.”

    “There are a few fresher faces among the forthcoming Cabinet. The new Grand Attorney will be Pierre-Marc Pelletier, a former director of the Federal Attorney’s Office. And the Secretary for Defence will be Congressman Conn Montgomery, who will have to navigate demands from a Federal Navy accustomed to Zachary Hudson’s generous military budgets.”

    In related news, planning is underway for Felicia Winters’s inauguration ceremony to take place in mid-February. President Hudson’s office has confirmed that handover procedures are well advanced, with all government agencies and departments preparing for the Federation’s new leadership.

  • December 28, 3309
  • Federation Extends Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

    Federal citizens who were captured by Thargoids then rescued from the Titans will not yet be permitted to leave secure medical facilities.

    The decision comes after the Alliance ended quarantine restrictions for returnees from their systems, with newly rescued civilians expected to spend no more than a week in observation. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has called on other governments to do the same.

    President Zachary Hudson discussed the situation during a press conference:

    “The consensus of Federal medical experts is that it would be foolishly optimistic to allow these people – some of whom were held aboard the Titans for months – back into the general population. When at war with such an implacable enemy as the Thargoids, we simply cannot afford to take any risks.”

    “Rest assured that Federal citizens are not suffering in any way. They are allowed to receive visitors, albeit without physical contact, and have full comms and media access. But they will remain under observation for the time being.”

    President-elect Felicia Winters, whose term of office is due to begin early next year, explained her viewpoint:

    “Once I am sworn in as president, bringing our people home will be one of my top priorities. The experts referred to by President Hudson have reached no such consensus. Instead, their meticulous tests reveal no evidence whatsoever that former abductees have been influenced or physically compromised by the Thargoids.”

    “Nevertheless, I am mindful of the public concern. To that end, I will instruct the Department of Health and Wellness to closely monitor all rescued citizens once they have returned home, including mandatory medical checks. This should allay fears and minimise any social ostracism these individuals may face.”

  • December 4, 3309
  • Archer Outlines Shadow Presidency Future

    Vice President Jerome Archer has discussed the recent Federal presidential election and other topics during an interview with The Federal Times.

    On the victory of President-elect Felicia Winters:

    “Winters fought a clean campaign based on issues, as I did, so one cannot fault her for that. But I think the harsh realities of governance will quickly overwhelm her liberal idealism. Hudson, whatever his critics may think of him, was never afraid to take decisive action. We’ll see if Winters can do the same.”

    On Archer’s electoral policies:

    “I maintain that a security-first approach is the correct one, given the many threats facing the Federation. The Thargoids are not the only enemy of our people. Dismantling the Proactive Detection Bureau, as Winters has threatened to do, will be an act of self-sabotage for our entire society.”

    On his relationship with outgoing President Zachary Hudson:

    “It’s been an honour to support President Hudson, from whom I have learned a great deal about the political arena. Both of us are genuine patriots with similar viewpoints. I know he will continue to serve the Federation in his own way.”

    On his future political career:

    “As shadow president, it will be my duty to not only scrutinise Winters’s administration, but also restore electoral faith in the Republican Party. I’m confident that the citizens will be fully on board with our policies by the next election, if not sooner.”

    In response to this interview, an editorial in the Federal Free Press said:

    “Jerome Archer’s priority now is to gather Hudson loyalists under his banner, and position himself as a worthy successor. But this tactic of talking about all subjects except his own lack of responsibility for the election loss will not fool voters. Once the PDB is gone, and we see the improvements wrought by a Liberal Party administration, Archer faces a considerable challenge to avoid becoming a footnote in the Federation’s history.”

  • November 28, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: November 3309

    Renowned war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn provides her regular summary of the latest news regarding the Thargoid conflict.

    “It is now a whole year since the Thargoid Titans arrived and unleashed their fleets upon us. It’s pleasing to report that humanity’s resistance remains strong. New invasions are rare, and Thargoid vessels are being driven out of occupied systems. Nobody is under any illusions that this war might end soon, and it remains to be seen how the Thargoids adapt to the current situation. But among independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons, morale is high – as it absolutely deserves to be.”

    “The Thargoid spire sites have also brought cause for cautious optimism. Having received huge volumes of samples for testing, Ishmael Palin proved that spire compounds and Titan hull fragments share genetic commonalities. Whatever these eerie alien growths are, evidence is growing that their industrial processes are related to the Thargoid motherships in some way.”

    “Professor Palin has now concocted a biological impurity, which should disrupt the spires’ biochemistry when inserted into their processing chain. Many pilots are signing up to undertake missions to deliver this contaminant, despite the inevitability that some volunteers will not return. It’s too soon to determine whether or not this will impact the Thargoid war machine, but hopes are high.”

    “Meanwhile, the many thousands of people rescued from captivity within the Titans remain in strict quarantine. Debate continues over how quickly they should be returned to society, but so far nobody seems to be taking any chances.”

    “That could change following Felicia Winters’ victory in the Federal presidential election. Via my political colleagues, I’ve heard that the president-elect plans to send home all returnees with Federation citizenship when her term of office begins next year. So we might soon score the greatest of victories: allowing those who were so cruelly abducted to return to their normal lives.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • November 13, 3309
  • Winters Resists Hudson’s Legacy Projects

    President-elect Felicia Winters has vowed to defeat new legislation proposed by outgoing President Zachary Hudson.

    If funded, these initiatives will establish a media standards regulator, set up a political think tank, and merge the Proactive Detection Bureau into the Federal Navy Intelligence Office. Tax rebates will also be granted to all corporations with existing government contracts.

    The Federal Times approached Felicia Winters for comment:

    “It’s obvious that these pro-Republican measures are being pushed through because of Jerome Archer's poor electoral performance. It would look bad for Hudson to admit that his own vice president wasn’t a popular choice of successor. So now he's giving Archer as many advantages as possible for when he becomes shadow president.”

    “We aim to block these legislative changes should they go through Congress. And I personally guarantee that once I am in office, the PDB will no longer eavesdrop on every citizen’s private communications. That’s more than just an election pledge – it’s about doing what is right.”

    The newsfeed also published a statement by Owen McKenna, CEO of Core Dynamics:

    “Winters says that she plans to cut back on military spending. That makes no sense during wartime, but as president it’ll be her call. So, if you ask me, Hudson’s corporate tax rebates should be allowed to stand. Then at least companies who supply the Federal Navy might have a chance of remaining profitable.”

  • January 16, 3309
  • Hudson Lays Groundwork for Political Successors

    President Zachary Hudson has announced a raft of legislation he intends to push during his last few months in office.

    Political journalists have noted that many of the points would benefit the Republican Party while in opposition to the president-elect Felicia Winters administration. A press release from the Office of the Federal President listed the key initiatives currently underway:

    “First: A new media standards agency will be established to regulate independently operated newsfeeds in Federal systems, to ensure local issues are presented in a format which adheres to Federal values.”

    “Second: Corporations that have exclusive contracts with the Federal government will be granted significant tax rebates, on President Hudson’s executive authority.”

    “Third: The Federal Navy Intelligence Office will establish a data-sharing strategy with the Proactive Detection Bureau. This will broaden the net to capture even more criminal activity.”

    “Fourth: Funding will be granted for a political think tank. This will be a cross-party institute to gather ideas, strategies and research that benefits the entire Federation.”

    An editorial in the Federal Free Press pointed out the potential downsides to each of these initiatives:

    “First: Sol Today’s CEO Neive McFarlane is on the board of this ‘independent’ regulator, thereby ensuring local newsfeeds will have a pro-Republican voice at the highest level of oversight.”

    “Second: Felicia Winters’s administration will be forced to reverse these rebates to cover the loss of tax-generated revenue, which is guaranteed to cause friction with those corporations.”

    “Third: The Federal Navy could provide military-grade technology for public surveillance, to bypass legal encryption software used to protect private conversations. It is likely Winters will be furious about this proposal, given her election pledge to dismantle the PDB entirely.”

    “Fourth: Outgoing Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has volunteered to act as this think tank’s congressional liaison – and assume the authority to decide which of its reports reach those in power.”

  • October 19, 3309
  • Winters Outlines Her Future Presidency

    President-elect Felicia Winters has discussed her election victory and other topics during an interview with The Federal Times.

    On defeating Vice President Jerome Archer:

    “One cannot dispute that Archer played his campaign straight, with none of the underhanded tricks utilised by some of his predecessors. But the election results prove that the citizens want a change from the Republican Party’s bombastic approach.”

    On the priorities for her forthcoming administration:

    “Our government will expand investment in the Federation’s soft infrastructure, pulling the economy’s focus away from military projects and corporate profits. Many systems are in dire need of improved healthcare, housing and work opportunities. Billions of people need temporary financial support as refugees from the Thargoid invasion. We are not the Empire – we serve our people rather than rule over them.”

    On the Proactive Detection Bureau:

    “My very first task in office will be to dismantle this monstrosity, ending the surveillance of private communications. The Federal Intelligence Agency is perfectly capable of protecting our people without violating their personal freedoms.”

    On the Thargoid war:

    “I can assure everyone that while I lack the enthusiasm for war that my predecessor demonstrated, my administration takes office with the Thargoid invasion as a top priority. Aegis has led the way in developing new anti-xeno technologies, and Federal support for the agency will continue.”

    Many Federal newsfeeds congratulated Felicia Winters on her success in the election, but an editorial in Sol Today said:

    “Without Zachary Hudson’s strength of will, or Jerome Archer’s dedication to security, there’s every possibility that the Federation will rot from within. You can expect to see all manner of fringe groups and minorities grab the lion’s share of funding, while freeloaders and criminals get a free pass. We predict that Winters will go down in history as one of the weakest presidents ever.”

  • October 16, 3309
  • Felicia Winters Elected as Federal President

    The Federation has voted to elect Felicia Winters as its next president, with a four per cent vote majority over her rival Jerome Archer.

    The current shadow president of the Liberal Party will be officially inaugurated in the new year, entering an eight-year term of office. Congressman Isolde Rochester will also be sworn in as vice president in Winters’s administration.

    President Zachary Hudson will remain in power during the transition period, but will not be expected to implement any major policy changes. The Liberal Party will replace the Republican Party as the superpower’s governing authority in 3310, with Jerome Archer assuming the role of shadow president.

    President-elect Winters addressed her supporters during a celebratory rally in Olympus Village on Mars:

    “The people of the Federation have spoken! I thank you all for turning my party’s vision into a reality. My aim is to govern fairly for everybody, regardless of their political allegiance. Together we will create optimism where there was fear, give shelter those who are vulnerable, and improve the quality of life for each and every Federal citizen.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer formally conceded the election during a session of Congress:

    “My compliments to Felicia Winters, who fought a strong campaign. I look forward to taking on the role of shadow president next year, and ensuring that her government’s proposals are thoroughly scrutinised from day one.”

    Former presidents Antonia Madison and Jasmina Halsey – whom Winters temporarily replaced after the Starship One disaster – offered their congratulations. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon of the Alliance, First Minister Octavia Volkov of the Marlinist Colonies, and CEO Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Corporation sent similar messages to the Winters campaign.

    No formal acknowledgement was received from the Empire. However, Princess Aisling Duval joined Professor Alba Tesreau and other members of Aegis leadership to state: “We trust that President Winters will remain committed to our unified approach, ensuring the development of technology needed to secure victory in the ongoing Thargoid war.”

  • October 13, 3309
  • Federal Election: The Allied Perspective

    The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly:

    “The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the reformation of Aegis, show how we can benefit from maintaining such cooperation. I am confident that the new president, whoever it may be, will respect the status quo.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine gave a more direct statement to the press:

    “I cannot ignore how the Federation has become more authoritarian under Zachary Hudson’s Republican government. It has also coped poorly with internal pressures: the Starship One conspiracy, Jupiter Division’s attempted coup, the secession crisis triggered by the Proactive Detection Bureau’s operation… the list goes on. And yet, Federal democracy is now empowering every individual to elect their leaders. That, at least, is something we in the Alliance should admire and consider adopting.”

    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

    “Most Allied politicians are too diplomatic to openly express a preference between the two candidates. Privately, councillors like Kaine are hopeful of a more nuanced relationship with Winters, who lacks the hawkish rhetoric of Hudson. However, others believe that Archer’s focus on military spending and domestic security might prove more practical in the face of the Thargoid invasion.”

    The latest voting polls from Federal systems show that Jerome Archer has overtaken Felicia Winters, albeit by a narrow margin. The voting window ends on the 15th, with the results verified by Monday to determine the victor of the 3309 Federal presidential election.

  • October 12, 3309
  • Sol Celebrations End as Election Begins

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Federation has begun voting to decide its next president, as a week of festivities in the Sol system are concluded.

    Congress confirmed that any pilots who supplied rare goods for the celebratory events can collect payment from Li Qing Jao starport. All temporary system permits for Sol remain suspended for Pilots’ Federation members for a further week.

    The 3309 presidential election has now officially begun. More than one trillion Federal citizens are expected to submit their votes, which will be recorded and collated over the next four days via secure digital systems.

    Vice President Jerome Archer is the Republican Party candidate, who is widely perceived as the political heir to President Zachary Hudson. His running mate is Congressman Niko Shirakawa, who has strong connections within the military.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters, leader of the Liberal Party, is the rival candidate and a proponent of more humanitarian-focused policies. She is on a presidential ticket with Congressman Isolde Rochester, matriarch of the famous Rochester dynasty.

    Sofia Trevino, political correspondent for The Federal Times, commented:

    “Following months of delay, logistical issues caused by the Thargoid war, plus the drama surrounding Zachary Rackham, voting is finally underway. Analysts believe this could be one of the closest-run elections in the Federation’s history, reflecting the polarisation that has taken place in recent years.”

    “Support for the Republican Party has been bolstered by its increasingly successful handling of the Thargoid menace during the past six months. But Archer’s flagship creation, the Proactive Detection Bureau, remains highly divisive – something the Liberal Party has found success in using to frame its opponent as increasingly authoritarian. How these primary points will ultimately impact the outcome of the vote remains to be seen.”

    The new president will be announced on Monday 16th October. President Hudson will remain in office as caretaker president until the official inauguration of the election winner, expected to take place in the new year.

  • Federal Election: The Imperial Perspective

    As the Federation readies itself for a new president, the Empire is preparing for potential changes to its relationship with its historical rival.

    Last year Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval severed all official collaboration with the other superpowers, except for limited contributions to Aegis. But this does not mean the Empire is ignoring the potential impact of either Jerome Archer or Felicia Winters becoming the next Federal president.

    Senator Denton Patreus remarked on the election during a military parade through the city of Port Isabelle:

    “The Federation’s leaders always reinforce their popularity by framing the Empire as the ‘great enemy’. I expect Archer will have those same aggressive tendencies. In truth, I’d prefer to deal with that predictable approach, since Winters is clearly the more cunning and deceitful candidate.”

    Princess Aisling Duval was asked her opinion while visiting a xenology seminar hosted by the Achenar Research Council:

    “I must admit that Felicia Winters’s style of governance is more appealing, though she should be mindful of her running mate’s influence. But whoever becomes president must break the cycle of hostility between Empire and Federation. My fruitful collaboration with other Aegis delegates, and ACT’s success against the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, is evidence of how effective inter-superpower cooperation can be.”

    The election was also discussed by Cassia Carvalho, political journalist for The Imperial Herald:

    “The average Imperial citizen has little interest in the Federation’s internal workings, but anxiety in the Senate is high. With the Thargoid war still raging, the prospect of a new president seeking to stamp their authority on the interstellar stage is a major concern. Conversely, some captains of industry anticipate a new era of trade with a friendlier Federation, if the Emperor can be convinced to rescind her isolationist decree.”

    Voting within Federal systems has been running for 24 hours, and polling suggests Felicia Winters holds a slight lead over Jerome Archer. The election will run for another three days.

  • October 5, 3309
  • Celebrations in Sol for Federal Election

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A series of public events to celebrate the forthcoming presidential election are being held in the Sol system.

    Congress approved a request by President Zachary Hudson to finance a range of festivities, concerts and shows across the home system of the Federation.

    Billions of people are expected to attend, leading to a request for supplies of Crystalline Spheres, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Indi Bourbon, LTT Hyper Sweet and Pantaa Prayer Sticks to be delivered to Li Qing Jao starport in orbit over planet Earth. Congress also agreed to authorise a temporary two-week permit for all Pilots’ Federation members to access the Sol system.

    President Hudson announced the events across all Federal news channels, where he said:

    “Now we approach the time, as determined centuries ago by the Federal Accord, of our civilisation’s most profound tradition: the peaceful transfer of power. I have been deeply honoured to serve as your president for the past eight years. And you, the people of the galaxy’s largest ever democracy, deserve to celebrate all that we have accomplished together.”

    Vox Galactica’s political journalist Conrad Sterling observed:

    “This is clearly a high-profile attempt to boost public morale, one that allows President Hudson to leave office on a positive note. Political critics are viewing it as a way to distract the citizens from the prolonged Thargoid war, the recent Rackham scandal, and various other challenges besetting the Federation. But the eagerness of most citizens to embrace the sentiment proves one fact remains true: everyone loves a party.”

    Voting will open next Thursday for Federal citizens to choose either Vice President Jerome Archer or Shadow President Felicia Winters as their next president. The election winner will be announced at the start of the following week.

  • September 22, 3309
  • Rackham Withdraws from Presidential Election

    Zachary Rackham has officially ended his election campaign, following the discovery of evidence that supported claims of his criminal past.

    Federal Times journalist Bryanna Blanco published the results of an investigation by the Wallglass Investigations Agency, which included a message archive found on Zeta Trianguli Australis A 7 a. These findings strongly support a long-standing rumour that the trillionaire operated as notorious pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’, prior to inheriting his family’s wealth.

    PR consultant Anya Blackriver delivered a statement, in her role as campaign manager:

    “Mr Rackham has decided that these attempts at defamation are a regrettable distraction from his election campaign. His amused tolerance of the nickname ‘Calico Zack’ – a nickname assigned to him by the media, I should point out – is not an admission of any true link to that despicable outlaw. Rather than allow the race for the Federal presidency to be clouded by these ridiculous claims, Mr Rackham’s legal team has advised a focus on defending his good name away from the spotlight.”

    This announcement came a day after Congressman Harlan Turk formally resigned from his role as Zachary Rackham’s running mate. He will continue representing the Duamta system as an independent.

    Federation correspondent Patricia Chen reported on the situation for Vox Galactica:

    “There is speculation Rackham was warned that any further revelations could render him unelectable to the majority – and open to criminal charges. While the Federal Times piece is mostly based on circumstantial evidence at this stage, Rackham’s willingness to concede his claim to the presidency suggests a nervousness towards deeper dives into his past. His business portfolio has also been severely damaged, causing billions of losses in share price. Investors and corporate partners are avoiding any association with the man who may once have been Calico Zack.”

    “Both of his political rivals welcomed the news. ‘Nobody with even a hint of criminality deserves a position of such significant power,’ remarked former FIA director Jerome Archer, while Felicia Winters agreed it was best that Rackham ‘stands aside to let the grown-ups do their work.’ The electoral race is now evenly balanced between the two, with voting scheduled to take place in October.”

  • September 18, 3309
  • Wallglass Links Rackham to ‘Calico Zack’

    The Federal Times has published evidence that trillionaire and presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once the pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’.

    The newsfeed featured a detailed exposé by financial journalist Bryanna Blanco:

    “The Wallglass Investigations Agency has confirmed my long-held suspicions about Zachary Rackham’s past. With the timely assistance of independent pilots, we have unearthed a message archive concealed in the Zeta Trianguli Australis system.”

    “This was created as insurance by a pirate named Angelo Defries. Wallglass’s analysis revealed that Defries learned of Zachary Rackham’s alter-ego over sixteen years ago, and threatened to transmit evidence to several newsfeeds – including, ironically, us here at The Federal Times.”

    “While Defries seems to have disappeared around 3292 with his evidence withheld, conversations from that period were traced to the Wishbone Point facility. Wallglass, in conjunction with volunteer pilots, tracked down and decrypted the damning logs.”

    “This vindicates my many years investigating Rackham’s criminal activities and corruption. More importantly, we have proved that the Federation is at risk of electing a pirate lord as its president.”

    Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen covered the story:

    “Mr Rackham strenuously denied these allegations, stating that he always tolerated ‘being associated with a mythical figure’ as it gave him ‘an aura of danger that was useful in boardroom meetings’. His devoted followers say that the evidence was manufactured for Wallglass to find, and that Bryanna Blanco is secretly funded by either Jerome Archer or Felicia Winters.”

    “However, high-profile supporters such as business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett and ICE-caster Sura Oyekan have publicly withdrawn their support. The value of shares in Rackham Capital Investments has also nosedived. With a month until the voting period opens, this discovery has disrupted an already much-delayed Federal election.”