Galactic News
May 4, 3303
Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed
Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’.
Salomé was escorted by several heavily armed vessels, but her Imperial Clipper ‘Seven Veils’ was nevertheless destroyed by weapons fire. Three commanders were seen fleeing Arumclaw shortly afterwards.
Surveillance reports indicate that Salomé’s co-conspirators – Raan Corsen, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Yuri Nakamura – remain at large.
Moments after Salomé’s destruction was confirmed, a transmission was detected in the Teorge system, leading to the discovery of a series of logs. The logs, which apparently date from 3275, contain nebulous assertions regarding a scheme from an unidentified super organisation to manipulate the Empire, Federation and Alliance.
A number of factions tried to defend Salomé and her allies as they travelled from 46 Eridani to the core systems. Imperial intelligence is reportedly trying to identify the factions that supported the conspirators, but anecdotal reports indicate that many have already fallen into disarray in the wake of Salomé’s death.
“She was a force of evil who attempted to sow the seeds of conflict among those who strive for peace,” said Princess Aisling Duval. “Her warmongering is at an end, and the galaxy is now a safer place. It’s just a shame that so many innocent lives were lost before she was brought down.”
Admiral Denton Patreus refused to address claims that the bounty hunter was in his employ, saying only, “Let that be an end to this sorry affair”.
May 3, 3303
Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed
Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’.
Salomé was escorted by several heavily armed vessels, but her Imperial Clipper ‘Seven Veils’ was nevertheless destroyed by weapons fire. Three commanders were seen fleeing Arumclaw shortly afterwards.
Surveillance reports indicate that Salomé’s co-conspirators – Raan Corsen, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Yuri Nakamura – remain at large.
Moments after Salomé’s destruction was confirmed, a transmission was detected in the Teorge system, leading to the discovery of a series of logs. The logs, which apparently date from 3275, contain nebulous assertions regarding a scheme from an unidentified super organisation to manipulate the Empire, Federation and Alliance.
A number of factions tried to defend Salomé and her allies as they travelled from 46 Eridani to the core systems. Imperial intelligence is reportedly trying to identify the factions that supported the conspirators, but anecdotal reports indicate that many have already fallen into disarray in the wake of Salomé’s death.
“She was a force of evil who attempted to sow the seeds of conflict among those who strive for peace,” said Princess Aisling Duval. “Her warmongering is at an end, and the galaxy is now a safer place. It’s just a shame that so many innocent lives were lost before she was brought down.”
Admiral Denton Patreus refused to address claims that the bounty hunter was in his employ, saying only, “Let that be an end to this sorry affair”.
April 28, 3303
Community Goal: The Gear of War
The Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces have announced plans to fortify their home system of Sitakapa by converting a mining outpost into a military settlement. The move is a response to increasing political and military instability across the galaxy.
General Ani Leonard of Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces announced:
"Our galaxy becomes more dangerous every day. Whether it's the Federation sowing unrest in the Pleiades, fringe-terrorism from Salomè and her lackeys or hyperdictions from unknown parties, the risks are greater than they've ever been. And the frontier colonies are most at risk. We must be prepared."
General Leonard promised that contractors who deliver military-grade weapons and chemicals to Russell Hub will earn a cut of Sitakapa's booming wealth – the result of years of economic development.
The campaign begins on the 27th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
April 27, 3303
Community Goal: The Gear of War
The Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces have announced plans to fortify their home system of Sitakapa by converting a mining outpost into a military settlement. The move is a response to increasing political and military instability across the galaxy.
General Ani Leonard of Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces announced:
"Our galaxy becomes more dangerous every day. Whether it's the Federation sowing unrest in the Pleiades, fringe-terrorism from Salomè and her lackeys or hyperdictions from unknown parties, the risks are greater than they've ever been. And the frontier colonies are most at risk. We must be prepared."
General Leonard promised that contractors who deliver military-grade weapons and chemicals to Russell Hub will earn a cut of Sitakapa's booming wealth – the result of years of economic development.
The campaign begins on the 27th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Freelance Report: Formidine Rift Discovery
A few days ago, a curious message was discovered by the Hamsters, a group of EM-transmission enthusiasts in the Tionisla system. A short time later, a combined effort from the Children of Raxxla and several other groups decoded the message and discovered it pointed to the Syreadiae JX-F c0 system in the so-called Formidine Rift.
Travelling to the system, pilots discovered a bulk cruiser called the Zurara. The ship's logs painted a haunting picture, indicating that the ship’s crew sabotaged the vessel before killing themselves. The Zurara had been adrift in the system ever since.
April 26, 3303
Freelance Report: Formidine Rift Discovery
A few days ago, a curious message was discovered by the Hamsters, a group of EM-transmission enthusiasts in the Tionisla system. A short time later, a combined effort from the Children of Raxxla and several other groups decoded the message and discovered it pointed to the Syreadiae JX-F c0 system in the so-called Formidine Rift.
Travelling to the system, pilots discovered a bulk cruiser called the Zurara. The ship's logs painted a haunting picture, indicating that the ship’s crew sabotaged the vessel before killing themselves. The Zurara had been adrift in the system ever since.
April 17, 3303
Galactic News: Curious Message Discovered
A group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have found a message in the exploration data gathered last year as part of a campaign organised by the Children of Raxxla.
A spokesperson for the group, which calls itself The Hamsters, said:
“It was inside one of the beacon modulator wave harmonics, and it seems to be some sort of rhyme. We’ve studied it but have come up with nothing, so we thought we’d share it with the galactic community.”
The message is reprinted in full below.
The river to the underworld
Gaia’s daughter all unfurled
Fourth minor bear in vain
By viper’s sting was slain
Also known as Nemesis
The doom of Chimera
She is tasked with soothing pain
Suckling Odysseus from afar
Mother of the mother of
Leader of the Titans
He transformed into a hawk
A daughter of Daedalion’s
The piercer was how he was known
Mother of Ulysses
Ruler of the winds
God of night, primordial flees
Zeus’ namesake now lies in Sol
Achilles’ favoured horse
Women of vengeance infernal
The vain queen rides not forth
A final word, a course to follow, a poor miser’s sum
If you would understand it all, seek Fibonacci’s Zephyrum
April 16, 3303
Galactic News: Curious Message Discovered
A group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have found a message in the exploration data gathered last year as part of a campaign organised by the Children of Raxxla.
A spokesperson for the group, which calls itself The Hamsters, said:
“It was inside one of the beacon modulator wave harmonics, and it seems to be some sort of rhyme. We’ve studied it but have come up with nothing, so we thought we’d share it with the galactic community.”
The message is reprinted in full below.
The river to the underworld
Gaia’s daughter all unfurled
Fourth minor bear in vain
By viper’s sting was slain
Also known as Nemesis
The doom of Chimera
She is tasked with soothing pain
Suckling Odysseus from afar
Mother of the mother of
Leader of the Titans
He transformed into a hawk
A daughter of Daedalion’s
The piercer was how he was known
Mother of Ulysses
Ruler of the winds
God of night, primordial flees
Zeus’ namesake now lies in Sol
Achilles’ favoured horse
Women of vengeance infernal
The vain queen rides not forth
A final word, a course to follow, a poor miser’s sum
If you would understand it all, seek Fibonacci’s Zephyrum
April 8, 3303
Galactic News: Message Received from Col 70 Sector
A weak signal from the Col 70 Sector has been detected by listening posts in both Federal and Imperial space.
The message is incomplete, but it appears to pertain to some kind of rally point. Meanwhile, Federal and Imperial intelligence services have confirmed that thousands of covert and coded messages have recently been transmitted in the vicinity of the Col 70 Sector.
"Something is going out on out there," said an unidentified member of the Imperial intelligence community. "We think it could be...her."
A bounty has been issued for Commanders Salomé, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Raan Corsen, but with all three fugitives still at large, the Empire has increased the bounties to five million for Salomé and two million apiece for Singh and Corsen. An Imperial spokesperson reiterated that pilots should not attempt to communicate with these individuals, and should shoot on sight.
Imperial intelligence services have also placed a bounty on one Commander Yuri Nakamura, referred to as 'Conformist Oboe XX' in an intelligence briefing given to the media. A two-million-credit bounty has been placed on Commander Nakamura.
April 1, 3303
Freelance Report: Imperial Commanders Support Salomé
Reports have been received from Imperial space that many Imperial pilots are defying the standing kill-on-sight order on Commander Salomé. The pilots pledging to support the disgraced senator are offering escort services and fuel, and have even promised to reward other Commanders willing to help.
"The issue is that we are not in possession of the facts," said Commander Jayridium, who is offering up to 50 times the listed bounty to anyone who can arrange a meeting with Salomé. "I am joining the effort to protect her. The truth must be heard!"
Commander Jayridium joins several others in an effort to help Salome – an effort that could make them outcasts.
Peter Brady
March 24, 3303
Galactic News: Perpetrators of Darnielle's Progress Heist Identified
Three of the five individuals responsible for the recent theft of meta-alloys from Darnielle's Progress have been positively identified, following analysis of starport security footage. Remarkably, one of the perpetrators has been acknowledged as Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren.
Loren was sentenced to life imprisonment last year for the attempted murder of Admiral Denton Patreus, but when her convoy was destroyed en route to Koontz Asylum it was assumed she had been killed.
Responding to the news, Imperial authorities promptly placed a galaxy-wide bounty on Salomé to the tune of 500,000 credits.
Meanwhile, Princess Aisling Duval released a brief statement:
"Commander Salomé is a disgraced senator and a convicted murderer. She incites violence wherever she goes, and in the interest of public safety she must be stopped. I urge all those loyal to the Empire to deliver justice to this criminal."
Salomé's accomplices have been identified as former MetaDrive employee Raan Corsen – previously believed deceased – and former Junior Alliance operative Tsu Annabelle Singh. The Empire has placed sizable bounties on both individuals.
Imperial military sources issued the following advice to those interested in pursuing these bounties:
"These individuals should be considered armed and dangerous. Make no attempt to communicate with them. Shoot on sight. Visual evidence of a target's death will guarantee the relevant bounty."
Salomé's current location is unknown, but she is believed to have fled the core systems.
February 3, 3303
Galactic News: Children of Raxxla Release Report
The Children of Raxxla, based in the HR 6421 system, have released an analysis of the exploration data recovered by the galactic community in November last year.
A spokesperson for the organisation said:
"There was a vast amount of data to sift through, but our analysis led to some notable discoveries in the Formidine Rift, the Conflux and Hawkin's Gap. There are indications that some kind of covert mission took place in these regions back in the 3270s. So far we have found shipwrecks, beacons and abandoned settlements dating from that time, and logs and records relating to this strange mission."
"It appears that a fleet was despatched, over 30 years ago, to install a series of beacons in the region. None of the ships returned to their point of origin. It seems that this mission was called 'the Dynasty Project'. The purpose of the mission isn't yet clear, but it was evidently a massive undertaking, particular given the technological limitations of the time – it would have taken a year to complete that journey 30 years ago."
The spokesperson was asked if the data supported the organisation's belief that Kahina Loren was innocent of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus.
"Unfortunately there is nothing in the data that throws new light on Salomé's demise. But before she was arrested, she indicated that these three sectors were significant. We now believe that that is why she was killed."
December 23, 3302
Galactic News: Federal Exploration Programme in Disarray
Last month, the Federation launched an appeal for exploration data from a number of remote locations. A competitive appeal was simultaneously launched by a mysterious group known as the Children of Raxxla, which succeeded in completely derailing the Federal initiative. Karl Devene, head of Astrocartography at Mars High, was forced to resign as a result.
Federal exploration projects are currently on hold as a result of the failed initiative, and Devene's successor has not been announced. Meanwhile, the Children of Raxxla has yet to reveal any findings from the data it received, leading some to speculate that the organisation never intended to.
"I believe it was a cynical attempt to sabotage Federal research," said a spokesperson for Mars High Astrocartography. "It was never about exonerating Salomé – they just used her plight to gain the data at the expense of the Federation. Unfortunately, the galactic community proved itself easily manipulated."
Other commentators have concurred with the analysis. Jackson Trent, associate editor of The Imperial Citizen, said:
"I don't understand the allure of Raxxla. They attacked Patreus's flagship and have proved themselves to be criminals of the worst kind. Patreus dealt with Emperor's Dawn – perhaps it's time for him to deal with the Children of Raxxla."
Salomé, known in Imperial circles as Kahina Loren, was killed when the convoy transporting her to Koontz Asylum was interdicted and destroyed. She had been convicted of the attempted assassination of Denton Patreus.
Meanwhile, independent pilots returning from the expedition have reported a series of curious beacons in deep space, but few details have surfaced.
December 1, 3302
Galactic News: Exploration Data Appeals Conclude
A spokesperson for The Children of Raxxla has announced that its appeal for exploration data has received the enthusiastic support of the galactic community, which delivered large quantities of astronomical data to Sereborv Terminal over the past two weeks. A competing initiative from the Federation proved less popular with the galactic community.
In a brief statement, the spokesperson thanked those who had contributed to the initiative, and continued to say:
"We know there are secrets buried in this data. We only hope we can unlock them in time."
Pilots who contributed to the initiative are now free to collect their rewards from Sereborv Terminal in the HR 6421 system.
November 25, 3302
Galactic News: Prisoner Convoy Destroyed
A prisoner convoy has been interdicted and destroyed in the Daibo system while en route to Koontz Asylum. Wreckage found in Daibo has been positively identified as belonging to the Imperial Cutter 'Diadem' and the Imperial Clippers 'Cypripedium', 'Velum', 'Monile' and 'Vestimenta'.
"Completely wiped out," said one pilot, who was one of the first to respond to the distress call. "By the time I arrived there was nothing but floating debris. We even found wreckage from escape pods. Someone wanted to make sure there were absolutely no survivors. Even the black boxes were blasted."
It has been confirmed that the convoy was carrying various political dissidents, convicted murderers and terrorists. Among them was the infamous Kahina Loren, recently found guilty of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus.
"Maybe someone wanted to give her a merciful death," said the chief editor of The Imperial Citizen. "Better that than what awaited her at Koontz Asylum, for sure."
Plans to hold a memorial service for Loren in the Prism system have already generated angry responses. Princess Aisling Duval was quoted as saying, "A service for her? She was a murderer and a convicted felon! Her name should be struck from the record and never spoken again."
June 18, 3302
Freelance Report: Formidine Rifters Seek Help
The Formidine Rifters are an unlikely collective of explorers from various backgrounds, systems and factional allegiances who have put aside their political differences to work together toward a common goal. For several months, they have been working together to map the region between the two farthest galactic arms just past the Heart and Soul Nebula.
Commander Finn McMillan of the Earth Expeditionary Fleet, one of the many Rifters devoted to this project, addressed the galactic exploration community today:
"We would like to invite all explorers dedicated to expanding human knowledge to join us in the Formidine Rift. We have reason to believe that there is something beyond the galactic arm that may change humanity's view of the cosmos, but we simply need more eyes, ears and minds to help us unravel this mystery."
April 18, 3302
Freelance Report: First Expedition to Rho Cassiopeiae Confirmed
Commander turkwinif, flying an Anaconda specially outfitted for long-distance hyperspace jumps, has become the first pilot to reach Rho Cassiopeiae. The class-F hypergiant star is notable for being visible to the naked eye from Earth, and for being positioned in a particularly hard-to-reach area of what explorers call the Formidine Rift.
Many pilots have previously tried to reach Rho Cassiopeiae, and their lack of success led many to consider the star beyond the reach of current technology. Commander turkwinif reported that reaching the system required careful route planning and the use of numerous FSD fuel injections.
Commander Finn McMillan
April 8, 3302
Galactic News: Congratulations to Distant Worlds Explorers
From a vantage point more than 65,000 light years from Sol, a transmission has been received regarding the Distant Worlds Expedition. Sent by a Commander Salomé, the message congratulates Dr Kaii and Commander Erimus on their colossal achievement, and pays homage to the hundreds of other explorers who took part.
"The voyage has yielded a wealth of exploration data, and may well contain remarkable new discoveries about the galaxy in which we live. It has been a pleasure and privilege to be involved, and I wish all the explorers a safe voyage home."
Early analysis of the recovered data indicates that a number of new routes have been scouted, including pathways to Beagle Point, the Core, the Formidine Rift, the Norma Expanse and many other parts of the galaxy. These routes combine in a complex cobweb, paths through the void. Sceptics were quick to put these discoveries in context, however:
"Scouting a route is all very well, and we applaud the achievements of these adventurers," said Karl Devene, head of Astrocartography at Mars High. "But these explorers should not be under the impression that these areas can be considered even partially charted. There is much that remains to be done."
March 29, 3302
Freelance Report: Distant Worlds Expedition Reaches Beagle Point
Nearly three months ago, approximately 1,000 pilots set a course for Ceeckia ZQ-L c24-0, informally designated 'Beagle Point,' on the far side of the Milky Way.
This week, Distant Worlds Expedition coordinators announced that some members of the fleet have reached their destination. A charismatic member of the expedition – a Commander by the name of Salomé – was among the first to arrive at Beagle Point.
A total of 23 pre-arranged waypoints have helped to organise the fleet and facilitate social interaction, including SRV races. Unfortunately, this coordination has not completely mitigated losses: of the 1,000 commanders who set out for Beagle Point, it is estimated that only 25% have survived the 81,500 light-year journey, and it's likely that the return journey will result in further losses.
Commander Corrigendum
March 26, 3302
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
This report presents the latest data on expansion among the galaxy's minor factions.
Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems:
Shongbon Comms Systems
Children of Raxxla
Alliance of Totjob'al
Wargis Citizens' Forum
LHS 2771 Party
Baka'wa Partnership
Wolf 980 Purple Crew
Future of 12 Persei
Anna Perenna Industries
- LHS 191 Values Party
Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced.