Galactic News

  • September 11, 3309
  • Sirius Corporation Discusses Thargoid Abductions

    Sirius Corporation has revealed a long-running project to rescue people who were captured by the Thargoids.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui made this statement during a press conference:

    “Shortly after the early reports of Thargoid Interceptors collecting inhabited escape pods were received, Sirius has explored several possible countermeasures. Various remote recovery methods had been designed, although only a few prototypes were ever constructed.”

    “Now that the Thargoids are conducting widespread, systematic abductions of living humans, we believe that this research may prove crucial to saving millions of lives. Sirius Corporation is willing to bypass the commercial potential of our work and share it directly with Aegis. I have personally requested a meeting with Professor Tesreau to provide details and discuss options.”

    Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, who oversees the Alliance’s contributions to Aegis, was invited to comment by the Old Worlds Gazette:

    “The Assembly has no knowledge of this project, since it falls outside of our strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation. My concern is whether this comes with an expectation of a reciprocal data exchange. Li Yong-Rui’s offer sounds like an altruistic gesture, but sometimes the true price of information is unclear. I intend to discuss this with the other Aegis coordinators before any decisions are made.”

    Aegis is currently gathering resources for an upgraded pulse wave xeno scanner, which can locate human captives held on Thargoid Titans. There has been speculation that Sirius Corporation’s research may prove useful to the anticipated next step: rescuing those abductees from their confinement.

  • September 7, 3309
  • Rescue Megaships Scheduled to Redeploy

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The eleven megaships coordinating evacuation efforts from Thargoid-invaded systems are set to move over the next few weeks.

    Military analysis of the current front line has highlighted that the distance between active conflict areas and the megaships can be decreased with an acceptably low degree of risk. Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, part of the Imperial delegation to Aegis, offered this comment:

    “Shortening the distance between systems which require humanitarian support and the megaships responsible for coordinating that support is important. Until now we have urged caution to maintain their current safe positions, since these vessels are obvious targets for Thargoid attack. But as our brave pilots continue to regain territory and push the alien forces back, we feel confident that this is the right decision.”

    From September 7th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 14th, with missions offered once again:

    Rescue Ship Foerster

    Rescue Ship Hutner

    Rescue Ship Seacole

    Rescue Ship Yoshida

    Allied Solace

    From September 14th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 21st, with missions offered once again:

    Rescue Ship Bertschinger

    Rescue Ship Cavell

    Rescue Ship Cornwallis

    Rescue Ship Kisseih

    Imperial Sanctum

    Federal Haven

    Any ships or modules stored on the rescue megaships will be transported safely to the new location.

  • Upgraded Xeno Scanner Requires Resources

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis aims to provide an update to the pulse wave xeno scanner that can locate captive humans on Thargoid Titans.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, informed the media about the project:

    “Information provided by Seo Jin-ae suggests that people abducted by the Thargoids are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships inside ‘pods’. This theory makes sense - since Thargoid atmospheres are toxic to humans, any captives are surely sealed in an environment that meets their respiratory and nutritional needs.”

    “The pulse wave xeno scanner has been modified by Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians, working in concert using Aegis’s communications protocols. The module’s electromagnetic pulse technology aims to identify these pods by detecting several key markers generated by living humans.”

    “A broader effort to prepare for humanitarian rescue efforts is underway, but we have encountered a shortage of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. Shipments of these materials are urgently required to support the crews onboard rescue megaships in its vital work.”

    Contributors are asked to transport these commodities to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. The CD-51 1447 Imperial Society has agreed to coordinate the enterprise on behalf of Aegis, and will protect deliveries by redeeming bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system.

  • September 5, 3309
  • Wallglass to Probe Rackham’s Past

    The Federal Times has hired the Wallglass Investigations Agency to prove that presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once a pirate lord.

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long claimed that the business magnate obtained his initial fortune via piracy. Wallglass, an independent firm that is much respected in the intelligence community, is seeking evidence to validate this accusation.

    Harlan Turk, Rackham’s running mate in the election, has lobbied for Congress to halt the investigation. He asserted: “The Federal Times is breaching the impartiality rules of journalism, and violating the security measures afforded to all presidential candidates.”

    Political ICE-caster Sura Oyekan also voiced her objections: “This is an outrageous attack on the reputation of a respected public figure, a great man who has contributed so much to Federal commerce and culture.”

    There was a more speculative approach from independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse:

    “Hiring the Wallglass Investigations Agency to dig up dirt on Zachary Rackham is a smart move, albeit an expensive one. They’ll already have insights from their own detectives Gunnarson and Wolfe, who infiltrated the Jokers’ Deck gambling circle and found Rackham was a member. Or was he really there to quietly fund the coup against Archon Delaine by two of his own arch-corsairs? I think we all know the answer.”

    “Wallglass might also have access to the finance systems of Rackham Capital Investments, which were originally acquired by a hacktivist group known as the Collective. These nameless geniuses stole a billion credits – the same amount suspiciously won by Rackham in the Federal Grand Lottery – and distributed it to former employees whose pensions had been illegally withheld. Bravo!”

    “The latest rumours are that Wallglass has tracked down fellow pirate Taja Gavaris, the ex-CFO who attempted a corporate takeover. Allegedly she fled Federal space after Rackham counter-blackmailed her, but if anyone knows where the bodies are buried, it’s Gavaris. I’m expecting some juicy revelations soon.”

  • September 1, 3309
  • Materials Received to Construct Duval Statues

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A campaign by a minor Imperial Family member to deliver precious materials to Laedla has concluded.

    The shipments of gold, jadeite and platinum will be used to construct statues of Duval family members, to be erected in public spaces in planetary cities across the Empire.

    The project is the brainchild of Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval, who announced:

    “I am deeply grateful to all the pilots who mined or transported the resources we required. Work has already begun to forge them into beautiful works of art, commemorating past Emperors and other noble holders of the Duval name.”

    “It is my honour to confirm the first two statues will be of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, located in the palace’s central plaza on Capitol, and of Lady Florence Lavigny, placed within the main square of Topaz’s capital city alongside the memorial sculpture of Emperor Hengist.”

    Laedla Empire Assembly is now offering payment to those who delivered the required materials to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Bounty vouchers for all wanted ships destroyed within the system will also be redeemed.

  • Aegis Leak Confirms Vanishing Populations

    A private discussion among Aegis leadership regarding mass Thargoid abductions has been made public.

    Recordings of Professor Alba Tesreau, Aden Tanner and Seo Jin-ae were sent to and published by all newsfeeds, including the Pilots’ Federation. File data shows that their conversation took place shortly before Professor Tesreau’s statement to the media on July 18th, in Alba Tesreau’s office at Aegis headquarters in Duamta.

    After a brief period of speculation, Seo Jin-ae herself confirmed that she released the logs. Seo indicated that rumours circulating on ‘alternative ICE channels’ of Aegis withholding information from the public were false, and that Tesreau intended to announce evidence of human abductions even before the Dedicant tragedy brought the news to prominence.

    Ernesto Rios analysed the new information in an article for Vox Galactica:

    “Leaks of classified information are nothing new, but it is rare that they support rather than damage the target organisation. According to these recordings, the topic of millions of people missing from Thargoid-invaded systems was carefully considered prior to Aegis informing the public.”

    “A significant revelation relates to the visions experienced by Seo Jin-ae. She tells Tesreau and Tanner: ‘An image keeps repeating… Rows and rows of what I thought were eggs.’ But then clarifies: ‘They’re pods. Containers for humans.’ Seo claims that abducted people are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships. The reason remains unknown, though Seo insists the abductees are ‘important to the next phase of the Thargoid invasion.’”

    “Tanner then queries that Aegis might develop a way to recover these pods. We have yet to see confirmation that Aegis is investigating this possibility. But the prospect of extracting prisoners from within the fearsome Titans will only appeal to the most courageous or foolhardy pilots.”

  • August 31, 3309
  • Human Presence Causes Thargoid Withdrawal

    The Thargoids have unexpectedly abandoned the region around Wregoe BU-Y b2-0, mere days after being discovered.

    They were believed to be present due to an ancient site on the planet Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 1 c, which hosted a conflict between Guardian and Thargoid forces millions of years ago. Aegis has confirmed reports that all Thargoids have now disappeared from that area of space. Aden Tanner delivered a summary:

    “Our pilots can no longer detect a single Thargoid ship anywhere in that region. In military terms, they have undertaken a full tactical withdrawal. It usually requires overwhelming firepower to drive out Thargoid forces, especially from multiple systems. In this case, there was no fleet action or anti-xeno operation sufficiently large to cause this response.”

    Dr Jeong-Hui Shin of the Holloway Bioscience Institute observed:

    “This is atypical behaviour for the Thargoid species. Their territorial instincts are usually aggravated by the arrival of humans, as witnessed in several of the nebula colonies. It is unprecedented for them to avoid engaging us in battle. We can only theorise that their purpose for being in this region was interrupted, perhaps even invalidated, by our presence.”

    Dev Venkatesh, a prominent xeno-peace advocate and former lecturer at Orion University, told Vox Galactica:

    “Frankly, this is a disappointing development. Here was a chance to observe this intelligent race in a non-combat environment, but it’s clear that our ships disrupted the Thargoids’ plans. I find it encouraging, however, that they chose to simply retreat instead of fight. We must hope that a similar opportunity will one day present itself, and perhaps we can approach it with greater caution.”

  • August 29, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: August 3309

    Vox Galactica’s Jade Sanderlyn reviews developments in the ongoing war against the Thargoids.

    “There have been some impressive territorial gains against the Thargoids in recent weeks. The number of systems controlled by the Titans’ invasion fleets has tumbled, allowing many millions of people to return to their homes. This is largely thanks to coordinated action by independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons.”

    “However, I take no pleasure in reporting that the ‘unsubstantiated rumours’ I discussed last month are true. The Thargoids’ increased interest in capturing escape pods has been verified, with the appearance of a new vessel designed for this very task. Scythe-class hunters are now launching attacks en masse, using a combination of unique hull-breaching munitions and recovery drones to abduct living people.”

    “It’s believed that the Scythes were responsible for the disappearance of thousands aboard the Dedicant. There’s a horrific irony that most of these abductees were members of the Order of the Far God, finally getting their wish to be saved by their ‘angels’. From the logs found aboard the megaship, adrift in the HIP 19600 system, there was nothing holy about the experience.”

    “It’s fair to say that these latest revelations are further proof of the fluid nature of the war. They prove that the Thargoids are still adapting their tactics to the current challenge humans provide. What purposes they may have for human specimens remains unknown. But the psychological impact of that mystery – not knowing what they’re doing with the people they capture – will weaken the morale of many anti-xeno fighters.”

    “Another discovery this month was a planetary site in the Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 system. This contained both Guardian ruins and crashed Thargoid vessels, and is only the second of its kind ever recorded. More intriguingly, Thargoids active in the region are not attacking human ships on sight.”

    “Several pilots told me that this is still normal Thargoid behaviour near some of our populated nebula colonies. But xeno-peace activists feel that this discovery presents an opportunity. The Holloway Bioscience Institute is already planning an independent research expedition to the area. We’ll be watching what happens there very closely.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Now more than ever, stay safe out there.”

  • August 28, 3309
  • Rackham Refutes Rumours

    Presidential candidate Zachary Rackham has denied allegations that he was a notorious pirate lord prior to becoming an entrepreneur.

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long maintained that the business magnate gained his initial fortune by means of piracy. She recently announced that she was renewing efforts to prove his criminality, thereby invalidating him from holding the presidency under Federal electoral laws.

    In an exclusive interview with Sol Today, Mr Rackham addressed the situation:

    “I’ve always been highly amused by these stories, which make out that I was some kind of swashbuckling corsair in my youth. No doubt they’ve helped boost sales of The Federal Times.”

    “But in the Federation, we have laws to protect innocent people – just like me! – from libellous accusations. It’s time for Ms Blanco to discard her poisonous obsession with me, or I’ll be forced to defend my good name through legal means. Hey, if she needs a good source of income, my campaign could always find use for an imaginative speech writer!”

    In response, The Federal Times published a personal article by Bryanna Blanco:

    “Rackham does have one genuine talent: covering his tracks. With all his money and resources, he’s erased all evidence of his past. I’ve interviewed plenty of victims and witnesses, but most of my discoveries won’t stand up in court against his powerful legal team.”

    “So, with special funding provided by my editor, I’ve turned to the professionals. The Wallglass Investigations Agency has been hired to prove that Rackham operated as a pirate lord. If they can’t find irrefutable proof, nobody can. And if I’m proved wrong, then Calico Zack can take his shot at stealing the entire Federation.”

  • August 25, 3309
  • Deliveries Requested to Commemorate Duval Family

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Shipments of precious materials are needed in the Laedla system to build statues honouring the House of Duval.

    Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval made a public announcement to launch the initiative:

    “We are all relieved that our beloved Imperial Mother is on the path to recovery. In such times, we must remember how much all citizens owe to the Duval dynasty, whose thousand-year reign has brought peace and prosperity to trillions.”

    “In honour of Her Majesty the Emperor and all those who came before her, I am arranging for mighty statues to adorn the public plazas of many Imperial worlds. Using the finest quality gold, jadeite and platinum, we will construct impressive monuments to the architects of our glorious Empire.”

    The Imperial Herald published a related piece by royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard:

    “Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval is the son of Prince Baylor Duval, one of Emperor Hesketh’s brothers, who married into the House of Lombardo nearly a century ago. This offshoot branch of the Imperial Family are survivors of the mass assassinations perpetrated by the NMLA, as a result of which their prominence among the nobility has risen.”

    “Emperor Arissa has given the statues her personal blessing, but the mood within the palace is mixed. Some view Archduke Otto as having delusions of grandeur. Others consider him an opportunist looking to ingratiate himself with more prominent family members. But perhaps this is a simple gesture in good faith – a swift response to Florence Lavigny’s request for unity within the royal family.”

    The required resources can be delivered to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Laedla Empire Assembly, which is providing logistical support and security for the project, will redeem bounty vouchers for wanted ships in the system.

  • August 22, 3309
  • The Case Against ‘Calico Zack’

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has renewed her investigation into Zachary Rackham, seeking to invalidate him from the Federal presidential race.

    “Thirty years ago, the mysterious ‘Calico Zack’ gained a reputation as a notorious pirate lord. In some backwaters, tales are still told of how he personally led countless raids against cargo ships and passenger liners. Allegedly there were very few casualties in his wake, since the pirate always focused on hijacking valuables rather than causing bloodshed.”

    “As Calico Zack’s wealth and influence grew, Archon Delaine viewed him as a threat and planned to go to war. This may be what prompted him abandon piracy. He laundered his ill-gotten gains via shell corporations and stock investments, reinventing himself as Federal entrepreneur Zachary Rackham.”

    “Since those days – which he now claims were spent as a struggling trader – Rackham has become a trillionaire. He has absorbed companies, funded grandiose structures, and plastered his name wherever he could. Rackham Capital Investments is largely run by former pirate comrades turned businessmen, which has led to a few violent ‘resignations’ over the years.”

    “Rackham’s presidential candidacy has inspired me to redouble my efforts to expose his criminal past. I cannot imagine what the Federation will become if he is elected to high office.”

    The Federal Times has come under fire from Zachary Rackham’s supporters, claiming it is acting on the orders of his political rivals. An editorial in rival newsfeed Sol Today said:

    “Bryanna Blanco was once a highly respected reporter, but should be facing libel charges for this kind of mudslinging. She has pursued a years-long vendetta against Rackham with very little to show for it, and her articles often recycle discredited conspiracy theories.”

    A Federal Intelligence Agency spokesperson stated:

    “Mr Rackham is a long-standing member of the FIA Civilian Oversight Board. There has never been any evidence that might cause us to open a criminal investigation into his activities.”

  • August 18, 3309
  • Duvals Rally Around Imperial Mother

    Lady Florence Lavigny is recuperating from a serious illness, but the experience has prompted her to call for changes within the Imperial Family.

    Official sources confirmed that the Imperial Mother remains under constant medical supervision at her home on Topaz, following a successful surgical procedure. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has now returned to the Imperial Palace on Capitol, and is being regularly updated about her mother’s condition.

    Countess Guinevere Lavigny, cousin to the Emperor and niece of Lady Lavigny, also visited Topaz. She told a local reporter:

    “My aunt is now able to communicate properly for short periods, and is dwelling on the past a great deal. She talks about wanting to bring together our entire family, and resolving minor disagreements which have lingered for too long. This is something that my brother Lucius and I have always felt is long overdue, so I hope she gets her wish.”

    The Imperial Herald’s royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard speculated:

    “Uniquely, Florence Lavigny has earned the respect of everyone connected to the Imperial Family over the past decade. She alone could heal the rifts between Emperor Arissa, Princess Aisling and Hadrian Duval, which have become more pronounced in recent months. Minor members of the Empire’s ruling dynasty might also find their fortunes changed by the Imperial Mother’s plans.”

    “It’s worth remembering that the details of Lady Lavigny’s illness were never made public. Are her calls for unity prompted by thoughts of mortality? Perhaps time is of the essence if she seeks to make lasting changes to the House of Duval.”

  • August 17, 3309
  • Ancient Alien Battleground Discovered

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Wreckage from a past conflict between the Guardian and Thargoid races has been found in the Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 system.

    The crashed remains of Thargoid vessels, alongside structures of Guardian origin, are located on Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 1 c. Conflict between the two species occurred millions of years ago, but physical evidence of this is extremely rare. The only comparable site, in the Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2 system, was initially found two centuries ago by the Azimuth Biochemicals ship Proteus and rediscovered in 3307.

    Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 was one of several systems under investigation following a report by Commander Renia Rakowski, who encountered a Thargoid interceptor in nearby Wregoe GA-X B3-0.

    The Holloway Bioscience Institute has sent teams into the area to explore the possibility of xenoarchaeological research. Dr Jeong-Hui Shin gave a statement to The Sovereign newsfeed:

    “It is fascinating that none of the Thargoid vessels operating in this region are immediately aggressive. One of our theories is that they are still following million-year-old orders to attack the Guardians. Therefore, from their perspective, humans are an unknown species and not identified as an enemy. Alternatively, they may be pursuing non-combat functions such as meta-alloy harvesting, as with the Thargoids that can still be found in some nebulas.”

    Prominent xeno-peace advocates including Timothy Culver, Bernadette Wells and Dev Venkatesh have called for further study of the area. They claim that this is “an opportunity for non-hostile interactions with the Thargoids,” who may have developed “an autonomous subculture that is more amenable to coexistence with humanity, providing certain boundaries are respected.”

    Other pro-peace groups have demanded that naval forces should not be sent into the region, as the Thargoids may view this as a provocation. At present, Aegis is focused entirely on gathering information and is not aware of any anti-xeno deployments against Wregoe BU-Y b2-0.

  • August 15, 3309
  • Alien Abduction Evidence Increases

    Newsfeeds and ICE-casts have reacted to Aegis’s theory that the Thargoids have purposefully captured tens of millions of living humans.

    Eyewitness testimonies provided by independent pilots have given credence to this theory. Citizens’ Chronicle featured the following account from Imperial auxiliary Commander Luca Redondo:

    “It was a sickening sight, watching Scythes hunt down survivors. A part of me wanted to start blasting the escape pods rather than let those poor people be eaten, or experimented on, or whatever the hell the Thargoids want them for. There was nothing my squadron could do to save them, not without risking the refugees we were carrying. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping well for a long time.”

    Many reporters have interviewed people still waiting to hear from those who once lived in Thargoid-occupied systems. Vox Galactica has published several such stories:

    “My ex-husband took our kids to visit his family last November, just before the Maelstroms arrived. Their last message was so happy, telling me their adventures, promising to call me tomorrow. But there was no tomorrow. Just static from the entire system. Every day since then I’ve contacted the refugee centres, repeating their names over and over. It’s my whole life now. There’s nothing else.”

    An editorial in The Federal Free Press called for greater pressure to be placed on Aegis and the authorities:

    “It’s outrageous that this was kept out of the public domain for so long, with the Thargoids taking prisoners for months. Why was this suppressed by those in power? We owe it to those millions of people to do everything we can to rescue them.”

    An alternative viewpoint was outlined by Timothy Culver, a prominent xeno-peace activist, on his ICE-cast channel:

    “Humans have been capturing and experimenting on Thargoids since we first encountered them, so we certainly don’t occupy the moral high ground. But I also believe that they are primarily seeking to understand us. I urge everyone to study Commander Rakowski’s recent report, which proves that not every Thargoid vessel sees us as an enemy.”

  • August 14, 3309
  • Distant Thargoid Encounter Raises Questions

    An independent explorer has reported an unusual incident involving a Thargoid vessel, hundreds of light years away from the ongoing invasion.

    Commander Renia Rakowski told her story to Vox Galactica:

    “I’d been gathering exploration data for weeks without seeing another soul. Boring, I know, but I like a quiet life. As I jumped out of the Wregoe GA-X B3-0 system, my ship rocked violently and I panicked, thinking the hyperdrive had failed. I barely saw it at first, black against the black of space, until its outline glowed. A Thargoid interceptor. Just like on the newsfeeds, but right outside my canopy.”

    “I’ve never been in combat before, and my ship carries no weapons anyway, so I thought this was the end of me. My heart was drumming as I stared at the alien, and it stared back like some giant lidless eye. A writhing light lashed out, this rasping howl came over the comms, and then… it left. I wasn’t dead, which was quite the surprise.”

    “I watched it gliding away, its petals rotating and revolving, sort of beautifully I suppose. It actually turned its back on me, like I was some insignificant speck unworthy of attention. I’ve never been so glad to be boring.”

    Commodore Emil Varga, the Alliance’s military liaison to Aegis, provided a follow-up statement:

    “This incident took place a considerable distance from the Maelstroms. Initially, we feared this was evidence that new Titans had arrived and were performing a flanking manoeuvre. However, if the interceptor had been part of the invasion fleets, it would have opened fire immediately after hyperdiction occurred.”

    “The immediate area around Wregoe GA-X B3-0 contains no barnacle sites or records of Thargoid activity that we’re aware of. Universal Cartographics confirmed we have some basic exploration data for that part of the Wregoe sector, but no previous Thargoid encounters. Civilians are warned to stay away from that region until we know more.”

  • August 10, 3309
  • Aegis Investigates Missing Populations

    An analysis of survivors from recent Thargoid conflicts and invasions has raised the possibility of human abductions on a colossal scale.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, delivered a personal statement to the media:

    “A few months ago I was contacted by Zuri Afolayan , a senior analyst for Safeguard Interstellar. Her job involves collating civil and military data to determine where emergency aid is most needed. She had identified consistent discrepancies between the registered populations of Thargoid-occupied systems and all confirmed deaths, refugees and stranded survivors.”

    “Aegis performed detailed comparisons of Ms Afolayan’s findings with other sources. This led to one inescapable conclusion: tens of millions of people have vanished since the start of the war.”

    “No doubt many deaths have gone unrecorded, and many others have fled into deep space. But the recent appearance of the Scythe-class hunter, coupled with events aboard the Dedicant megaship, suggest that at least some have been taken into captivity.”

    “I am very conscious that this statement may be seen as alarmist and speculative. But our xenologists and strategists are considering the implications of a mass abduction programme by the Thargoids. Any opportunity to recover these lost souls will be explored as a priority.”

    Field correspondent Ernesto Rios published his observations via Vox Galactica:

    “It’s a well-documented fact that Thargoid vessels occasionally take onboard occupied escape pods. But Aegis now believes that the aliens are no longer just attacking humanity – they are attempting to capture us alive en masse.”

    “What are we to them? Prisoners of war? Food for their young? Fuel for their biomechanical technology? Or is this just misinterpreted data and battlefield rumours? In my career I have heard many of these, and in this instance I’m praying that is the case.”

  • August 9, 3309
  • Thargoid Scythes Undertake ‘Human Harvest’

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A new type of Thargoid vessel is hyperdicting human ships and capturing living passengers.

    Aegis has designated the hunter-class alien ship as a ‘Scythe’. Aden Tanner released an assessment of its capabilities:

    “This Thargoid vessel has been designed not just for combat, but to hyperdict ships and extract human beings from them. Our observations of its tactics suggesting that abduction is its primary purpose.”

    “A Scythe’s initial attack mirrors that of its Glaive cousin, by attempting to disable frame shift drives and deplete shields. It then launches a unique strike to makes passenger cabins and cargo holds uninhabitable. The resulting escape pods are rapidly drawn onboard onto the Scythe intact.”

    Further observations were made by Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis:

    "Due to their modus operandi, it now seems likely that the Dedicant’s population was forced to abandon the megaship and subsequently abducted en masse by these vessels.”

    “The Thargoids have been capturing escape pods for years, but now it seems to have become a strategic priority. Perhaps they view ‘harvesting’ us in the same way as obtaining meta-alloys from barnacle sites. We can only imagine what unpleasant intentions they have for living human specimens.”

  • August 4, 3309
  • Cultists Blamed for Dedicant Tragedy

    President Zachary Hudson has accused the Order of the Far God of being directly responsible for the fate of the Dedicant megaship.

    “Our assessment of these Thargoid-worshipping extremists has been proved correct,” he told The Federal Times. “Hijacking the Dedicant to deliver it to their alien gods is an act of treason and mass murder.”

    “I have ordered the Proactive Detection Bureau to root out every deluded individual with sympathies for this twisted cult. Automatic life sentences will ensure that these traitors never again put innocent people at risk.”

    The declaration brought political pressure on all three presidential candidates to state their intentions for the Far God cult should they be elected.

    Vice President Jerome Archer: “I will be pleased to continue President Hudson’s policy on dealing with these religious fanatics: stricter controls, increased surveillance and tougher sentences.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Regardless of their misguided beliefs, thousands of former citizens also lost their lives during this Thargoid attack. I am lobbying for an independent security review into these tragic events.”

    Zachary Rackham: “Hear me out. There’s a simple solution to all this. When I’m president, only criminals will pay tax. That’ll be a far more effective deterrent than imprisonment!”

    Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an expert on the Order of the Far God, observed that the cultists had no way of communicating with the Thargoids: “The deeply distressing logs found on the Dedicant prove that the arrival of the Thargoids was unexpected, and certainly not the rapturous experience they believed it would be.”

    The Federal Intelligence Agency is continuing to investigate the Dedicant in the HIP 19600 system. The Alliance’s amnesty programme with the Federation has been officially halted, but the Far God religion remains legal in most Allied territories.

  • August 3, 3309
  • The Fate of the Dedicant

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The lost megaship Dedicant has been located in HIP 19600, with signs of Thargoid attack and all inhabitants missing.

    The Dedicant was being prepared by Federal authorities to deport imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God when it unexpectedly jumped into hyperspace. Pilots who helped decipher its fragmented distress call were informed of the recent discovery by the Imperial Navy.

    Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency issued a statement:

    “We can confirm that the Dedicant has been discovered adrift in the HIP 19600 system. There is evidence that the Thargoids penetrated the hull in multiple locations, and thousands of escape pods were launched. Unusually, there are no bodies onboard and we have not been able to locate any of the escape pods. The whereabouts of all three FIA security teams and over 8,000 Far God cultists cannot be determined.”

    “A series of personal logs, portraying some harrowing experiences, are helping us to piece together what happened during the Dedicant’s disappearance. We are liaising with military intelligence to learn more.”

    In related news, Aegis made an announcement on all public channels:

    “Independent observers have detected a new type of Thargoid vessel operating within the Maelstroms. Little is known of their capabilities as yet. They have been provisionally classified as a ‘hunter’ due to their size, which is similar to the Glaive.”

    “Aegis has only corroborated sightings of these ships in close proximity to the Thargoid Titans. However, we have received reports that they may be active elsewhere. Pilots are advised to exercise maximum caution if they encounter these vessels.”

  • July 28, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: July 3309

    <p>Vox Galactica journalist Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest news emerging from the front lines of the conflict. “Events in the war continue to move quickly, sometimes outpacing the ‘speed of news’. In my last update, I mentioned that the Thargoids had occupied over a thousand systems. But by the time that was published, the number had reduced considerably. According to my sources, anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots are reclaiming systems at a higher rate than Thargoids can conquer them.” “This incredible achievement suggests we are finally gaining the advantage in this war. The hopelessness that many have felt over the last nine months is now tempered with optimism. Our naval forces are proving that the alien fleet is not undefeatable.” “My sources also passed on some unsettling stories from pilots working beyond the frontline systems. A few of them seem to think that the Thargoids’ interest in occupied escape pods – which is well documented – has recently increased. Apparently, there have been claims that Thargoid vessels went out of their way to abduct escape pods launched from ships damaged in battle.” “These are little more than unsubstantiated rumours, of course, and not something I would usually include in a factual report. But we know so little about the Thargoids that even circumstantial changes in their behaviour might be significant. And I can’t be the only one who finds such tales chilling.” “Otherwise, the most significant news this month was Azimuth Biotech’s corporate convention and the launch of its AX module redesign. Aegis clearly has the lead in both public sentiment and government support at this time, but it seems like Azimuth has no intention of ceasing its contributions to the war effort anytime soon.” “This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”</p>